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Life lesson (Remove filter)

All the same

The lightness of being the holy innocent
Afraid of deadly sins, and committing a crime
Towards a saintly path of the generous time
For doing the rightness of God's participant

The worship on Sundays to the mighty prayers
All for values given by the stream of the church
But those same inner strengths are found in the research
Of all my neighbors, regardless of affairs

Let's chase away t...

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Life lesson

Long Live the past

Being eighteen again and knowing what I know
I would change my whole life even the small details
To enjoy the culture and follow my own trails
Surviving my worst fears and love till nightly glow

Being twenty again and knowing what I know
After years of study, I would have changed my path
To follow my passion suffering parents wrath
And feeling the freedom at life's artful bestow


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Life lesson


I'll never let you go, I said to my daughter
Hugging her close to me, feeling her heart beat fast
Wanting this good moment to last until the blast
I know they grow bigger but I'll remain father

She will remain little in my longest of days
As she becomes adult and enjoys her own life
Becoming a mother and a fabulous wife
With a sense of humour, putting on stinging plays

Will she win Nob...

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life lesson


A search for clarity in this wireless age
When we have these moments of intense connections
Celebrating our minds to seek out reflections
That exposes our pens, our thoughts onto white page

As world exploration brought new lands to enjoy
Our culture eroded onto big factories
Yet our fantastic tales need to be our stories
Of laughter and of pain, of builds and the destroy

Our fantasies ...

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Life lesson

Same road

The rabbit and the fox embracing the detour
Through the wild countryside, up hills and down valleys
Being locked in village due to the wild rallies
Slowly moving, walking, observing the decor

Travelling in numbers for their guarded safety
Avoiding detection from all walking zombies
To chase a perfection through these common hobbies
Arriving together safely and not hasty

The rabbit is s...

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life lesson


The cotton plantation was dreary yet our home
We worked hard in the fields under constant abuse
Cutting and gathering for our Master's excuse
That his homely brick house needed more shiny chrome

At night, we slept in sheds, without proper bedding
Cold and sometimes hungry, we chased away trouble
By engaging in songs that lifted our bubble
Words of our origins that kept our tongues spreadi...

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Life lesson

The sinking

Abandoning the ship was the captain's orders
And he was quickly off on the first rescue boat
With remaining persons fighting for the last float
Infants and small children left with some disorders

Old, tiny grandfather stays on board to help out
Assembling a raft boat with wooden doors and chair
Hoping that it can help to escape this bad scare
For a brighter future of these youngings washo...

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Life lesson

Frost bite

The sunshine will melt ice but the coldness remains
Shivers sadly turning into mighty goosebumps
Making the heart shaken and the pressure just jumps
As powerless poison, locking in iron chains

The keys to the sorrow can be wrapped in the mind
Unblocking the deep thoughts that will help deliver
From a maddening state of abusing liver
To seek out conqueror of the defunct mankind

Loving i...

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Life lesson

The Fishes in the Sea

Navigating minefields of this endless chatter
Competing interest, wanting to prove the best
To have that chemistry, a connection to test
Meeting now in person will resolve our matter

Some take weeks of banter to convince a meeting
Never living outside our handheld tiny box
Endless smart discussions of rabbit and red fox
Too nervous for a date, but like daily greeting

You always do wond...

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Life lesson

Danger Sign

"Danger" was in bright bold, but what danger was it
Without explanation, we can assume the worst
Or maybe it was past, should only be reversed
As the sign might show rust or an ageless refit

By reading the fine print to get the full details
Understanding the fear that lies beneath the feet
And the imminent fall that could move this concrete
By way of avoiding the lesions of the tales


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Life lesson


Forgetting your own words when in front of public
That you stutter through speech that you thought was prepared
And looking like a fool, maybe slightly impaired
Chasing away your dream of forming republic

Being conquered through fear of humiliation
Yet having the knowledge that the ideas were formed
But expressed so poorly that the crowd did not warmed
Wasn't captured in heart by lack of ...

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Life lesson

Daughter's illness

Skipping down the sidewalk, hand in hand with daughter
Enjoying silliness in front of the crowd's view
Laughing and then giggling with happiness breakthrough
At the early struggles with cancerous water

She became ill early, driving her to clinic
Being transferred in haste to nearest hospital
So that they monitor that her bones were brittle
And her vitality was a curious cynic

They trea...

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Life lesson

Deceased dad

We gather together with our heads down to pray
For our beloved dad that has suddenly passed
Our cries drip down our cheeks, each memories that last
Of him smiling his joy and his advice to play

He was a music fan, playing with oldie band
Always with a great mind, thinking of his next work
But had his tendencies, his laughter and his smirk
But he was beautiful, short finger on one hand


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Life lesson


Seeking independence through the pain of the heart
Searching high and then low to find a common phrase
That lightens the burden of emotional phase
But still stinging from pain of the hammered in dart

The hurt will always be, but a bandage will soothe
A scar will form under, and make the skin stronger
Yet, a stain on body with no one as sponger
To heal it completely and seal the texture sm...

