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dystopia (Remove filter)

Kicking and Screaming

The clowns and the madmen are led away,

Kicking and screaming, kicking and screaming.

The brand-new Bentley is brought out to play,

Factory-gleaming, factory gleaming.

The streets are swept free of the dust and muck,

Spit-clean and polished, spit-clean and polished;

Around lies the city’s ardour and luck,

Smashed and abolished, smashed and abolished.


As simpering rules...

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Nineteen Eighty-Four

‘A truth denied is truth decried’,

I once heard some wise person say.

But what if truth is optional,

Or fuzzy-edged or ill-defined?

(The point seems rather underlined).

Then how differs fact from fiction

On this or any given day?


There is no future and no past;

It’s just a matter of control.

What has happened and will happen

Depend upon our latest whim

(The pr...

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Election Campaign

We went to a ball, but they said we could not dance.

We joined a choir, but they said we could not sing.

We ordered a beer, but they said we could not drink.

We shared an embrace, but they said we could not love.

We went to the bathroom, but they said we could not wash.

We sat in a restaurant, but they said we could not eat.

We took out our pens, but they said we could not write.


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