Why is the sweetest fruit always just out of your reach?
I guess it would be boring if it was always at your feet.
Even with the tallest of ladders it's tantalisingly close,
Filling you with a false sense of hope.
Throwing sticks to dislodge it may bruise it,
Wait for it to fall and you may lose it.
So here's my tip, one helpful little fact
Cut down the tree with a bloody great axe!
Wednesday 2nd May 2018 4:28 pm
Depth Charge
Sitting here in semi lucid contemplation
I started thinking about depth perception
So here's my conclusion that you can keep
Depth perception is very, very deep!
Friday 15th December 2017 1:14 pm
Wanted to call this 'F**k You Heroin' or 'From Mirror to Mirror' but decided upon 'No Problem' (I think)
I had looked into life's mirror to see
Life's reflection showing all that I could be
Then the mirror cracked and shattered and I saw
My zenith had been reached that there was no more
At that point you made yourself aware to me
Promising to repair the mirror in it's entirety
Presenting it as a fairy tale portal
Virtual mirror mirror on the wall
Images and visions of a life without pain
Thursday 14th December 2017 2:00 pm
His alarm clock is the dawn chorus
Cardboard boxes his mattress
A sack stuffed with newspaper
Is his makeshift duvet and cover
Shop doorway for a bedroom
Shaggy dog his constant companion
He greets the day with a toothless grin
As the first rays of sun smile back at him
Today, he thinks, things will not change
Encounters of both sympathy and rage
A friendly word with the police no doub...
Saturday 9th December 2017 4:22 pm
Healing Your Heart.
Your eyes supply the unfortunate clue
The uneven pathway of tears
Give away the hurt you have been through
Ripped apart, picked apart your heart
When something so beautiful has been broken
It can never be as it once was
Put back together and possibly re-awoken
Held in place by sheer will and hope
No matter how much of your heart you give me
I will respect it
No matter how much of yo...
Wednesday 29th November 2017 1:40 pm
Words and Truth
Some words are painful
When those words are true
Take care how you use them
From your point of view
Truth can be hidden
When words are untrue
Truth can be lethal
It can break you in two
Choices selective
Perspectives reviewed
Pathways unbroken
Journey construed
Endings are final
Bridges are burnt
Return tickets
Cannot be earned
The truth of your words
Is there in their mea...
Tuesday 28th November 2017 3:34 pm
My Choice
A knock at the door this morning rather disturbed me
" Hello, this Christmas will you be lonely?"
I will be lonely tomorrow and the day after
" We can provide companionship and a dinner"
I will be lonely next week and next month
" All we ask is that you Praise the Truth"
I will be lonely next year and the one to follow
" Come, join us it is our pleasure and honour"
I will be lonely because...
Monday 27th November 2017 1:37 pm
The day starts with a huge yawn and aches.
What light through nearest window shines, sodium arc.
The red eyed LED monster displays the digits 05:15.
Time for this aching body to rise and attempt to shine.
Bone and floorboard joints creak in unison,
As if composing the melody for the morning song.
Feeble fingers seek and search for the switch,
With which to flood these eyes with waves of lig...
Friday 24th November 2017 2:59 pm
Love Hate?
Her name slips again from my mind
Memory instantly fogged
Her face in grace begins to fade
Images in stages blocked
Hair so soft, so fair and golden
No, I forget, was it dark or auburn?
A smile a mile wide now gone
Deep frown looking down upon
A smirk, a quirk a look tacit?
Eyes of lies and duplicitous deceit?
Heart so dark as to wholly infect
Her memory, with rapidity depart.
Her name...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 1:53 pm
Wake Up
That time of day has returned once more
The red eyes of the clock do show
My own red eyes it's time to rise
And once more upon the world gaze
Risen before me the red sun
Paints the sky a light crimson
Shades of red flood my room
Floorboards squeal their usual tune
As I lightly tread towards my door
Ignoring protestations from the floor below
So starts another day mundane
Dancing in the ...