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Life lesson


Scavenging through the dirt to find a bronzed penny
The long-lost currency of this changing culture
Representing new age of digital vulture
But remembering past where treasures of many

Evolution in ways that promote a freedom
Yet, losing sight of fame, deeply entrenched on screens
Gathering emojis instead of smiling queens
Having virtual meets, and friends that won't meet'em

Let's shar...

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Life lesson

The Puzzle

Taking out from the box, spreading puzzles pieces
Looking at the picture of an old-fashioned house
With a blue-shaded sky and animals, small as mouse
A thousand little bits, unstressful releases

Starting with the border, making the rectangle
Turning over all pieces and putting it in piles
Slowly seeing patterns and assembling by styles
Placing the first pieces, seeing the spectacle


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Life lesson

Color barrier

I'm black in a white world, a new family land
First born in this country, ancestors far away
The language is spoken, with accented reggae
Accepting of my world, yet stranger's looks offhand

I try to assemble with other lookalikes
Yet my affinity towards greatest of minds
Makes solidarity past the dark-colored kinds
Impossible to mend, yet my culture does spikes

Can they accept my thoug...

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Life lesson

Hockey game

I'm sitting down with beer, and a meal on my lap
Enjoying the hockey, on my lazyboy chair
My blue and white playing against rival affair
As the puck drops on ice, I'm nervous for first scrap

My team won the first fight, but the rivals scored first
Plenty of time remains to equalize the game
But I scream at tv as the ref calls a lame
Powerplay, down by two, end of first, beer for thirst


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Life lesson


I deserved this beating cause I burnt the supper
Can he please forgive me, and I'll make a new batch
Add a special dessert, and my mouth as a hatch
To please his desires, and make him feel upper

Next time, I'll be better, it was my own error
The bump on my shoulder, and the blood from my nose
All of this deserving, he's stressed about the shows
And I screwed his hot meal, producing his te...

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Life lesson

Changing Gears

As aspirations change, so do the days of life
What was valued in past, might not be your present
And seeking a future without any resent
That the dreams are fulfilled as there's no afterlife

Giving up on one goal to chase another dream
Is not a bad moment, but a changing of gears
Heading for new route, with trembling, stressful fears
That the past might still haunt, hopefully to mute scre...

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Life lesson

Northern Lights

Seeing the colors float as if they were alive
Making smiley faces or moving as serpents
Upon the mountain side with rivers as servants
Reflecting its beauty, a great movie scene live

In this grant wilderness, the winters can be long
But the majestic rise of the fresh and clean air
Makes the moments resist the boredom or despair
That can entertain us in folklore, native song

Take the od...

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Life lesson

Avoiding roadblocks

Life is extremely fast, one second can mean change
But let's face these moments, with our heads in control
Of all our emotions and guiding our patrol
To chase our lively dreams, growing within our range

Let's be marked by loved ones, shine through difficulties
With their soft, kind blessings to act as a great fool
And chase away nightmares far from our swimming pool
And abandon ourselves ...

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Life lesson


Looking down photograph to see the innocent
The picture of first steps where nothing could harm them
Pure loving joy inside as they grab the totem
Remembering those days where penny was present

A sweet moment of life where we learn to protect
These little hands in yours, and the crawling passions
The enormous talent without craving rations
The mewling in your arms while back rubbing perfe...

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Life lesson

The crime solver

Solving the mystery of the burnt old lady
That was found in the woods, off of Riverside drive
Where she went for a walk, didn't come out alive
Finding her charred remains, half of dreadful body

No prints were visible, age hard to determine
Sending a viral note, to search of the missings
Getting some hints and calls, but not one with blessings
Will she be the Jane Doe, tracking down this v...

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Life lesson

Monsters in closet

Chasing away demons throughout the infamy
With a splash of garlic or bullets with silver
The monsters always grow and make people shiver
Multiplying numbers in gang lord enemy

But those aren't the only, we walk amongst them all
Our neighbors could abuse, the co-worker could rape
The family mistress that ruins the core shape
Or the sweet old uncle that likes young at nightfall

Open your...

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Life lesson

My work day

I will do very best for this sweet family
Expecting their first born, excited and so proud
After numerous fails, they are floating on cloud
Putting the cold liquid, feeling so clammily

Projecting on the screen, the baby imagery
Feeling the nervousness at this stage of the bump
Checking for a heartbeat, and sensing my heart jump
No sign of a rhythm, rechecking this jury

I stop and they ...

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Life lesson

The fall

Airlifted to safety after my terrible fall
The ordeal left me bruised and with a broken arm
Thank god for hunting dogs, finding me with my harm
In a small opening, hanging onto the wall

I was preoccupied with my thoughts and sorrows
My soulful mind drifting from ideas to large plans
Of realizing dreams and prospects of my scans
That the hole was not seen, my body felt zeroes

I thought ...

