Quick question..?
If God were to come down Himself,
and wipe away all the pain.
restore every scar to its previous state.
undo every lie ever told.
What would be left of us?
How many of our dreams and passions,
are rooted in someone else’s bullshit?
Do you champion women’s rights,
out of a genuine concern for the plight they
face on a daily basis?
Or do you like to end your t...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:29 am
Reframing "Adam and Eve"
So much is lost
in our English translations.
The hurt feelings and damaged souls of our generation,
Cloud our eyes to the poetics of our founding story.
For “Adam” was made from “Adamah”
That being, “Humanity” was made from “The dirt”.
The relationship between
Man and Woman,
For “Isha” was named before “Ish”
That being,
While man may have indeed came first,
...Sunday 29th May 2022 2:27 am
People aren't drugs dammit
I remember…
I know what it was like to discover porn at 10 years old.
I remember, being a middle schooler
with a bucket list full of sex positions.
To look around at my peers,
and think that was normal.
I remember, being in High school
During the height of the “Me too” movement.
Being bombarded with stories that made my heart
drop like a stone through my s...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:26 am
The Yin and the Yang
There are a good many
schools of thought
who believe in two opposing forces.
Good & Evil
Order & Chaos
Light & Dark
What if I were to tell you
I believe
In Love
& Structure
and the evil in our world is found in choosing one over the other
in either sense.
Love is the chaotic force in this world.
People will do some crazy stuff out of love.
But wi...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:25 am
Strength, by nature
Is not provided for our own benefit.
The stubborn may vie for what they desire,
The strongman may be able to move boulders,
But strength of character
moves entire mountains
and there is no room for boasting.
All substance, and no air.
Super clusters of Galaxies
Strung together by thin bands of space dust.
A scene eerily similar to the neurons
...Sunday 29th May 2022 2:24 am
All is not lost
Do not be fooled
Do not turn away
You have been given a sign that cannot be denied
Out of grace, you have not been abandoned.
God is still good
God is still the loving Father
The ones who end in hell
Choose that for themselves
by being stubborn
by being deceitful
by being arrogant
by being spiteful
The age of the Gentiles is not over with the rapt...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:24 am
Hate mail to myself
I went to sleep last night
and prayed that I had tears back there to shed.
But there were none to be found.
I went to a party yesterday
and prayed for an opportunity to make some conversation.
But there was no thought in my mind,
I felt was worth sharing.
I’ve been back in school for a year now
and I prayed for dedication and success.
But there was no goal I co...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:23 am
It’s really tiring,
reading between every line.
As if people living their everyday lives,
somehow reflects on how they feel about me.
My thoughts circle around myself.
My actions circle around others,
and my addictions.
There’s no continuity
between the two.
Even if I could find something to want,
I wouldn’t know the first thing
about going and getting it...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:22 am
What do I do?
I ran out of weed 3 days ago
and I’m going through, what I can only imagine
are with-drawl symptoms.
What do I do?
about this hunger for righteousness
that tells me I must mutilate myself
on stage, in front of everyone.
Just for people to listen.
What do I do?
about these waves of furry
that push and pull like the tide
every few minutes or so…
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:21 am
Turn it around
I’m not sure how to do this…
to turn around from self-hatred.
to not despise this life of mine.
to no longer want to throw it away.
To realize it was never mine to begin with.
To be thankful for all that I do have
and to seek the flaws in my own logic.
not for self-pity,
but to reorganize my perspective
and see what I’ve had the whole time
and simply missed.
Friday 20th May 2022 6:13 pm
How can I think so much in just 20 minutes,
yet accomplish so little in any given day?
The one constant I assumed I had in life,
the speed at which time passed by,
now pushing and pulling like the tides.
If I believe my textbook,
and this must all be perception,
all I am left to believe in is my own insanity.
If this is somehow real, or something close to
Friday 20th May 2022 6:12 pm
He who sees it all
He is the one who sees it all.
The men who are just trying to feed their families,
among the ranks of the invaders.
The foxes who scour among the liberators.
He who raises up great thinkers,
and topples empires underfoot.
He sees the honest, among the arrogant.
He sees the isolated, among the popular.
He sees the righteous, among the rowdy.
He sees the merciful...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:12 pm
It’s really hard to undo this
idea. That a safe space is where
nothing is expected of me,
than a place where I feel loved
and valued.
To be so driven by the notion,
that expectation is innately wrong somehow.
