The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Who asked

For what is an opinion if nobody cares to listen 

For the truth normally isn't a big speech or a selfish put pour if emotion 

It's not a catch phase and you certainly won't find it on the devils favourite tool we call social media 

No truth is a claim affair a whisper of uncertainty the call help that normally comes a little yo late 

If you se the true holder of the honest tongue still...

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To be free from hurry and indecision 

To be free from insecurities and negative self talk 

Yo be unchained from the carnage that is my internal self 

To be break free out of the horrible commit that is the daily commute 

To understand their is no real rush or nothing to hard 

For if I had wish I wished for new eyes so I could see the beauty in the world the pace in the morning and c...

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Slow slow

Slow slow go slow 

For I can't see the forset from the tree's 

The path seems longer then amy other day before 

Please if theirs a plan let me in cause am sick and tried of trying to figure it all out. 

For am lost and pouring my heart out on the Internet 

Ohni could do with a friend 

I think she falling out of love with me am just falling into the big hole within meself oh the d...

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I never

I never asked for this disease no nobody ever asked me no I didn't want to be a stupiet junkie a pill poper or a wineo, no when inqas a kid I want to be a pro wrestler not to wrestler with demons 

I never fancy the shakes never wanted to be peroinord nor did I want the dirty skin I'm which addiction brings, the smell of yourself after 3 days of no washing and self harm or the dirty trick the de...

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They (who they are)

They ( who ever they are) say depression is a battle a on going conficted, a internal struggle a war between mind and body, well dear they I made it of bed before 6 am is that battle won 

To you am a sick in the mind or a ill man a lost cause 

A victim of modern disease but I didn't give in I have done it all a poor boy chasing a dream a write of at 21 ots roo much for him 

To a inspirati...

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