Thursday 9th November 2017 4:57 pm
From Here to Hades
Battle scarred and weary
We all board the final ferry
Prices and tolls paid in full
On the ferry's oars we pull
The oars dip with hardly a splash
It's wooden prow cuts a path
Through waters dark and obsidian
Swimming with souls no longer living
Features distorted by every ripple
Obscene gesticulation of the sinful
Displayed as if by bioluminescence
Bluish green light that never ends
Wednesday 8th November 2017 1:56 pm
Another one from the crazy dream collection ( as yet untitled)
Here we go with some more imagery
From my strange dreams scenery
It starts with me living in an old house
Vermin free, not a single mouse
There are few people in the frame
Someone suggests we all play a game
Then I'm playing a game of hide and seek
I'm in a tree busting for a leak
I cannot give my place away
For this is a game I love to play
Now and then I cast a glance
Between the leav...
Monday 6th November 2017 1:09 pm
There are stories of old
That have been re told
Time and time again
Of a final Armageddon
Puppeteers pull the strings
Of darkness that ultimately brings
An end to all that is good in the world
When Evil's banner is finally unfurled
There are stories of old
Revamped and re told
How did these stories begin?
Tales of the final Armageddon.
In the beginning all was darkness
A voi...
Saturday 4th November 2017 3:20 pm
Sailing With The Stars (revised)
Oh dear last nights dream was weird
And it had nothing to do with a baby's beard!
I was working back aboard an old ship
Taking a rather extended trip
I've no idea where we were heading
But the sea was calm and the sun shining
On board was something of a motley crew
Trust me, in the past I have sailed with a few!
The skipper was Mr. Neil Armstrong
We knew he would not steer us wrong
Friday 3rd November 2017 2:56 pm
Sailing With The Stars ( Pythons get silly in this one)
Oh dear last nights dream was weird
And it had nothing to do with baby beards!
I was working back on an old ship
Taking a rather extended trip
I've no idea where we were heading
But the sea was calm and the sun shining
On board was something of a motley crew
Trust me, in the past I have sailed with a few
The skipper was Neil Armstrong
We knew he would not steer us wrong
Navigating by the...
Tuesday 24th October 2017 4:05 pm
Wind Up
I often have this wicked thought
Of tricks to play with a twenty pound note
I'd take my fishing reel and rod
And attach the note with a knowing nod
I'd cast the note upon the street
Right in front of peoples feet
Then slowly I would start to retreive
And see how many I could deceive
I know I would start to guffaw
At the people who I saw
Chasing after that rogue twenty
I'm betting there ...
Tuesday 24th October 2017 3:14 pm
Technophobic Dream
There is another dream I dread
I cannot get it out of my head
Switching on my laptop
For a nice bit of catch up
It crashes and explodes
Then displays a fault code
This all then becomes moot
After a full re boot
Now I can finally begin
The ceremony of login
Failing to recognise my fingerprint
A message gives a password hint
I wipe and swipe over again
Still access I fail to gain
Monday 23rd October 2017 1:21 pm
Baby Beard
In last nights dream I was babysitting
A small child whose sides were splitting
I made him laugh oh so much
Tickling him with a delicate touch
The weird thing was his mother was there
Sat opposite me in a comfortable armchair
As I looked at her I began to doubt
Whether she really wanted to go out
Then things really began to get weird
I noticed the little baby had a beard
It was plain and...
Friday 20th October 2017 2:11 pm
Ain't Broke, Yet ( A comical composition of a real life event many years ago!
I really should know better
Than to try and fix my broken computer
There are too many wires within
And just where is the recycle bin
Oh my dear lord
What if I upset my motherboard
Oops that wasn't too hard
I just destroyed my graphics card
And I really think there should be a ban
On me tinkering with the heat sync fan
This stuff is so hard to describe
As I push a screw driver through th...
