It’s funny how pain sneaks up on you
When you’re sitting alone at home
Thoughts going 100 miles an hour
Maybe you’re not even focusing on anything
Netflix on in the background
Scrolling through whatever pointless app
And yet the feelings still creep up on you
So strong they almost entirely engulf you
Dragging you down to their level
Forcing the pain
The overthinking
...Sunday 14th July 2024 4:28 am
I’m No Stranger
And so it begins
Slowly pushing myself down
Into the darkness of a self dug hole
Allowing all of the bad
The negative
The shitty things to give me the strength to dig
I’m no stranger to the pain
My childhood trauma and everything after can attest
The stories I could tell
The looks I would inevitably get
The judgements, perhaps
I’m no stranger to solitude
Self ma...
Monday 27th May 2024 5:25 am
I’m Not Good With Titles
Vet med is funny
One minute your checking a puppy out after vaccines
The next minute you’re holding it all together
Trying to be strong for the 18 year old cat
The one that was left by their owners
Left to say goodbye to this cruel world
Alone and scared
From a healthy, brand new kitten
To running a hit by car patient to the back
Trying your best to keep your composure
...Sunday 10th March 2024 2:52 am
Mental Collision
It’s been a while
Maybe because I don’t want my words to somehow be found
by those who don’t deserve to read them
The thoughts and feelings I have
constantly being pushed down, by choice, so easily
Fear of judgement, betrayal, loss
Of not being understood how I want to be
Even when something seems so incredibly black and white
When you’ve taken the time to explain it, even ...
Saturday 17th February 2024 2:12 am
Another Thursday
What if this isn’t what I want
What if I’m destined for more
For someone that doesn’t take me for granted
For the amount of love I always thought I wasn’t worth
A mere 3 weeks away and I don’t know how I feel
Old, bad memories are reignited from a letter I found
The past pain of being ignored for days on end
In the space we shared, our home
I don’t know how I’m supposed to ...
Thursday 10th August 2023 3:47 pm
April 4th 2020
How quickly things can change
How quickly you can end up feeling so worthless
So unimportant
So invisible
In the weirdest times, even force doesn’t work
Look at me
Stop making feel like I’m not even here
Stop destroying what little confidence I have left
I would never have wanted it to be this way
But this is the way it is
Saturday 3rd December 2022 4:46 am
Sunday Evening
Childhood trauma
A weakened sense of self
Afraid of the judgement
Afraid of losing myself
I didn’t ask to be here
I never asked to stay
And yet each day that passes me
I’m stuck and in dismay
I just want to be happy
I don’t want to be scared
I want to wake up each new morning
Hopeful, ready, and aware
They say they understand me
I say they’re full of shit
Monday 18th July 2022 5:05 am
Imagine That
It’s been a while
Too long, even
Days and weeks
Months, maybe even a year
I don’t know where to go from here
I thought I had gotten as low as I could
And yet, the new day still surprises me
The immense numbness
The lack of feeling anything at all
Wasn’t this what the therapy was for?
Isn’t talking it out supposed to fix me?
As if, right?
When has anything been t...
Friday 15th July 2022 5:30 am
Last Night
You sleep beside me yet I feel completely alone
No attempt to touch my hand
To hug my clearly crying soul
To comfort me when you know that I too am struggling
You move about the house
Not a care in the world
No good morning words
No good morning kiss
I question why I continue to do this to myself
I wonder why I put up with so much
I don’t understand why I can’t just w...
Tuesday 9th February 2021 5:46 pm
Not So Secret Thoughts
I’m exhausted
I’m tired
I can’t be bothered to fight anymore
So instead I pull away
One day at a time
One thought at a time
I don’t know what I’m doing anymore
I don’t know who I’m supposed to be anymore
What is my purpose
Why am I here
I’m just so exhausted
And I’m just so tired
Day after day
Thought after thought
I don’t see the point
I see myself sli...
Thursday 4th February 2021 5:36 pm
November 30th
As I stand in the kitchen
Christmas music playing in the background
String lights on the tree glistening in the corner
I can't help but feel helpless
During the one time of year where I can feel fully happy
When it is acceptable to blare the catchiest of songs
Where people exchange smiles and small gifts coated in glitter
I can't help but feel helpless
This year has been awful to say the l...
Monday 30th November 2020 6:53 pm
The Honest Truth
I feel like I’m falling apart at the seams
Who am I kidding, I know I’m falling apart at the seams
I never took sewing class in high school
Ironic, isn’t it
I try to think of different distractions
Going for a walk
Writing in my journal
Having a scalding hot shower just to have some alone time where I can cry
How long do I wait before I can just let all the stuffing fall ou...
Thursday 13th August 2020 4:38 pm
Internal Thoughts
You make me feel so invisible
So small
So insignificant
You’re supposed to be the one that helps build me up
You’re supposed to be the one that doesn’t make me hate myself
But instead here we are
Constantly dancing between sadness and anger
Repeatedly battling in silence with one another
Ignoring each other until one of us finally breaks
This isn’t how it was supposed to...
Wednesday 12th August 2020 6:50 pm
Untitled, perhaps.
It's like I'm moving in the wrong direction and I don't know how to turn around.
I'm aware of it and I know damn well what is happening, and yet here I am.
It's as though I am frozen, unable to actually change the situation.
It's like I'm a stranger watching from the outside when in reality it is my life that is being set on fire.
In reality they are my dreams constantly being crushed and shut...
Tuesday 11th August 2020 5:22 am
July 27th 2020
Born and raised in a broken home
Not broken in the sense that I didn't have a mother and a father, because I did
Broken in the sense that I never got the attention I needed
Broken in the sense that I was never properly supported while I grew up
I couldn't talk to my dad for fear of being judged
Fear of being told I'm wrong and that what I was feeling was unnecessary
Not broken in the sense t...
Monday 27th July 2020 6:39 pm
April 4th 2020 - Edited
Just have another drink
However many it takes to numb the pain
However many you down to try and paint on a smile
Because nobody knows your story
Nobody knows what you've gone through
What you've endured
What you've put up with time and time again
How alone you feel even in a crowded room
The countless wasted tears and self inflicted wounds
Because nobody knows
They try to feed you adivce...
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 10:54 pm
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