The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Lost For Words

Words escape me,
I am mute, struck dumb
by the darkness in my mind.

by the hatred I reserve
purely for myself.

by the loathing
pressing on my last nerve.

is the light in a tunnel.
I see only black; an empty oeuvre.

is good enough,
no words to share my pain.

Words escape me.
Alone, again.

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Tenebrous Attraction

I write from a dark place.
I see the beauty in darkness
Try to shape it into words
So that you may see as I do.
The bleakness in my mind
Curls tendrils about my soul
Binding it into submission.
An unwilling slave.
No safewords here.
When darkness has drained
The colour from life
Turned the beauty of the world
Into cold monochrome
I turn my eye to the abyss
I feel it ...

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You could de-construct my pieces,
find your way inside.
Tap at the stone
that replaced my heart;
hope to hear an echo.

You could climb into the abysm
that used to house my soul.
Close your eyes in its darkness
find a memory of before.

You could creep into my mind;
find the joy that someone stole.
You could.
I wish you would.

But you won’t.

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