Thursday 19th October 2017 1:05 pm
Blah blah blah
Welcome to the melting pot of my dreams
A world of maniacal laughter and screams
Dangling like a noose from overhead beams
Endless possibilities without tempered extremes
Tangents followed as paradigm dissolves
Once ordered chaotica leaves and devolves
Images within new orbits revolve
Final problems unable to solve
Solutions drift and fade like the tide
Emotions retained behind eyes r...
Wednesday 18th October 2017 2:35 pm
My Dreams re-re-revised ( last revision? not likely!)
Finally my day has stopped
Head on pillow, pill popped
Floating into my favourite time.
Pull up the duvet, feel divine.
Now I just have to wait for it,
As I inevitably toss and turn for a bit.
That drifting feeling washes over,
I finally become one with the covers.
Will there be demons or monsters within?
Or visions of scantily clad women?
Distant shores with sands of blue,
Lapping wave...
Sunday 15th October 2017 4:45 pm
My Dreams (re-revised!)
Finally my day has stopped
Head on pillow, pill popped
Floating into my favourite time.
Pull up the duvet, feel divine.
Now I just have to wait for it,
As I inevitably toss and turn for a bit.
That drifting feeling washes over,
I finally become one with the covers.
Will there be demons or monsters within?
Or visions of scantily clad women?
Distant shores with sands of blue,
Lapping wave...
Sunday 15th October 2017 4:25 pm
My Dreams (revised)
Finally my day has stopped
Head on pillow, pill popped
Floating into my favourite time.
Pull up the duvet, feel divine.
Now I just have to wait for it,
As I inevitably toss and turn for a bit.
That drifting feeling washes over,
I finally become one with the covers.
Will there be demons or monsters within?
Or visions of scantily clad women?
Distant shores with sands of blue,
Lapping wave...
Sunday 15th October 2017 4:07 pm
My Dreams
My Dreams.
Finally my day has stopped
Head on pillow, pill popped
Floating into my favourite time.
Pull up the duvet, feel divine.
Now I just have to wait for it,
As I inevitably toss and turn for a bit.
That drifting feeling washes over,
I finally become one with the covers.
Will there be demons or monsters within?
Or visions of scantily clad women?
Sticks of rock with arms and legs?
Sunday 15th October 2017 3:51 pm
Good for You
There are times when it all becomes too much
A time when one seeks an emotional crutch
Whether that be something physical
Or something slightly more metaphorical
I'd be lying if I said I'd never sought
Some kind of emotional support(!!!)
Well meaning friends advice heeded
Some clued up ones words not needed
I get it, I really do
Fake me, fake you
I get it, I really do
True me, true yo...
Thursday 12th October 2017 1:14 pm
Eating Out
Oh they are the soul eaters
Not easily distinguished by their features
They hide within your life and dreams
Sucking and feeding upon your screams
Memories served as an hors d'ouvre
Happiness is the next dish served
Succulent tears of joy and laughter
Choice cold cuts upon a platter
Oh they are the soul eaters
Who whisk and mix with beaters
All the ingredients in the recipe
Creating ...
Wednesday 11th October 2017 3:02 pm
Inferna ( pars octo )Sencus.
There are varying degrees of perception,
after all no two people are alike.
A never ending image collection,
thoughts and dreams compete for the right.
An unconstrained struggle for dominance,
as thoughts and dreams collide.
Synaptic overload during this resurgence,
fragmented reality does divide.
So what is the reality of your perception?
For is not reality just an illusion?
One man'...
Tuesday 10th October 2017 3:28 pm
My Street ( somewhat different to my usual catastrophic end of the world stuff!)
My Street.
I love sitting in my favourite place of all
A lovely cafe bar called Level
Even though I possess no fame
Everyone here knows my name
I can sit and watch the world go by
And the dark rain clouds in the sky
Here I can escape the words of May and Trump
And laugh when cars go too fast over a speed bump
I really do love that sound
Of their bumpers scraping on the ground
That wi...
