You weren’t the one
You scare me
You manipulate me
You used me for your gain
You thought you owned me
You weren’t in love with me
You were in love with the idea of me
You sucked away my happiness
I tried to leave
You followed me everywhere I went
You degrade me when you have a tantrum
You called me your wife and treated me like a possession
I don’t owe you anything
You changed ...
Wednesday 25th April 2018 5:10 am
Love hanging with my friends
Of course I am okay
No one by my side is better than you
Everything makes me want to scream
Little things set me off
You’d never know how empty I feel
Wednesday 25th April 2018 5:09 am
self love
I can’t be what you want me to be
My appetite for you comes and goes
I try to be what you want
I try to be what you need
But sometimes you are just too much.
My knees go weak when I try to carry you on my shoulders
I let you down becomes a familiar tune to you
I just want you to get better
You need to get better,
Please just be better.
You come in many forms but better doesn’t happen to...
Saturday 31st March 2018 8:35 am
Always busy
Struggling to make time for you
Giving up my sleep
Being there on my worst days
Constantly disappointing you
Dedicating myself
Spending all my money
Sleepless nights
Early mornings
Why do I put myself through this?
Friday 22nd September 2017 2:51 pm
For Nick
Measured only with each other
Spent so little of
Yet it feels like forever.
To making out downstairs at a party
Now I can not see my life without you.
Starting off as a crush
Turning into endearment
I can not get you off of my mind.
Just a guy I met in college
Quickly becoming my everything
How did I fall for you so quickly?
...Thursday 21st September 2017 8:53 pm
Penetrate my border
Skin deep
I want you to claim my vortexes
As one
Show me how much you want to be a part of me
Tug my hair behind my ear
Whisper to me how much you love me
Accept everything I have to offer
As I do the same for you
Friday 1st September 2017 6:17 pm
The New Boy
I gave him everything that I didn’t even know I had
More than just what’s on the outside
He knows my soul, inside and out
He can play a trivia game about me with me, and I know he’ll still beat me
He knows the way I fidget my fingers when I’m anxious
He noticed the way my lips would curl when I always wanted to laugh in a serious situation
He’s the only one that knows till this ...
Wednesday 30th August 2017 6:17 pm
Familiar walls become unfamiliar tunnels,
The heart isn't in here anymore,
Screams echoing the tunnels, yelling
Mom and dad sign the papers
Cracks coming up from the middle of the floorboards, the house is separating
The plants are dying, dried up leaves are falling on the ground that we once had family picnics on,
The roof doesn't shelter me the same, allowing nature to take its course, not...
Sunday 16th July 2017 7:54 pm
Baby you don't got me feeling blue
You got me feeling black
All I feel is darkness, I ain't never running back, to you
I can never do that, the feelings that u left me, got me rolling back, the time
When I thought you were mine, told you that I needed you and u decided that I'm, a waste
You thought you put us in our place, breaking up the good shit, all there's left is bullshit, a cave
That ...
Wednesday 21st June 2017 9:06 am
You did me so dirty
I thought you were worthy
All my time, attention and money is what I wanted to give to you
Boy, how could you hurt me?
I always put you before me
Making sure I was your #1 fan was always a priority
I couldn't leave if I knew you were down
I always wanted to see the best in you
I knew the potential you held and I valued you
I just wanted you to grind and I wanted to se...
Friday 16th June 2017 10:39 am
isn't it funny how
you said you would love me forever
but your forever
was merely a moment
Friday 7th April 2017 5:34 pm
Someday never came
When I first laid eyes on you, I’ve never thought I’ve seen someone so perfect
I stared at you, and you stared back
In that moment I knew you were who I wanted to stare at forever
Our short time together was much like a fairy tale on your end
Always receiving the appreciation a person deserves when I was always welcomed by nothing
You see at the time, I couldn’t tell you were using ...
Friday 7th April 2017 5:32 pm
Poem I wrote for my brother who is now in jail
The last time I laughed for real was the last conversation we had together before you left
And I've laughed every day since then
So that's how I been
I'd give my vocal chord to see you again, it's not like I'm using them now anyways
Breathing isn't the same, the feeling of you leaving was equivalent to my lungs collapsing
Oh what'd I'd do tell you how my day went
My life doesn't seem to be...
Thursday 6th April 2017 3:08 pm
People think when they ask if you trust them you should give them a simple yes or no answer
Trust is a precious gift
I don't see why people think it's an easy thing to give out
I wasn't always this way
You see I use to live in California
I use to live in a drought
And suddenly once it first started to rain we decided to call this water escaping the clouds hope
Hope followed me ever sinc...
Thursday 6th April 2017 9:00 am
My eyes blink
tears stroll down my cheek
My head explodes
Thoughts everywhere
My heart aches
Yearning for a better relationship
Heart rate rises
Breathing loudly
Control. Control. I need control.
He’s yelling louder
My eyes are piercing
Memories of the last time he did this come afloat
Hitting and shoving
Now I’m running
I can’t stand him
Eyes eve...
Wednesday 29th March 2017 8:38 pm
Natural Disaster
He was a natural disaster
in every way, shape and form.
He hid it from me for long,
until I was left with nothing.
He was possessed by destruction
Consumed with disaster
yet their was still something beautiful in the way he toiled.
He was a avalanch.
Taking every part of me that wasn’t in tact and crashing it down the hills I called feelings.
Making me the debris left af...
Wednesday 29th March 2017 8:37 pm
She let out a muffled cry as she closed the door of her room. She sank her back into the wall as she let herself drift her way to the floor like a plastic bag floating in the air. She couldn’t take it anymore but she knew she couldn’t leave. She was all he had. She was his first real love. Everyone he has had in his grasp before she came along didn’t create the adoration he had for her. That’s bec...
Wednesday 29th March 2017 8:36 pm
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