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Tick, Tock.

Look at the clock.

Wait seven seconds.

Look at the clock.

Wait seven seconds.

Look at the clock.

Wait seven seconds.

Look at the



Tip, Tap.

Each finger raps the desk.

Once then twice then thrice.

Each finger raps the desk.

Once then twice then thrice.

Each finger raps the desk.

Once then twice then thrice.

Each finger


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mental health issuespoetry and mental healthmental battle


the cobra






                    its tail around my neck

its name is


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anxietymental healthmental health issuespoetry and mental health

As The Sun Rises

I lay on a hard mattress curled in the foetal position,

wrapped in a chrysalis of darkness.

A fancy metaphor could not explain the meaning of life,

it had simply become irrelevant.

I had become so skinny that my skin was pulled

guitar string taut over aching bones,

that doctors had threatened to hospitalise me.

But now, allergic to life, my skin peeled at the thought of being.


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mental healthmental health issuespoetry and mental health

Psychotic Girl

lying in the bath, curled in a daze

staring at my hand, ring finger twitching

eyes losing focus, antipsychotics sedating

right foot twitching, clinically agitated

stomach protruding, appetite increased

screams of bubbles bursting, whispers intruding

scent of my body, artificial strawberry

ignore the shouts, but they hurt me

mountains of bubbles, naïve body purifying


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mental health issuespoetry and mental healthPsychosis

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