Instead of a tool,
weaponized by the adults around me,
but not incorrect in itself.
A ball, full of potential,
can be anything
but not ...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:11 pm
If we, as a society
rid ourselves of the natural consequences
of our own actions,
there will then no longer be any ground
for us to equally stand on.
What would become of our lives?
when we put on that headset,
and enter a world
where our limitless freedom
comes at the expense
of everyone around us.
When 100% freedom for me,
means 0% freedom for anyone...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:10 pm
The fastest way to writers block?
The attempt to be poetic.
Beauty isn’t made,
it’s stumbled upon.
The strange and unexpected.
The old and mundane,
and given new life.
The twigs grow new flower buds.
The grass springs up in a slightly new pattern.
Acquaintances become friends,
close friendships turn to new family.
A cycle of new life,
Friday 20th May 2022 6:10 pm
3rd Hemisphere
It’s just a rectangle
such a pretty rectangle
The vast array of colorful lights
arranged into images,
of the real thing.
A portal into a separate, secret, little world.
I can do anything here
in my pocket dimension.
A vast library of human knowledge.
The engine driving it forward,
the gutter of civilization.
I can, in the span of an af...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:09 pm
what is it I’m trying to do here?
“your poetry is beautiful”
“you should be proud of yourself”
If only I never hid away.
If only I was still 7,
then it would be acceptable.
If I had opened up back then,
I would have had people falling over themselves
to make me feel better.
But I’m a grown ass man now.
and no amount of complaining will do a da...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:08 pm
Locus of Control
The question I never stop asking.
What exactly is and isn’t within my control?
The question I will never answer.
Is my fate my own?
Is destiny, a reality?
I am in control of my actions,
at least in theory.
My work ethic is mine to command,
that's the rumor anyway.
But if I were to get up and do,
would it make any difference?
I feel so exhausted from ...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:07 pm
Too much to ask?
Can I have a hug?
Can I not be pulled away from?
Can I be weak, and in pain?
Can I have any physical connection that isn’t sexual?
Can I not be afraid, of the casual flirting,
with the barista behind the counter.
Can I have a small piece of the love,
Shown between a girl and her friends.
She goes to embrace another she,
A group of besties, inseparable from each...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:07 pm
One without the Other
There is no Easter Sunday without Good Friday.
There is no relief, if there is to suffering to relieve
These peaks of happiness mean nothing,
without the depths of despair.
There can be no connection to others,
without a clear and grounded self.
Hope can only take root,
from a place of hopelessness.
Love can only express its importance,
in the fa...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:06 pm
Den of Demons
It almost feels as if my mind has been handed over,
and made nest to demons.
If sitting alone, praying for enough anger to compel me to suicide
isn't a method of summoning,
I’m not sure what is…
But they have my mind only for a time.
I struggle, wrestle, with addiction and fear.
However, there will come a day
when this won’t be allowed any longer.
The circumstances ...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:05 pm
The Rebel
The trouble maker
The one who undermines authority
the authority of the Big, Bad, and Evil
I wanted to rebel,
to turn away.
The rules in my life that constricted so tightly,
areas of my life where I was probably given too much room.
To rebel against God is something different
To deny the laws that hold the universe together
has wildly ...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:05 pm
Skin Deep
On the surface, I look fine.
Swallowing emotion and putting on a face,
the fastest and most reliable reflex I have.
All you need to do is dig,
just a little bit,
to see that it’s all one big shell.
So why hasn’t anyone
figured it out yet?
Can I be more than this?
A hard shell,
with crumbling and rotting
holding it all together.
Friday 20th May 2022 6:04 pm
Can I tell you something crazy?
I believe in spirit.
No, not the Hollywood kind,
something far more sinister and subtle.
It can take many forms,
Spirit of deceit
Spirit of vengeance
Spirit of Lust
Spirit of apathy
You can summon them
You do not rule them
The only thing they can do is lie,
and maybe put on a nice light show.
But there is another...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:03 pm
I am Me
Getting better is as simple as getting up
and doing it.
Or, at least I think it should be.
Worrying about what I’m doing next isn’t helping
When I’m not doing anything right now.
A city on the clouds
Lined with golden bars and silver gates
The prettiest prison you ever did see,
The cloud 9 in the back of my head.
I sit here, and think, about how I
Sit here, ...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:02 pm
Hands-on, Hands-off
I’m so hungry
I’m so tired
I stay awake and starve myself,
punishment for days of being a glutton.
