The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Memoirs of an Alcoholic

This addictive dance is something like a romance

riding on a circumstance, giving in to an induced trance

bargaining for a second chance

A disease fueled by a constant need

A longing for propriety, to be the me that I can be

all just wasted energy it seems

Someone please give me a labotomy, take this wound and lance me free

Blamed it on anxiety, blamed it on society, crutched ...

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Fact of Life

A series of unfortunate events, It's no one's intent to circumvent

Just feeling tired from all this time spent

It's impossible to say what's always meant

and I'm sorry for this verbal consent, but

WORDS, they will come across bent

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Stormy weather, won't you take me away

Peeling off leather at the end of the day

A  living cliche of overworked and underpaid

This atrocity of being self made

When I first saw you, I knew you were fun

in stormy weather, you shone brighter than the sun

Should of known better, you would never be free

so I'll just leave it, find some new company


Another lonely day, gettin...

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All is chaos, a whirlwind around

Yet here I sit safe and sound
It's easy standing on uneven ground

Oh the wiser and profound

No longer wanting to know then what I know now

because I would have never found

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spotless mind

You inspire me with all your words, flowing briskly on a swift tongue

Lost in some complexity, my mouth falls dumb

Dear god what a trial, with no choice but to succumb

For energy put in motion is far greater than any affirmation can become

Steadfast and so willful, your vessel plays the lot

To house these silly treasures and all of these forgots

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The art of being Struck

Love comes with lots of rhymes and little reason 

The ultimate unseasoned treason

For all that I govern is gone with one sight of your light

Its so bright

Star crossed lovers so they say

put that penny in my pocket for another day

Such a dangerous game we play but because of my heart I choose to stay

Right, wrong, or indifferent, any which way it's redundant

and contingent ...

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Dress me up in silver and gold

Tell me that I'm lo and behold

that you can barley think, thoughts out of control

Raise me up like if to drink

Just to bouyant to ever sink

eyes too wide to ever blink

My body creased to your fold

Guide me through these tempestuous fleets

make me understand that we

are but the architects only given sand

trying to find the promise land


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This perpetual daydream

drifting off into the sublime

Picturesque enchantment serranated by cohesive rhymes

A superlative line to all of your expressions for they surely are devine

Toiling deadlock, I stand still defined

Only shaped by exuding light exlempary of a shrine


Though hollow as a well with no end in sight

plummet into the aspiration I will

plummet with all my...

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