Monday 9th October 2017 2:55 pm
House Nuber 84
Hello Mr Sandman you absolute twit
I noticed last night you forgot to visit
I wish I could say that's just the one time
I lost count at three hundred and nine
I know I have told you this before
My house number is eighty four
Why have you become so remiss?
Are you basically taking the piss?
I can forgive the jolly guy in red
For not leaving presents by my bed
He only visits onc...
Saturday 7th October 2017 3:29 pm
Secret Windows
Beneath these ageing eyes are bags
Big enough to carry my lighter and fags
They still posess 20/20 vision
Not made square by television
They are of an unusual hue
Green of sorts yet based in blue
Many strange things they have seen
From start to finish and in between
Soul breaking scenes of strife
Witnessed the miracle of new life
There is one thing that I know
That these eyes can never ...
Friday 6th October 2017 2:13 pm
I am not a person driven by greed,
More a person driven by need.
What I want is not of great importance,
A believer in moderate abstinence.
But now and then I feel the fire,
The need for a Dark Desire.
I am wary of those who are driven by greed,
Those who constantly feel the need.
To take advantage of those less fortunate,
Preying on their emotions as they profligate.
To the accumulati...
Thursday 5th October 2017 3:04 pm
Royal Marines Commando (updated)
'Crack', phew that one was close
Don't want too many of those
'Return fire' I give the order
Taking aim, squeezing the trigger
I see him fall and go down
Whilst on his face a puzzled frown
Scan the area for a new target
Give them a fight they'll never foget
'Crack' that's another close call
And still we stand, none did fall
'RPG' I hear the worried shout
Spotted, slotted and taken out
Wednesday 4th October 2017 2:35 pm
Proclivitas ( Inferna pars una)
Maze like corridors leading to areas unknown
Along these paths so many have been shown
Doorways to others immortal souls
Locked like cells in ancient gaols.
Darkest of places artificially lit
Gloom laden corners in which to sit
Shafts of light reveal glistening dust motes
Each a memory of previous thoughts
Shock me, knock me,
As you treat this affliction
Shock me, knock me,
As you t...
Tuesday 3rd October 2017 3:43 pm
That's Just Me ( the result of 10 minutes and one coffee!)
Suffering severe anxiety
That's just me
Writing mediocre poetry
That's just me
Metaphorical use of Divinity
That's just me
Living in my own reality
That's just me
Observations on humanity
That's just me
Gulping down gallons of coffee
That's just me
Unused to familiarity
That's just me
Growing old gracefully
That's just me
Dismissal of my point of view
Oh that's just you!
Tuesday 3rd October 2017 3:36 pm
Inferna (pars duorem) Anxietatem
Physical and metaphorical doors become locked,
Freedom and release remain blocked.
Midnight shrouds when handle gripped,
Reality unbound twisted and flipped.
Perception altered with a surreal twist,
Thoughts and needs urgently wished.
A struggle of titanic proportion,
Body and soul reluctantly in motion.
Streets crept through when darkness falls
Avoidance adhered to over all
I walk amo...
Monday 2nd October 2017 3:19 pm
Et Ego
On one hand the word Angel is tattooed
On the other the word Devil is imbued.
Searching for a happy medium
Endless hours of unhappy tedium.
I am both good and bad
I am both happy and sad
Others before me, been and gone
Therefore I'm not the only one.
Questioning this paradigm conundrum
A pattern unique in its construction.
I am both simple and complex
I am both picture and text
Monday 2nd October 2017 2:58 pm
Nice Coffee ( written whilst out drinking coffee!)
Sitting here drinking coffee
Watching as people scurry
From one place to another
Little time for each other
Empathy and compassion lacking
From their schedule hardly slacking
I often wonder how they would react
To the ultimate siren's wail in fact
Would they re-discover their humanity
Would their behaviour change suddenly
Would they rush to the ones they love
Would they raise their ey...
