Poetry Contest
Another prompt invokes an undesired surge
of thought and fractured scenes,
requiring energy to sort and draw conclusions,
prior to recording in the journal for today.
Time to him resembles auctioning a gem,
the longer it lasts, the higher its price,
and he's approaching life's end zone called "red,"
where actuaries hold their breath and count.
The formalist stands firm on well-packed g...
Wednesday 30th June 2021 12:03 pm
Poetry Contest
Another prompt invokes an undesired surge
of thought and fractured scenes,
requiring energy to sort and draw conclusions,
prior to recording in the journal for today.
Time to him resembles auctioning a gem,
the longer it lasts, the higher its price,
and he's approaching life's end zone called "red,"
where actuaries hold their breath and count.
The formalist stands firm on well-packed g...
Tuesday 29th June 2021 12:09 pm
Fasteners of Life
Fasteners of Life
Relationships are strange, uncertain things,
attaching two or maybe more in various ways,
accommodating personalities,
and unexpected eccentricities.
Marriage is a golden cufflink, bringing
two together with an understated flair.
Some have decorations with engraving,
while some are plain that compensate with shine.
Business partnerships behave like rubber bands,
Monday 28th June 2021 12:45 pm
Be A Mentor
Without a mentor, precious time is lost,
pursuing dreams with spunk and energy,
encountering delays, defeats and cost--
most times alone devoid of synergy.
But with a mentor, showing how it's done,
like mother cheetah teaching cubs to kill,
techniques of hunting added to the run,
applaud a budding skill with victory's thrill.
Most luck is found where preparation meets
an opportunity a...
Sunday 27th June 2021 2:49 pm
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