I'm still here.
Sitting in an uber to the office is usually a very defective time for me...I often watch the vehicles passby and today like many other days it takes me back to where I have been and how far I've come to be right here ,right in this moment. What really moves me is the unbelievable reality ...I Am still here. Not just here..but here and good . With Allah's grace I have survived situations that at it...
Thursday 7th March 2024 5:07 am
OUR NEW NORMAL Life during a pandemic. Already change is challenging for most. If we had a choice or I should rather say, control things would remain the same, people's thinking would never evolve, but we don't have control over anything. Change is inevitable; it is an integral part of being human. Going about our lives blissfully oblivious believing that we are the captains of our destinies, then...
Monday 30th August 2021 12:30 pm
Are we being our most authentic selves and living authentic lives but only posting what we want the world to see? Using every resource to glamourise mediocrity and disguise pain? Authentic is defined as: “not false or copied; genuine; real.” And, my favorite definition, “representing one's true nature or beliefs; true to oneself or to the person." However ,these days our primary focus is on social...
Wednesday 26th February 2020 5:46 pm
With Allah...I can , so i will.
Aspirations...Where we are and where we want to be?
My aspirations have always focused on being a world-renowned, bestselling author, however, i have found great value in fact, total gratification in knowing my pieces help people whether i get paid or not.
Where i come from...where i am...and where i want to be is a constant and ongoing journey.
I have come very far from the young girl wh...
Tuesday 30th July 2019 10:44 am
You Dont know me.
You Don't know me
"Not strong enough" Please don't presume to know me... You don't know me... But I know me... There is nothing you can teach me about pain and suffering... I am a Survivor... I have been through hell and back ... I know the devil , personally. I should be dead...How am I alive? I should not be alive right now! But I am...Alive! Its almost as if I am immune to the bull shit...
Friday 8th February 2019 2:22 pm
The Ranting of a Soul Fed up
Do not attempt to undermine my intelligence as you will only serve to belittle yourself. You do you and I'll do me .I know this will be easier for me as I live real every day .I'm just me ,always and that's how it should be. I do however, wish you the best of luck as I can only imagine how difficult putting on a show can be not to mention how utterly exhausting,after all acting requires both skill...
Wednesday 21st March 2018 8:00 pm
I Wish
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a heart...it betrayed me one too many times... I love too deeply. And care too excessively... Then I hurt! And the hurt is like so many hurts I have endured...yet so unlike any... Each time it's new...somewhat unique in its anguish...lingering... Stalking me during the day...and as night falls so does my reserve... Proclaimed by the world as a 'strong woman' if only ...
Tuesday 20th March 2018 10:47 pm
Choose Life
For anyone thinking of suicide...I send you light love and keep u in my prayers... May you know love and find compassion when u need it the most. May u always love urself first. May you hold onto the fact that if u love urself that's enough. May you find your smile through your tears. May u know without a doubt that u are not alone. May u believe that u do matter, u will be missed and u are lov...
Tuesday 12th December 2017 3:10 pm
Too Familiar
Today I woke with the all too familiar feelings again. Those never changing Feelings , except perhaps always only in depth. The Familiarity , like the type of stranger you've known all your life, rattles me every time .Each time it happens I feel something stirring deep inside me, a shift at the depths of my core. The slightest of movements almost like a wisp of air it silently flutters ,briefly ,...
Wednesday 1st November 2017 8:35 pm
Last Night...
Last night I dreamt I lost you Between oceans of dreams and Storms of thoughts I searched through the waves of panic but Found no trace of you_ My thoughts blank and dark, Oh my dreams…my dreams… So empty Impossible as it seems I fought against my own rage Yelling Refusing to accept… Last night I dreamt I lost you Between the madness and mundane. A sob escaped my lips Evidence of m...
Thursday 19th October 2017 2:01 am
I Wish...
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a heart...it betrayed me one to many times.... I love to deeply. And care too excessively... Then I hurt! And the hurt is like so many hurts I have endured...yet so unlike any... Each time its new...somewhat unique in its anguish...lingering... Stalking me during the day...and as night falls so does my reserve... Proclaimed by the world as a 'strong woman' if only th...
