The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

It's all just words

Words on paper

Born: sign here

Words on paper

Love: Marriage: sign here

Words on paper

Careers: Paycheque: sign here

Words on paper

Tortured mind leads to me writing poetry

Words on paper

Death certificate

How insignificant

Words on paper

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I'm a walking holocaust

Hiroshima in my head

How can a small piece of flesh accomadate so much affliction?

Virulent predecessors ravage my veins

No matter how much blood trickles from these wounds

you won't go away,

Black box for a brain

If i crash, will it go away?

These penetrating negative thoughts..


Serrated claws on a blackboard

the images in m...

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I Want to be you

I hold your tiny hand in mine

I become you

Because i am jealous

You say "mommy, i love you"

I become you

Because i am jealous

You hug me and plant sweet little kisses on my cheek

I become you

Because i am jealous

How can i be a mother

When i still yearn to be a loved child...

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In a haze of fear

The end is near

This is my last year

Soon i shall go my dear..


You'll miss me i hope

But i know you will cope

Please do not mope

As i look for the rope..


I could swallow tablets in bed

A bullet to my head

Or leave blood gush from my wrists instead

Don't you worry, i'll do it before we're wed..


A tear just fell f...

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Goodbye Childhood

Ah, that old chair, weakened from many 'talks' previous to this one,

He started to speak while the others observed me, too professional and ignorant to reach me,

"Have you seen anything?" he said,

I was seven, i had seen alot of things,

Sympathetically, he added, "Do you know what i'm asking you?"

How stupid of him to percieve me as a child,

"Yes" i said, "i'm not a chil...

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How Will I Feel Today?

Drunk on beer

Drunk on you

Drunk on sex

Drunk on love


Sober with clear blood

Sober with life

Sober with reality

Sober, just fucking sober,

Which one will i feel today?

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How We Met

I will open my door to you and we will do business,

I will open my arms to you and it will be cosy,

I will open my legs to you and it will be beautiful,

I will open my mind to you and it will be a prism of my life,

I will open my heart to you and you will be in heavan.

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One Day

One day i will thread barefoot across a poppy field,

Sun kissed and warm, truly from the inside out,

And i will feel truly loved, probably not un conditionally (that never happens!)


One day i will fall love soaked into your arms, and truly surrender my soul to you,

But is that fair?!

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If i tell you things, will you hurt me?

To be vulnerable at this age is pathetic probably,

If i am honest and true, will you hurt me?

To be fucked up at this age is pathetic probably,

If i change my sinful promiscuous ways for you, will you hurt me?

To be worried by all this at this stage is pathetic probably,

Now you know the other person lurking within me,

Will you...

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My Flower

My body is the petals, that eventually fall away,

My life is the long stem, that soaks up everything,

My thoughts are the thorns, heavanly and hellish,

You are my root, that holds me in place.

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It is the way it was

My legs were open

My heart was closed

What a way to be

But that was me

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Silly Girl

Deep dark blood

Gushing from this wound

My eyes seeping from sorrow and stinging from pained tears

I look down and laugh

"You fool, you idiot, you pathetic silly girl"

Heart anchored with past and future fears.

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Born Anyway

Head fucked

not literally, but may aswell be..

The amniotic fluid infested with an already de-graded life...

I'll be a reality soon, not that you'll care,

With your alcohol stained blood, fist stained face and motherless virtues...

I'd rather have been born to the devil,

At least i would have felt warmth, from the laughing, mocking flames,

Better than the laughing, m...

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Six foot dream of reality,

Flushing my past right out of my once heavy heart,

Anchored down with your poetry and lyrics and love,

Coursing through my veins

A remedy for the pain of love's lost,

Replaced with pangs of the urgency of wanting you,

A relentless charming soul,

I engorge on your mind,

Satisfied and completed at last,

Like a thousand piece jigsaw,


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Beautiful You

I kneel down at your feet,

Head on your chest,

Sun rays toasting my cheek

while you mumble lyrics


Deep deep words,

that travel through my veins,

Changing lanes in my head,

Our eyes meet,get accquainted,

Within seconds, Mesmorising glazes that are momentarily eternal


I wished for you in secret,

It must have travelled on the wind,

Here you a...

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The Rant Of A Mind Deserted

I am mechanically living,

I am life's puppet on a string,

I am a dandelion among orchids,

I am surrounded by beautiful people with ugly truths,

I can't bear it

I am lost in such a familiar place and it's written all over my face

My reactions have become charracateur,

I want to disappear somewhere,

I want to hide,I have been trying to confide

Cuccooning myself...

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mental health

Eight Neglected Wonders of a Womb

The reality of an external life of perdition from the womb is purposefully impervious to the memory This is where gratefulness truly stems A postcard picture of a view of eight embryo's howling in indescribable pain is too much for some to observe Catapulted around like unwanted withered leaves from a tree that once sustained them Raked up by a life of constant negativity and despondenc...

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