The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.


Long road trips 

Mileage running real deep...

Sun rises ,night creeps

Setting into location 

Staring at the moonlight 

Reflecting on your inner soul 

Decompressing from toxicity

Setting your inner self for cleansing 

Renewing of your mind 

In search of your best version 

Leaving the old version of yourself trailing the new being 

Looking for inner strength 


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Summer's heat 

long days

short nights 

Time flies 

Locating serenity in the storm 

Still rhythm flow ,laying calm 

Looking for from within 

Steadying the soul 

Staring at the clouds 

Reminiscing on actions taken 

Learning from the past..

Looking into the future 

Staying optimistic..

Redefining perspective

keeping up believe 

Tomorrow is bette...

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But how can i find my way to your heart ?

how can i appeal to you in every way ?

am trying to  approach you and be confident about it.

What would I say, would you even listen?

the infatuation of you makes me tremble.

what would i do if you resisted ,if you said no ?

feelings i want to profess, places i want to take you

i want to say and do  more but am trying to be sure 


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hidden feelings


Meeting you from the get-go was unforgettable 

 your beauty struck me like lightning

every facial expression you ooze is a vibe 

from your hair to your make up and your fragrance 

you got me Addicted

first date with you was a fantasy 

only if you knew how my heart beats when i see you step from a distance 

You’re stuck in my head and I can’t get you out 

i want to be everyw...

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hidden feelings


Unique in every way

Intriguing at sight

But Cute as a button

Straight shooter like a sniper

Elegance is her nature

First sight of her took me to paradise

Her energy is like a rocket

Dancing is her vibe like Hendrix on the electric G

Boss lady In need of no Guidance

Is what I love about her

Every conversation with her is like a river Because we flow

No pen no paper ...

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It was calm before the storm

And there was lightning and thunder

It was electric

The vibe was thrilling

It felt genuine

I had a place in my heart just for you

Dreams of going to the hills with you

It was yellow until it became green

Then we got stuck on red

Why red my head keeps asking ?

Why open boxes you weren’t sure if you was ready to see what’s in it ?

What wa...

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masked feelings


What was the chance i did know you ?

What was the chance we did be friends ?

What was the serendipity of me been in awe of you 

But here i am expressing how it feels

From your smile that captivates the and got me tripping every moment 

You are a manifestation of astonishing beauty 

A dime + 99 equals you

Your eyes are irresistibly stunning 

With the body of a goddess


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Been happy or Been sad,

fulfillment or not attaining your desires

it comes with alot of emotions.


Finding a purpose in chaos

stuck in the system for ages 

motivation to feel alive again

After chains of break down leading to a break forth.


Beautiful thing about life its more about re writing than writing

It makes you tear down so you can break through 


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5.26(Last Rodeo)

The first victim, you made me 
The first causality, I was 
The first mistake you took to heart.

5 stones you cast into the river 
Mistakes your friends made 
I paid the price.

5 cards you cast aside 
All because of a couple racks
5 scorpions you set ablaze 
All because of a little detail.

Loved you like a brother I never had
Stood up for you like you was blood
Had your back ag...

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Am at a park,wondering why me ?

what did i do wrong

i tried to be perfect for you 

i tried to be just and worthy of you

but it was not enough 

like i was not your desire 

like your mind was not here with me

i felt lost and deep in thoughts 

scrambling, looking for answers to all our questions 

questions only you can answer 

make me understand what is going on


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