Once I found a silver sixpence
One day as I was walking home
From St Francis of Assisi school
A little boy of eight or nine
I said a little prayer to up above
“Dear Jesus, Mary, and Joseph too,
please let me find a silver sixpence
so I can buy some fruity chews,
and perhaps some black jacks too”
Now I said this more
In hope than expectation
But imagine my surprise
Glee, and exultation
When I ...
Saturday 22nd March 2025 8:51 pm
When all else is gone
I wait at the same old places
Expecting you to be there
A continuum of time
From the last time we met
But the physical is gone
And just a memory remains
Wind blows straight through me
As does the light
But my heart is still beating
Pumping blood and emotions
That linger though you’re gone
I am but shadows and hopes
Of distant moments
That yearn for your ...
Sunday 8th December 2024 5:23 pm
Tea bag talk
You’re such a handsome kettle
With your spout so erect and proud
Strong, long, shining metal
So mighty, so well endowed
I dream of your water steaming
Your temperature on the rise
Your frothing liquid teeming
With me your goal, your prize
Fill me up, fill me up!
When, finally you come
Into my tight little cup
My spices, released, succumb
Sunday 11th February 2024 3:19 pm
In the absence of light
In the absence of light
I feel safety in darkness
Nothing to fight
Nothing to fear
Togetherness needs no light
In darkness we have love
In darkness we have sight
In darkness we find God
For God is love
And love is God
Nicholas O'Farrell 2023
Saturday 20th January 2024 5:20 pm
Defy, decay
Defy, decay
I often wonder
About the last leaf on the tree
And whether there is a leaf
That refuses to wither
To decay, to die
To remain as soft
Lissome, and lithe
As the day it first grew
On the tree
And not just a memory
Of a memory
That we hold
In a photograph
Of a love
In the first bloom of spring
And days of light
And sun without end
Long ...
Friday 25th November 2022 1:09 pm
Wise words
If you want to stay wed
Then keep him well fed
And happy in bed
Cos he’ll be easily led
By his cock, not his head
Nicholas O'Farrell 2022
Monday 12th September 2022 1:35 pm
Every kiss
Every kiss …
Every day
We would write
My love and I
Many times a day
And every letter
Every message
With multiple kisses
And I said to my love
Every X is an IOU
That must be repaid
With interest due
And, I am pleased to say
We repay the debt
Every hour
Of every day
And never has there been a debt
I’ve be...
Monday 20th December 2021 3:20 pm
Am I happy?
What does that even mean?
Is it some permanent state
Carved in stone
Of where and what
And with whom
We are now?
Or is it just the sum
Of individual moments
With which we experience pleasure
Contentment, feelings, and highs
Or, perhaps
To spin it on its head
It’s the absence
Of sadness, regrets, and fears?
But surely happiness
Can’t ...
Friday 25th June 2021 12:15 am
I often think about the past
I like to think about the past
I can’t help thinking about the past
And the people I have known,
loved, and lost
I’ve loved those I’ve lost
And I’ve lost those I’ve loved
I reinvent the past
I reimagine the past
I reconfigure the past
Combine characters, events, and feelings
I create new endings
I create new todays
I wish fo...
Sunday 18th April 2021 4:09 pm
I love the solitude
That lock-down has given me
No need for excuses
For being reclusive
For being solitary
And keeping myself
To myself
The weeks ahead
Fill me with dread
When masks are removed
And life is improved
Normality restored
But not for me
I just want
To stay at home
To keep my distance
From people, and
The fear they
Instill in m...
Monday 1st March 2021 2:44 pm
What a beautiful set of tegulars
So straight, shiny, and true
They dominate her smile
And radiate her natural beauty
No imperfections, no blemishes
Tegularis regularis
As the Latins may once have said
Or, to reflect their dazzling prominence
Tegularis regularis majoris
Now mine are somewhat different
Little, yellow, inconsistent in shape
Tegularis irregularis seems...
Tuesday 26th January 2021 8:19 pm
I've always been the other
I’ve always been the other
Or at least it seems that way
From when I was very young
I was always the outlier
The one who didn’t quite fit
I remember when I was at school
And saying no to cake
I don’t why I declined
And chose not to partake
I’m usually so inclined
Towards all things edible
Perhaps it was my shyness
Or perhaps, I always
Wanted to be the except...
Friday 15th January 2021 8:40 pm
Us flipping vegans
We can get so mad
With the world, with our friends,
Even with ourselves
For any lack of vegan purity
Conflicts with our vegan surety
If there’s one thing worse than a carnist
It’s a so-called vegan purist
Who eats organic honey
Bought with tallow coated money
Who wears non-vegan shoes
Made with non-vegan glues
Buys non-vegan booze
For their...
Thursday 17th December 2020 4:15 pm
My love ...
My love …
She errs on the side of gorgeousness,
sassiness, and kindness
And that’s fine
Because she’s mine
My love …
She errs on the side of gentleness,
sweetness, and forgiveness
And that’s great
Because she’s my soul mate
My love …
She errs on the side of womanness,
openness, and togetherness
And a heavenly scent
That is heaven sent
And that...
Wednesday 18th November 2020 9:28 pm
The future's bright ...
Some things I cannot fathom
And leave me ill at ease
Why is serendipity not wisdom?
And bucolic not a disease?
Why can a man not serve two masters
But have so many mistresses?
What’s sarong about men in dresses
And women who become pastors?
Why don’t poets of our time
Feel the need to write in rhyme?
And who on earth holds the key
To decipher modern poetry?
Not me, it seems, at least...
Thursday 12th November 2020 2:09 pm
When I grow up
To be 60 and have no plan
As to where my life should go
Is a poor reflection of a man
And the paths he chose to follow
When I was young with years ahead
I thought little of the future
And focused on the now instead
With no grand scheme to nurture
Now I feel my life has just begun
But no vocation beckons
No -one sees within my life’s span
The depth of al...
Friday 23rd October 2020 2:23 pm
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