there’s cobwebs
on your side of the bed.
not the same bed,
across state lines
in a town by the coast
where no one knows our names.
I am afraid to disturb them,
to make a space as unfillable
as the miles between my window
and the haunting moon.
I am afraid most days,
as memory slides into silk shadows
lurking on the edges of rest
like cobwebs
on your side
...Saturday 3rd February 2024 8:50 am
to pass you by is to long
for you close, lips sweet despite her
claim’s acrid taste. you wave.
your wandering hand runs up my thigh like
vines cling to ancient stone structures.
we make a sick picture, half-past-drunk
on years of tension, crushed
between mouths and confession in the dark.
you look at me as though
i might not run laps around the room
in hopes of catchi...
Tuesday 24th January 2023 10:40 am
promises, promises
promise me, darling,
when you’ve moved out and moved on
when this endless summer
becomes a misty-edged memory,
promise that you won’t forget me.
fall into an easy love with some girl
who deserves you more than i ever could,
but promise when you look in her eyes
that sometimes you’ll see a glimmer
of me in her, and you’ll wonder
what i look like now, what i’m doing,
...Wednesday 20th July 2022 7:21 am
seconds and moments are wrapped around my eyes,
a blindfold tied in a neat knot at the back of my skull,
the yellow feeling i crave again.
touch my hand, brush my cheek, lift my chin for a kiss
oh mistress memory, pull me in like a lover.
i am a slave to her delights, the caress of yesterday
is intoxicating. even her heartaches taste sweet,
the hurt transfixed on someone, some...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 7:02 am
i don’t believe in magic.
the same way i don’t believe
in love
or god
or decaf.
the same way i don’t believe
in myself, most days, or
the steadiness of my fingers
before i reach the next line.
i am a nonbeliever who still sits in the pews
praying for miracles between clenched teeth.
i am a monument to the sanctity of sundays
weak after week after week.
...Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:59 am
i want to want again
i remember i did, once. i must have wanted.
i want to look at him and not feel
hot hands, the fresh red blood
starting to spill from wounds i can’t see
yet still manage to keep opening.
i feel the shift, the crack, reduced to a moment,
oppressive heat pressing closer than skin.
take me into your arms, save me
from helplessness i dare not repeat.
i wish i could want it ag...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:54 am
hair falls over her shoulders, begs to be
swept behind her porcelain ear. the rose blooms
dotting the ridge of her cheeks beckon you
with all the allure of youth dripping heady from her brow.
see not the tenuous wire wrapping femininely
around each wrist and ankle, another
finds its home cutting into her white neck.
her cool fingertips graze your skin. her eyes shine
in the...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:48 am
the sparrow and the copywriter
the blood-soaked sparrow that lives in my chest
throws itself again with new vigor against
the bars of her cage, demanding a voice. i scream
that hers is my voice, that every turn
is on account of her
feathery fingers flying over the keys
until my legs have no choice but to move as she bids.
the copywriter that lives behind my eyeballs is on strike.
long nights at th...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:44 am
twenty twenty two
humanity was rigged for obsolescence.
consume to be consumed
by the greed grandfathered into the green
of your eden, your infernal birthright.
see, now, as the old growth turns to lumber,
as the Pacific runs black with the blood
of the dying mother. her veins are merely
obstacles to profit, the pipelines of man
poison her knowingly, gleefully. enslave, envy, extract
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:41 am
it’s like sleeping standing up.
or drowning in the dessert
aisle of wal-mart, clinging to life
one mini-pint at a time. see only
the saccharine streetlights that walk you home,
not the smog-smeared halos they wear.
wake up to the same yellow countenance
that kissed the face of man when earth was free.
if they could sell sunshine, they’d bury you in it.
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:39 am
vintage misery
it’s been a long time
since i’ve heard the universe sing to me.
the upshoots under my feet are wilted,
the air is stifling my eyes and throat,
i cannot see the flames but i hear
their crackling cackle as glass reality chips away.
i listen for birds; maybe they will lift me out;
none come.
the sky is empty with fire.
i wonder if dinosaurs ever felt suicidal.
if i ...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:37 am
the zoo
soon the ape must return to its cage,
though they long for the sun to warm their fur
and the breeze to fill their nostrils.
the streets are alive with blood and violence,
the singed edges of the empire beginning to
run toward the center of the page.
there are lights, and music as present as the air,
and the ape longs for all of it with equal fervor.
an animal wants nothin...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:36 am
the room
lately i’ve been thinking a lot about writing.
not doing much of it, of course.
thinking about all the people, from the beginning of our time
simple animals who invented language
because the pressure of having too many thoughts
with no way to bring them beyond your teeth
was too devastating, too lonely.
i think about those people sitting in a huge room,
saying nothing, wri...
Wednesday 20th July 2022 6:35 am
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