The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Smile Is Not For You

Until the sun is bruised and the birds are gone,

I will be here.

So, if you want rid of surrounding eyes

then it's best you break my heart.

A word of warning before you do,

this smile you see now will never be for you,

not one minute more.

It'll be for the faint azure;

for the innocent laugh of my baby nephew

who doesn't know pain like mine -

I pray he never does.


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There's a boy
In a house
In a room
Thinking of you.

There's a girl 
In a house
In a room
Thinking of you.

There's a boy
There's a girl
Who believe
They are in the same room.

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My parents laugh from the other room,

Their happiness makes me sad.

I wonder if they are aware

Of my broken heart

Or if they have ever experienced

An ache like mine.


His face is everywhere:

In a building with a million corridors 

I can't ignore,

The feeling of a ghost

Lurking sore in the pathways of my mind

There is nothing to be said or done.


A source...

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You are back finally

It's been dull around here

Without you

When you said goodbye

It marred my soul

But, let's forget the past

You are here now.

She has broken my hearing

With her high velocity screams

I built a wall.

Now that you are here,

She can't bring it down.

You light my insides

On fire.

Let go, see me fly;

See me young.

I'm craving ...

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