Tommy Licester went to Bicester
To see Sally, his little sicester
But on her door was a note
That Sally had wrote-
It seemed that Tommy had just micester
Saturday 11th July 2020 1:19 pm
Wot I did at Night School
Slim Slam Snigger Snogger
Nif naf noo
Ack gack piddle poddle
Bink Pleen Grue
this here’s an pome,
o can’t you see,
an pome wot woz
writ by me.
it should’ve been
an flowerpot,
but that is clearly
wot it’s not.
my spelling tests
I didn’t pass ---
I thought the sign said
‘pottery class’
Thursday 15th March 2012 9:42 pm
‘Ribbit!’ said Tiddles
As he sat in the grass
At the bottom of the yard
Not looking like a cat at all.
For one thing, he was green
Whereas this morning he’d been
Tabby and warm and furry and purry
With ‘Miaow!’ his favourite word
‘Here, puss, puss!’ I cried
‘Ribbit!’ he replied, as he spotted
A spider, caught it with his tongue
And swallowed it in one gulp
Friday 2nd December 2011 11:36 pm
'The Lady of the House
Whom he loves'
within these ruined walls
you lived
- died
long gone now
only dust remains
yet carved painted stones
bring testimony
of your life
and warmth
down through the years
and suddenly
you are almost
close enough to touch
Tuesday 13th September 2011 8:56 pm
Writer's Block
You beat your Pate, and fancy Wit will come:
Knock as you please, there's nobody at home.
(Alexander Pope)
Writer's Block
I've got writer's block
I think that's what it is
My brain's gone in shock
Lost all its poetic fizz
I can't put down first
a line to hang the rest on
I'm starting to feel cursed -
Where's me inspiration gone?
Friday 2nd September 2011 9:36 pm
My daughter used to worry her Dad
It was all about a fear she had
Each night she'd call me up the stair
To exorcise ghosts that were not there
So we had a long chat about ghoulies and stuff
And finally I thought I'd done enough
They don't exist, we'd at last agreed
and for Dad's rescues there was no more need
But then one night, while I was pottering around
a familiar sh...
Thursday 4th August 2011 5:28 pm
Back home
Walked 'round the town where I was born and bred
Places changed, friends gone, some dead,
Fading ghosts of streets that were home to me
Where I'd played as a child, young and fancy-free
The glow of the smiles that used to be
On the faces of friends I knew.
Wraiths of ships built on the river there
Faint echoes of their horns on the misty air
Friday 29th July 2011 11:35 am
Memorial for EAW
Simple soul
with simple faith
betrayed all your life
by fat priest
and crooked politician
a life of poor honest toil
and dedication
for nothing but
the love of friends and kin
and a simple grave.
After all these years
I remember your smile
and hope,
against hope,
you got your just reward
Saturday 23rd July 2011 10:39 pm
Eye of the Beholder
Is sunrise as beautiful if none sees
or birdsong so sweet without human ear?
Is a flower's perfume on an evening breeze
as fragrant if there is no person near?
Was all this created for us alone
or is there purpose still yet to be seen?
Though Man is mortal, and will soon be gone
Suns shall yet rise daily where we have been
and flowers will appear with heady bouq...
Thursday 21st July 2011 11:35 pm
I close my eyes
I close my eyes
and as I doze
years melt away
I see as clear
as that distant day
the railway station
steam trains abound
promise of travel
to distant towns
the sight and sound
of the mighty engines
as they rhythmically
hiss, chuff, whistle
and clank their way
on the bright iron rails
midst billowing clouds
starting, ending,
Tuesday 19th July 2011 3:20 pm
Blues for a Mog
I once had a cat, but she's gorn, and that's that: no more she'll come running to me, (boo-hoo) 'though I cry ' Alack! ' and ' Oi, Selkit, come back! ' - 'cos she's dead as a doornail, you see.
(oh poo)
Wednesday 6th July 2011 8:26 pm
I believe I'm an atheist
This morning, God finally
Put on his hat, and said
'Right - that's it.
If you don't believe in me,
then I don't believe in you
So there.
- and don’t go asking me
for any more favours!'
Bang went the door
and I heard Marlene's dog
bark as he passed the gate
It's all gone quiet
But I'm worried now that
he's not really gone
Friday 24th June 2011 4:03 pm
Nowt nor Summat? - That is the Question
this dot
it's thinking
there's a meaning
and a purpose
in the Universe
we can comprehend
A reason
why it or we
should even be
other than simply
the alternative is
not to be
as a better dot
once put it
or maybe
there's not
Sunday 5th June 2011 10:41 pm
On finding a tiny hole in my shoe ...
the size
of a molecule of water
is smaller than it oughta
‘cos if it were bigger,
then I figger
my feet would stay drier,
Saturday 4th June 2011 5:27 pm
ode to a egg
o egg
what is
you am?
all white
and yellow
--- like a
banana --
or a egg,
come to
(From my Fruity period -- sorry, I'm in daft mode for my grandson....)
Tuesday 24th May 2011 9:17 pm
Fruits of the Narrow Seam
Close the coalhouse door, lad
There's bones inside
(Alex Glasgow)
Fruits of the Narrow Seam
frozen tears
on a mossy stone
beneath a sundial
which has swept out
one hundred and thirty seven
years' worth of days
since they were
at Christmastide
When time stopped
and a mother wept
while in ignorance and vel...
Sunday 15th May 2011 11:12 pm
Prejudiced or What?
Sunday 15th May 2011 11:05 am
Bored ....
Sunday 15th May 2011 12:40 am
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