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Life lesson


I seek out the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Swearing through all the lies to fabricate moments
That endured through our times and ravaged our movements
Ending frail elderly and chasing away youth

Gazing towards the stars to phantom the future
As the past just erodes and becomes mere rubble
Destroyed by the present amidst all this trouble
That secrets seek revenge and strips away ...

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Life lesson

Vow of a father

"Care to share your feelings?", I said to my teen son
As men we grow tired, and expose only strength
Keeping our sinful pain, bottled up at arm's length
Having this right outlet to express amidst stun

With my hand on shoulder, and offering a chair
Sitting down, face to face, to see his emotions
With caring father's ear, listening in actions
Letting him to resolve his pain and his welfare


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Life lesson

Lovers to Friends

Sitting here with my thoughts that this was our last kiss
A tender wet exchange of these now estranged lips
Feeling a bit awkward after ending our trips
Final lovers goodbye, the tenderness of bliss

Can we exchange our loves into a rooted friendship
One in which we share laughs but not be intimate
Taking a sidestep role in her happiness state
And grabbing my own life and make this distinc...

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Life lesson

Small pets

Observing the goldfish going in full circles
In his tiny fishbowl, around a fake castle
Not worrying for life, no predator's hassle
Only need helping hand with those little marbles

Obeserving the hamster running in plastic wheel
Sleeping most of the day and waking up at night
To amuse in his cage and to have a small bite
Only getting outside when cleaning his bed squeal

Serving our own...

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Life lesson

Losing weight

At one point you decide that this weight will come off
You will chnage your habits to make your life better
Sweat out all chemicals and get your clothes wetter
Seeing mighty changes will be worthy payoff

Getting fitting new pantsto show your lasting work
Feeling the prideful joy of getting compliments
Even from those strangers, enjoy blushing moments
And loving the great stares, generous ...

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Life lesson


Driving along this day after seeing flowers
Enjoying theevent and fighting through the crowd
To find a quiet spot, family time so proud
Hoping to end our meal, before the cold showers

Climbing into the car, a bit of exhaustion
Seeing their amazed smiles at all our adventures
Fantastic compliments that there was no lectures
How happy was this day amidst our precaution

Bam! It happened q...

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Life lesson

Life as a Tree

We live our lives as trees, hustling, bustling in wind
Swaying back and riding the current of passage
Deeply rooted on soil, hoping for great package
Given by out Mother, strong and thick, not just pinned

We are always hoping that are leaves turn out green
Every spring begins with burgeoning aspects
That you will get transplant near flowering prospects
And somehow you have chance that you...

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Life lesson


My eyes see the beauty in every gesture
From the tenderness care of an extended hand
To the glaring beating of a loud drumming band
Even tiny movements are a special treasure

Wheelchair-bound for ten years after the accident
Can't move my legs and arms, hardly can move my neck
My mind thinks of moving but body wields no speck
So these words are my acts of your entanglement

Please see i...

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Life lesson

Under the Stars

The blanket gets rolled out, as the lovers lie down
In the middle of night, they embrace under stars
To warm air, soft kisses, to the delight of Mars
The natural cuddles of the night's own playgroun

Wishing upon a star, they talk about present
Their life's will of laughter of moments of pleasure
Convincing the soft breeze to accommodate leisure
Hand in hand, feet by feet, they enjoy this ...

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Life lesson

Plus One

To my future plus one, please be kind and caring
Have a warm smile at hand to brighten the worse days
Seize the big adventure when the sun shines its rays
Get the warm monument of eternal daring

To my future plus one, have a big gulp for life
Our childish behaviour, not immaturity
Will lead us to a phase of graceful purity
As we grow old we know, each other's badly strife

To my future ...

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Life lesson


She is gone, now a friend, leaving me cold-hearted
My trenches are so deep that ladders are needed
As the rain washes in, filling it succeeded
Crocodiles are snapping at the heals uncharted

The plan was together happily forever
But then moments crumbled, brick walls were being formed
The tower was rigid, the castle was deformed
Crocodiles are biting at the man's endeavor

What is left a...

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Life lesson


The flowers are blooming, the hot sun is shining
This precious plot of land where everything grows
Turning right, turning left, bountiful juxtapose
Of polkadot colours, spreading through the lining

The plants creep towards east, where the sunshine exists
Opening their petals to accept the power
Responsible beauty an act of empower
That fuses their forum of an endless abyss

Climbing, sc...

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Life lesson

The Boulder

The boulder in the square that no one can carry
Every strong person has tried to remove it
It stays firmly in place, why no one has the wit
To figure out a plan, a wrong way too ferry

As the young boy sits there, hammering the center
Pieces come off of it, flying of windy dust
The folks hardly notice, the shrinking ball of crust
The sight is forgotten, of this big rock's mentor

The you...

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Life lesson

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