Thursday 19th October 2017 1:46 am
Closed and Unmarked
Lost in thought I sought and sought in a jungle of memories, which with every passing second fades into the distance but struggles to disappear. I walk through the foyers of my mind- on each side open doors all except one – closed & unmarked. I edge towards it anxious and afraid, turn the lock but it will not budge. The memory of u is trapped behind a closed door. I bang and kick and shove and ki...
Friday 22nd September 2017 7:45 pm
The Clearing
The Clearing Inspired by a dream I had as confirmation of My commitment to remain in the darkness with my friend as long as need be. I hear the screams of centuries falling Compassion, tumbling…down Values, landing…loudly Chainsaws…cutting… Right through our very hearts, Trucks dragging… Lifeless… Humanity… I tear through the thick of it Struggling to stay on my feet Terrified I run…I run, B...
Friday 22nd September 2017 7:36 pm
Two more days
My eyes fall on the calendar And my heart races… Just two more days… Two more days from the worst of so much and For so many, Not that anyone needs a calendar as a reminder … Our fear is our continuous reminder. As “The” day comes closer, the sadness in our hearts gets deeper… The pain we have torturously endured for a year gets heavier… An almost unbearable weight to carry, “God help us! Has it...
Friday 22nd September 2017 7:29 pm
Wednesdays lost
Wednesdays Lost As “The” day draws nearer Spirits sink lower Fears rise, higher. Not completely sure why, It’s as if we expect something…or “That” to happen again… Anything worse…is impossible! Still so unbelievable _ surreal almost. Two months short of a year And we continue to struggle to grasp the fact_ You’re gone! How do you go about planning an Angel Day…? When you can’t believe… Yet reg...
Friday 22nd September 2017 7:24 pm
Helpless Still
Six months, ten days have passed Yet nothing has changed
Time has not started since that April day…
Sadness remains Tears constant
Helpless still…
Days remind me of a rollercoaster ride Not one you enjoy…
But the dreaded kind… Where every uncertain second So unkind
One day bearable… The next, a bottomless pit…
Falling, Anger overwhelming Emptiness always …
Helpless still
...Sunday 10th September 2017 11:51 am
My friend hurts and there's nothing I can do. Time stood still for you… and I was sleeping Forgiving me is not in my scheme of things. Your world crumbled … I was not there. Through silly vibrations I awoke to a world so different…. So sad….so silent and empty. The news come and I SCREAM your name wishing… the loudness would shatter this nightmare But I am awake and it’s not a dream, “you lost you...
Monday 28th August 2017 9:07 pm
Silence Needed
Today I woke Face soaked Eyes swollen. Today I woke with tears in my eyes. Drenched were the pillows on which I sleep Saturated like my soul… Finding no inspiration to leave the refuge of my bed … I sink deeper into the sodden bedding Dragging the covers over my head. Just two hours of restless slumber…two hours was all I managed. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep… Drained…in everyway imaginable…dra...
Monday 28th August 2017 8:47 pm
Everything self; Beneath the surface
The trouble with learning to love yourself is this; All things positive "self" is more difficult to practice than the opposite our easily adopted negative self. Bad habits like self-doubt, self-hate,self-harm integrates into your life at such an alarming speed you wont even realize it until its too late, but then you do realize it. So begins a lifetime struggle to get rid of it. The process, unlik...
Saturday 26th August 2017 11:54 am
Powermoves and Hope... Leaps above all : The story of one BBoy steps of hope. A Super BBoy who possess the power to fly, but all he wants to do is dance! A BBoy called Mickey.
The @Facebook/DreamAcademy trying to persuade ,one not to believe in fickle dreams changing from moment to moment. No, theirs is a slightly more challenging Powermove , they came to restore the magic of the wonder found in every waking moment ,every step in the amazing footwork ,the flips and windmills etc all captured forever in the mind and heart of our magnificent, hauntingly creative , "too co...