I choose sleep for dinner,
a kitchen full of food in the next room,
because I have no idea what to do.
I come here everyday.
I get the same thing every time.
I write a new poem,
about the same old depression
I cling to
for reasons I’m not sure of.
Friday 20th May 2022 6:02 pm
Talk the Talk
I talk a lot of game on these pages
but I can’t even sit down to work on
the one class I’m taking this semester
Such distain for the past,
Such resentment of my own choices
So angry at all the years that I have wasted,
I’ll waste months just trying to put it into words
Is it good, or bad?
That I put myself in the same boat
as the pleasure seekers,
the frat b...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:01 pm
I wanna! I wanna! I wanna!
I want to split my head on a fire axe
I want to be found, dangling in a closet
I want to be a fine red mist on the front of a train
I want to be pulled in four by horses and rope
I want to be skewered atop a church steeple,
on display for all to see, as in the ancient days
I want to decorate my room with my flesh,
and turn my sanctuary into a meat locker
I want to...
Friday 20th May 2022 6:00 pm
Read History
as if you were the perpetrator
and you will find,
how carelessness and apathy
add up into atrocity
Listen to History
as if the stories were your own
and you will find
even the best of us have things to learn,
trials to push through, and opportunities unearned
Know History
as if it was the back of your own hand
and you will find
raw huma...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:59 pm
Simple, not Easy
How does one find themselves?
Where does one make himself?
Can it really be this simple?
A fountain, that springs up from within.
A source of life that comes from within our own selves.
Pushed to your limits,
Unlocking the very potential of YOU,
Locked away in the DNA that is foundational to your being.
Would it not be simple?
Rather intuitive even?
If ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:58 pm
A hurricane of love and chaos blew through
my house this weekend.
Board games
TV shows
And 30 second attention spans
Hurt feelings and reconciliation
A cycle on repeat
Once every 30 minutes
It didn’t stay for long
But the cleanup is unbearable
The destruction left behind
From a whirlwind lasting 30 hours
So simple
So absolutely non-stop
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:58 pm
Please, just listen
Please, just listen
I know what I say scares you
to so calmly and confidently call myself trash
Don’t speak up
I know you mean well
and you are right
It is not healthy to see myself as I do
but just listen
I don’t want to go anywhere, anymore
but an offhand comment
on how I really shouldn’t hate myself
will not undo 14 years of brainwashing
myself into caring so...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:57 pm
I’m so completely depressed.
Any thought or action I could possibly take,
eventually comes to an end.
and I’m right back where I started.
Feeling completely hopeless, capable of only self-pity.
I’m so desperate to share my innermost being.
I’m so afraid of how people will respond,
to my circumstances.
The very thing I’ve tried so desperately to put into word.
Words ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:57 pm
Everyone’s got their own thing
In the bustling city
A place to go,
Work to do,
A conversation with someone halfway across the world to engage in.
An ideal to strive for,
A pose to strike,
A vibe to give off.
Begging for people to stop and notice,
My cycles of depression and sorrows.
So naïve to their own cycles,
of stress and pleasure.
Is any...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:56 pm
Inner monster
“How could you?”
“What are you thinking?”
“You have no business being that angry young man!”
“Do you want to become your step father?”
anything to not be that monster
anything to not be like my mother either
My two states, lazy and angry.
I hate them both.
Turn it inward. Make it about you. It’s all your fault.
just as long as no one else is hurt.
Friday 20th May 2022 5:55 pm
Cower in the corner, and reflect
on all the things I’ve never done.
Am I mute?
I can speak plainly,
so what stops me?
Curl into a ball and weep
at all the fantasies
that never came true.
My desperation to find a lover.
My desire to do and be nothing.
My heart pleading for something,
A deep rooted fear of my own,
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:54 pm
His truth for Me
Why do you shy away little one?
What is it you are afraid of?
Are you not tired of this war of attrition
against your own desire for death?
You are not ugly
You are just as I made you
I have cleansed you already,
What else is there for me to do?
Stretch out,
Discover the full limits of the self you have been given.
In this magical and limitless world I have ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:53 pm
My truth
Suicide was my religion
I woke up every morning and called myself garbage
I went to sleep every night calling myself a coward
I was so absolutely furious that I was alive.
And so petrified that I might actually go that far,
should I ever put effort into my own abilities.
Clinging to life by my depression and sorrows.
I know no other life.
