early evening, early autumn glow
as mersey mist descends
bright as mid summer but fresh
21st century silhouettes
like a new start
smoke rises on the water
21st century sounds
i'm no longer the rural riddle
and i don’t miss it… much
this is the new start
and looking out onto early evening
mersey mist
...Sunday 13th September 2009 12:57 pm
First Above All Else
The buses are striking
and there’s nothing I can do
I cannot get to work
and now I can’t shake this bad mood
The buses are striking,
The train costs too much
I can’t get to the station
Today is going to be a bust
I’ve never been so angry
have they never heard of a recession?
some are working for nothing
and THESE people want MY blessing?
If you want to make a point
go slow or...
Thursday 10th September 2009 2:37 pm
I want to join the PTA and bake cakes for the summer fete
I want to go to parents’ evening, and be told my kids are great!
I want to be a housewife, tuck the kids in at night
Give them a kiss and cuddle, while they read by torch light
I want to tell them stories, of when I was their age,
When I wanted to be a Spice Girl, and piercings were all the rage!
I want to be to...
Wednesday 9th September 2009 12:11 pm
My Liverpool
was Liverpool
She took me by the hand
She was where my girlfriend was
We met all thanks to her
My Liverpool
She was where I got covered in cake
and where we ate fast food
from three different places
in one night
Where I met my best friend
but in the end
My Liverpool
betrayed me
drove my best girl away from me
She helped me heal though
Showed me a good time
Thursday 3rd September 2009 9:57 pm
You’re like your Dad
She said
As I lay across the sofa
And I took it as a compliment
That I could grow into
A gentle giant,
Eyes still of wonder
at every new idea
That I could become like
the man who never
raised a hand and
never shied away from
The only man I ever
trusted, the only man
I ever loved
And I can see it too
...Tuesday 1st September 2009 8:40 pm
Very Soon
A smattering of knickers and bras
on the floor says
more sex please
a trip to the local upmarket
sex shop tells me that we are all
taking off our masks and shouting
It wasn’t so long ago that
I was a virgin (though longer now)
and it wasn’t so long ago that
all I wanted was to be wanted more than anything els...
Tuesday 1st September 2009 8:39 pm
The Alarm Rang
beep beep… beep beep
7:30am, summer, nearly the end of term
and i can’t wait to get to school,
i wear a blue and white checked dress
and white sandals
mum makes me breakfast, toast with pb and j
i watch too much american tv
i take a shower and get dressed
and mum does my hair
and then the eternal struggle of getting us out of the door and into the car on...
Tuesday 1st September 2009 8:38 pm
Nickelodeon Generation
We are the Nickelodeon Generation,
With Saved By The Bell morals
And Zack Morris
As a role model
I’m so cool… NOT
We are the Family Generation
The Simpsons are the new family ideal
Still capitalist, money driven,
But more dysfunctional
No race in his face
A yellow Bill Cosby, who strangles his son,
And no one calls social services
We are the ...
Tuesday 1st September 2009 8:36 pm
in celebration of older women
in middle age
her face speaks to me
a fingerprint in time
individual and perfect
it speaks to me
with no words
“i have
in youth bland
the same as any other
perfect peach
a vivid venus
a perfect thorn
amid the safe roses
i prefer the thorn
it knows things and protects the rose
Sunday 23rd August 2009 5:28 pm
Control Issues
Peace is Internal and External
and can be thrust upon you
unless you have control issues
and I do
sentimentality aside
it takes something special to make me relinquish
some urge, some desire
internal and external
enough to leave me trembling between the sheets
I give a little
and then a little more
and then if you're lucky
Let go
Very lucky
Although when I do
there's no going bac...
Saturday 2nd May 2009 7:39 am
The Lying Woman
The Lying Woman who tells you
she can't meet you tonight
too busy...
She just doesn't want to
She tells you to your face
that she has seen Liz Taylor's
but skirts over the details
and moves the conversation back
to family guy
swears that the most beautiful
sight she saw
was a sun setting over Rivington Pike
where she walked with her dogs
Her favourite book is Rebe...
Friday 1st May 2009 12:56 pm
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