Saturday 19th August 2017 11:47 pm
Tears, Earned
Our Beloved Mother, Another year, another birthday without you. Miss everything about you...gone but never forgotten. As much as our Mother lives on in our hearts we miss her terribly so...and days like these, especially a day like today, when we should be celebrating all of her, with her .We can't because she was taken from us a long time ago. It feels like forever yet the memories and pain ...
Saturday 19th August 2017 1:30 pm
A million times I stumble and fall...STILL I RISE...there are no mistakes, only lessons. It starts as painful lessons learned the hard way and ends as priceless pieces of life's teachings never to be forgotten. At the very least I'll be wiser next time- Life...at full circle. We fall countless time...yet we Rise...I rise...every time! SS
Saturday 19th August 2017 10:16 am
I Am Alive
My Soul is not within me ,I am within my Soul. The essence of my being ,all of my core. I Am my Soul. Battered by Life, Strong but shattered. I Am Alive..I ask myself ;how am I alive...the realization envelopes me completely and the answers sanctified, revealed. Wrapped in the Divine knowledge Soothing,. comforting like only a mothers embrace. Designed in the image of Our Creator; I Believe A moth...
Saturday 19th August 2017 9:58 am
An Introduction, a glance into my soul
I am a ShaakieraS, A mature, respectable and sophisticated woman, with a massive vocabulary and a passion for words, which borders on obsession. Strangely quiet and reserved , an introverted extrovert yet can be surprisingly witty, accommodating and very outgoing depending on the situation and of course the company. Highly intelligent and sharp-minded choosing to express myself largely through the...
Saturday 19th August 2017 9:34 am
Choosing to stay.
My friends’ son died! There I said it! He didn’t pass away or go home or any of the hundreds of euphemisms that people choose to use, he died, he’s gone and he is never coming back! 353 days,50 Wednesdays after the fact and all still seem so unreal. There is not a day that passes that I wake up and not think…how can this be? How could this happen to her? I cannot stand that she is experiencing thi...
Saturday 12th August 2017 7:39 pm
Remembering, Me...Woman Infinite.
Being a woman is not simply belonging to a certain demographic. It is a privilege not to be taken lightly.Being a woman is being an indestructible soldier in a Historic Movement of Epic proportions. Flourishing in the knowledge that you are a part of something so special is utterly gratifying and nothing short of a miracle. An elite member of a Universal Society comprised of The Global Community a...
Saturday 12th August 2017 7:07 pm
Rise Up...Live Your Truth
Step Into the recesses of my heart, mind and soul. participate in stimulating ,thought provoking but brutally honest chats. Whether its company ,advice or a need to vent or simply laugh, no topic is off the table. Un-accepting sanctimonious non-humans, so blinded by their ignorance and fear they can't see the beauty in the unique-ness of each of us are Not welcomed. With the magic within words I...
Saturday 12th August 2017 5:27 pm
Conspiracy Imagined...close to heart,it remembers.
Its 5:30 in the morning after locking up I'm trying to get back to sleep,then I start to think. I wonder if there's such a thing as conspiracies in real life.I don't mean like huge political conspiracies or celebrity deaths etc , I'm talking about elaborate lies ordinary people tell,normal families And the extreme measures they go to ,in order to cover it up. Ok so we have heard about finding o...
Saturday 12th August 2017 3:42 pm
Pieces of Freedom; A personal perspective on Freedom and the deeply intimate significance of the powerful influence it silently wields in my life.
What does "Freedom" mean to you? Personally I believe its not only enjoying basic human rights but celebrating actual freedom everyday. The downside being that it is an everyday thing for us that we tend to forget the significance of it and reduce it to "ordinary" when in fact its the most extraordinary,most divine God given sanctified gift we have. Our free will so precious that our Creator Almig...
Friday 11th August 2017 9:01 am
All Poems of Shaakiera Schroeder
http://www.poemhunter.com/shaakiera-schroeder/ This page contains the collected works Poems, reflective pieces ,etc by Shaakiera Schroeder (c) Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge
Friday 11th August 2017 7:16 am
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