I know no other reality.
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:52 pm
Cyanide of the Soul
My body, My choice?
Is sex not a two way street?
Does it not have lasting effects on your relationship?
Is your heart so calloused over, you no longer care?
For if two alcoholics split the bill on a handle of Vodka,
Are they still alcoholics?
So too, those who come together
in the interest of momentary gratification taken from each other.
Who use the human figure,
Friday 20th May 2022 5:50 pm
and myself?
What should I write about today?
Damn if I’m not tired of writing about myself.
As good as it is to develop my story,
boy is it repetitive!
I would love to have some success under my belt.
If only I didn’t self-identify as an insurance liability.
my mind swinging back around to my past every chance it gets.
A pattern I seem incapable of breaking.
I tire of asking,
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:49 pm
Heed my warning,
those who are young.
Who still have their youthful vigor.
You who have lived in a world of deceit,
who’s contraptions held your attention,
and captivated your imaginations.
Who have lived lives,
balanced on the edge between good and evil.
Who fear no God.
For they will be given a sign they cannot deny.
Their reaction will determine their fate.
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:49 pm
What scripture is for me
Some say, it’s the Law. Made to rule over your life.
Some say, it’s a devotional. Flip open to a random page and find the perfect phrase
to help fight off your Tuesday.
Come, let me introduce you to a story.
The story of our world.
The scandalous claim of creation.
The paradox, of God’s faithfulness.
Come, and listen to the tale,
Of how God shattered every expecta...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:48 pm
A crush on the Barista.
A tale as old as coffee shops themselves, if I’m not mistaken.
An old and tired one frankly.
This is her place of business.
I mean no disrespect.
I keep my mouth shut, for fear of other people’s bullshit,
derailing my own.
Latte art and conversation with strangers.
Oh, to have that kind of confidence.
Oh, to be that beautiful.
Friday 20th May 2022 5:47 pm
Who dares stand against?
Who dares stand against him?
The crazy man with the Big Red Button?
He who has the nerve to use mutually assured destruction
as his footstool and yell, “Come at me you Cowards!”
Can all we do is sit back and wait?
Can any of us do any more?
It would only take all of us,
to decide the dollar worthless,
for Jeff Bezos to wake up one morning,
and be worthless
Friday 20th May 2022 5:47 pm
Ask a Stranger
Can I ask you a question? I want a strangers point of view.
I’ve wanted to die for as long as I can remember.
I have no idea who I am.
I’ve taken every anger and frustration, and turned it inward.
I’m taking life 20 minutes at a time.
I have the attention span of a goldfish,
a vivid imagination for the macabre.
I cling to other people for reasons token going,
and ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:46 pm
A sunflower?
I remember when you first called me that.
It caught me so off guard.
How can a sunflower bloom if it never faces the sun?
My stalk has hardly any structure.
I am useless against the trials of this life.
Bend enough, and you’ll break.
You went back to your last flower.
I don’t hold it against you, there’s history there.
I just can’t put it into word...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:45 pm
cycles do not exist in one part
no one can simply revolve around themselves
meaning is found in relationship,
for what could 1 be without 2?
I am a brother
I am somebody’s son
I am a friend
I am a mind of my own
I am a man of God’s creation
You cannot shrivel away, and find yourself
for if you do not stretch the limits of self,
how are you to know where y...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:44 pm
House of Cards
Come one! Come all!
To my house of cards!
It is I, the Ace of Spades,
the cornerpeice of this whole charade.
From me, every balance act is made,
and from me, the whole house stands.
Your chances are high!
Your odds, favorable!
Those lucky enough to draw a face,
the divine gift of symmetrical features,
blessed with the privilege of driving us into
the dirt.
Friday 20th May 2022 5:44 pm
What is my heart saying?
nothing I’m not already tired of hearing
Make something new
Build something unique
Start from the ground up, no stealing…
A hug can only help the healing process, not make it
Can I even do this?
Am I even capable of success?
My previous accomplishments taunt me,
With the apparent answer to that question.
Nah, that ain’t me Chief...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:43 pm
tick tock
Do I go? Do I stay?
For what purpose? For what use?
Am I really to believe these words on a page are to
Make any difference?
How do I feel?
What do I feel?
Could I even have the strength to be my own?
Even if I did, where would I start?
Can I even face my past anymore?
The deep abyss of my subconscious
calling back to me
“It doesn’t matter ho...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:42 pm
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