Friday 29th September 2017 12:54 pm
Sob Story?
What is the truth behind your sob story
You don't have one?
I can't believe what you're telling me
I do beg your pardon
Everyone has some kind of history
A memory deposit
A place known as a sadness repository
A skeleton (or two) in the closet
Some embrace and announce with fanfare
Their skeletal parade
Some push away and denounce with despair
Their happiness fade
Others wait unti...
Thursday 28th September 2017 1:28 pm
All Will Be Done
Forward again into the unknown
Coping strategy revealed and shown
No longer hiding, cover blown
Scathing desire cut to the bone
Time to now recover the throne
Victorious I shall stand alone
Fed and watered?
Hung drawn and quartered?
Do you have much of a choice?
Do you have much of a voice?
Onwards! Is the battle cry
A lust that I no longer defy
An urge to which I must reply
Thursday 28th September 2017 12:40 pm
Examinationes Incidamus ( Inferna pars quinque)
Into your embrace I willingly submit
Will against strength I no longer pit
The candle of guidance remains unlit
In the encompassing darkness I sit.
Truth, light and ressurection
An unholy trinity of fiction
Brainless, blind and mass addiction
True trinity of depiction.
My assumed insignificance
Is based upon factual relevance
My worship of dark reverance
Is based upon utter complian...
Thursday 28th September 2017 12:37 pm
Metus (Inferna pars tres)
It's Genesis lies here
This wild unbound fear
Broken and alone
Medussa turned to stone
Naked and bleeding sense
Alternately fading and intense
Acclaim left long ago
No longer the person you know
Reality warps and bends
As the madness never ends
Darkness becomes pitch
Cannot scratch the "itch"
Wrong is now right
Turmoils headlong flight
Right is now wrong
Dive into fear headlon...
Monday 25th September 2017 1:50 pm
Solitudinum (Inferna pars septem)
All doors are locked and the keys are hidden
All requests from others remain unbidden
All thoughts depart as if upon horses ridden
All entry to this place is now totally forbidden
All enquiries at this fortress door
All remain unanswered and ignored
All communications receive no reply
All contact fleeting and left to die.
Those that become my only friends
Twenty four hour digital trends
Monday 25th September 2017 1:11 pm
Gleaming tragedy set within this parody
Cannot see the fire for the storm
Amazing profanity set within this insanity
Cannot see the hope for the forlorn.
Enjoy the truth and the future
Those who seek the adventure
I find I have been rather remiss
In engineering my own wish.
Gleaming parody set within this tragedy
Cannot see the epidemic for the disease
Amazing insanity set within thi...
Monday 25th September 2017 1:00 pm
Mortal Curiousity
Angels have died in this place
Blissful agony etched upon their face
Flaming swords pierced the purest heart
Empty vessels now their souls depart
Once their heavenly eyes sought guidance
Opaque now in their time of deliverance
Strength from wings diminished
Their war over, battle finished.
The demons watched
As the angels bled
No longer angered
Morbid curiousity fed
Demons,too, die...
Saturday 23rd September 2017 2:13 pm
There is a pervading lack of trust
A bitter after taste of disgust
The knowledge within society
About guilty crimes of impropriety
A man once said let it be known
Whoever is without sin cast the first stone
And as logical reason was sought and found
Those stones remained upon the ground
The world is full hypocrisy
Regret, lies and heresy
Can this be healed by a cleansing flood
Saturday 23rd September 2017 1:59 pm
Feel the bliss of the kiss
From the feel of the steel
As it cuts and it shuts
Down this life with a knife
Eternal darkness come to me my friend
There is no purpose only the end
No more wars, no more fighting
A means to an end less frightening
Feel the bliss of the kiss
From the feel of the steel
As it cuts and it shuts
Down this life with a knife
Eternal darkness let us walk hand...
Monday 18th September 2017 1:30 pm
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