We don't see in black and white
our heart shaped specks
whisper glitter through our minds
We feed promises to chocolate buttons
and elongate innocence like liquorice laces.
strawberry naivety coiled on our tongues
Hiding in makeshift tents
building safety from Lego
We know the cost of
unstable ground
Hearing music in every sound
we d...
Monday 16th April 2012 1:01 pm
15 years younger
has kangaroos hopping all over it
Like Australia
has tears in two week old jeans
optimism leaking from pockets
why worry, she can replenish, right.
Cheeky eyes that cry
when they don't get their own way
and a smile that whisks
you back to a time where
there is more time
Where your worry that your life i...
Sunday 1st January 2012 11:20 am
The window waved
to a silence:
swallowing time
Wanderlust eats stars
Takes abandonment home for tea.
Remembers when The
Golden Girls had
their silver hue.
Knows what to do
when you don't
She can even magic eye,
and fingerknits belonging on the bus.
Bubble gum girl
happily sits still and thinks
Thursday 16th June 2011 3:26 pm
Old Glitter and Flipflops
I dont quite fit
the cracks between your toes.
The glitter slides around the eyes
lies in the corner of truth
words we shared
rub my feet sore now.
No more lippy on my cheek
and hugs in the dark
a camp lark
down the mike
Im sure you don't
even like me.
A poke on facebook would be nice,
if not ru...
Friday 10th June 2011 10:55 am
Reality is Five by Seven Miles
Crimson gulps tea
rough hands grasping the mug
Off centre like Wednesday
Trying to get even
with seven
and at one with her past
She dreams on tip-toes
of grass birds nests
and the seagulls serenade.
Giggles at the secrets
snow whispers.
Reality is a five by seven mile
longing for curves.
It snaps rule...
Tuesday 18th January 2011 7:38 pm
Unlikely Hero
Clumsy Language
Trips over its shoelaces
swears and lights another fag,
cracks open a can and blurs its own edges.
Disorganisation and bad planning
hold hands, stand brashly
interfering with the chairs.
Agitation twitches fingertips,
paces itself out
shouts to be heard in the quietest space.
The security guard
working hard ...
Saturday 4th December 2010 5:56 pm
Too Much Too Young
Two girls sat together;
Jane is 8, has a sleek dark hair cut that bobs in the 80's
Cathy is 6 with curly blonde hair that spirals through the years
Bottoms cold against the step,heads warming in the sun
Jane says " I went to the park with dad yesterday"
Cathy tells her, My dad hit my mum again last night
Silence befalls them
Child-like dreams caught in the net of a...
Thursday 2nd December 2010 6:47 pm
Through The Window
The window sticker pleaded
'give a gnome a home'
His nose cold against the glass
Wurzel Gummage sang
about the alphabet.
I held Amanda close.
The black doll slept
Through the 7am calm
Cheek-a-boo Clip-on
clasping the light-pull
applauding the darkness
feeling alone
Snow White projected
on the wall
Engrained in my...
Sunday 29th August 2010 8:18 pm
The Enlightenment 82
Enlightenment 82
On the bus people have plans in their pockets
and misgivings are loose change.
Their smiles tell you lies
and you pocket the difference
Stars drip from zips left open.
Pasty crumbs are worshipped as promises.
A 7up can is an omen,
And a black cat etched in the glass
winks at you
On the bus religion
is ...
Sunday 1st August 2010 2:36 pm
Speedo Second Thoughts
Speedo Second Thoughts
Jean writes housing letters
In Franklin Gothic Heavy
her meek voice scared and shouting.
She is sorry for apologising
every -second -word.
Serena skirts the edges
paraphrasing her distance.
Hesitantly hesitating
In case she gets it wrong.
We all have our quirks here:
Doreen perches on the side
Sunday 1st August 2010 2:34 pm
In Grip Of Silence
Maybe the cats are meandering on another street
and the snails amble minutely in the lawn.
The drenched dogs gambole in a neighbouring field.
The slick pebbles shield insects from sight
the ambititious ants bustle there
whilst soggy branches whisper over
budding bluebells and a bunch of yellow flowers
Potential pedestrains prevaricate indoors
Sunday 2nd May 2010 1:03 pm
Mr Relaxed
Theres a guy the opposit of ambitious
Adverse to pinstripes,order, folders
and all things typed
Hates the words modules, schedules and meetings
Loathes all food with meat in
Has no time for time
sees the grouchy nature of clocks
and the bilingual nature of colour.
Rejoices in the serenity of empty
and the shape of plans unmade
Friday 23rd April 2010 7:07 pm
The Cellar Door-open floor event in Chester-free for all.
Hi All,
New open floor poetry night in Chester!
The details are- "The Cellar Door", 7.30pm every 1st Monday of the month @ The Bear and Billett Pub on Lower Bridge Street, Chester. (top floor).
However in December it is held on 2nd December due to bookings at the venue.
Look Forward to seeing you there!
Please spread the word !
Take care.
Sunday 29th November 2009 7:10 pm
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