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Tuesday 12th August 2014 11:18 pm
The Forest (See me read this out on Youtube: )
The Forest
An ancient goat’s voice echoed through the remaining trees.
It bleated a message of natural interconnected memories,
Liberated tranquillity,
Disconnection from technology.
A vibration in decaying undergrowth
Introduced a power animal’s presence;
The maternal spirit of a she-wolf,
Guiding descendants of her crescent-moon killers.
A guest to Nature,
Tuesday 10th July 2012 11:35 pm
Freedom and Control (see me read this out on Youtube: )
Freedom and Control
I’m enslaved by a desire for freedom, confined
within the boundaries of the human mind.
Freedom, my beloved friend, tell me you exist
within this twisted consciousness.
In defining the word freedom I’m blinded
by social conditioning suggesting
a measure of confinement,
that freedom is an illusion, created
to alleviate the feeling of being trapped
Tuesday 10th July 2012 11:26 pm
New poem, let me know your thoughts. It's called "Venus in Transit".
Venus in Transit (2012)
Venus yellow darkens in fierce caress with the Sun,
their celestial sex signals that another cycle’s done.
But what offspring shall fall to our planet?
What offerings of sacrifice in return for this etheric gift?
Perhaps a shift in consciousness will ensue,
a rebirth to enlighten the hearts of human kind.
So ride the tempest,
...Monday 4th June 2012 8:27 pm
Everything moves to a rhythm,
conducted by the universe.
The universe is a bass drum,
Pulsating, a song with one verse.
(Let me know what you think.)
Saturday 16th February 2008 1:51 pm
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