The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Good the Bad & the Turkey

Here comes Xmas to fill us all full of cheer

A delightful time of peace joy and celebration

Spend spend spend like there is no tomorrow

There’s a consumer jamboree across the nation

Christmas has got nothing to do with religion

Hey Santa - lead us not into temptation

Have a thought for those less fortunate than you

For whom the festive season will cause frustration


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Blue November Blue

Summer's come and gone just like a dream
Where’s the sunshine now for crying out loud
There has got to be some kind of reason
Why my head is floating high in the cloud
I don’t know what to say
Got no words anyway
I know this much is true
Blue November Blue
Nothing much we can do
Blue November Blue
I remember kicking up the autumn leaves
And strolling with you in a cool refreshing bre...

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Halloween On Fire


I arose from the crypt on Friday October 31

Gazed into the mirror - nothing stared back at me

For a vampire on the loose there is a lot at stake

I am totally bewitched as far as I can see

It’s alright to dress up like the devil to frighten folk 

It’s okay on the ghostly streets - in fact it’s a howl

Hammer on doors, play the fool, trick or treat  

Pumpkins light the way o...

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Look At The Trees

‘Look at the trees’ she cried,
Kicking up the autumn leaves,

Embrace us in your comforting branches,
Enthrall us with a kaleidoscope of colours,
Engulf us with your sweet perfume,
Delight us with your grace and beauty,
Beguile us with your style and charm,
Caress us with a bouquet of blossoms
Let us forever bloom in your wondrous garden.


Suddenly a sea of swirling mist closes in

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Ice Ice Baby

Hey good people what’s going down
Iced water is flowing all over town
Everybody tells me it’s just a craze
It’s got me in a complete daze
Why haven’t I yet been nominated?
I am becoming increasingly frustrated
Cold and soaking wet is the way to go
You too can be the star of the show
When am I going to make a splash
And be relieved of a load of cash
Could it be my lucky day maybe?
Bring ...

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Heaven Help Us (Robin Williams R.I.P.)

Happy days when he hit the screens

The Fonz was freaking on out

Then he blew us away as the alien Mork

He made us scream and shout

Are you ready to laugh for crying out loud

Are you yelling at the top of your voice

This dude is fucking hilarious

You sure as hell don’t got no choice


When he did stand up we all fell down

Cause he touched us deep inside

Good Morning...

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Here Comes The Summer

I have had enough of cloudy skies

Just can’t take another rainy day

I am being blown down the street

By a wild wild wild wind in May

The seasons come and they go

Give me the sun on my back I pray

The weather girl is all aglow

There is nothing more to say


Here comes the summer

June is all aflame in a blazing sky

My garden is full of blooming roses

Everyone I me...

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She is a rare vision of beauty

An exceptional elusive find

A gem of unique perfection

Natural and one of a kind

The world is her oyster

She is no ordinary girl

The jewel in my crown

She is as pure as a pearl



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Eminem Ain't Amused


Eminen he sure as hell ain’t amused

The queen of England gets to choose

Who gets to perform win or lose

Mam you got me crawling on my knees

Let me be your shining knight please

You gotta be joking you are just a tease

Your majesty you got me on the rack

Sweat like a river is running down my back

Man I am having a shear heart attack

I ain’t gonna bow down it’s true


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Easter All Rapped Up

Thank god it’s Good Friday - come what may

Just don’t expect me to kneel and pray

I’m a doubting Thomas - a non believer

A lapsed catholic with cabin fever

If you are of a religious persuasion

Elevate yourself - rise to the occasion

Hallelujah praise the lord

Jesus loves you - climb on board

Crucify yourself - make that connection

Check it out right now - here comes the ...

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Squeeze My Lemon

It’s Tuesday March 4th - what do you have to say

I say ‘Pancake, flapjack, crepe suzette okay’,

The kids are all right - what’s for tea tonight

Pancakes by the dozen – hip hip hurray,

Get into that kitchen and get out your pan

Don’t protest and don’t ask why,

Crack some eggs and sieve some flour

Because daddy is a very hungry guy,

Toss those pancakes high in the air


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Love Is Killing Me

Love is killing me

It’s taken over my life

Love is killing me

And it cuts like a knife

My heart it aches and bleeds

I am more dead than alive

I can’t eat and I can’t sleep

No matter how hard I strive


Love is killing me

And I can’t breathe

Love is killing me

But I can’t leave

My eyes are wide open

But I am too blind to see

That this war of words


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Miss You Everyday


Miss you everyday in every kind of way,

It is too much for my heart to take,

Why oh why did me you have to forsake,

If only we could have found a compromise,

It was inevitable I suppose and no surprise,

Nothing more for us to say,

As the ghosts to rest we lay,

Miss you everyday,


I thought we had it all as I walked tall,

With you always standing by my side,


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Two Zero One Four

December is fast running out of steam

Whatever happened to the year 2013

The hours pass slowly and the days crawl

Weeks and months relentlessly they fly by

Time waits for no man and marches boldly on

No time for regrets – live and let die

It’s too late for woulda coulda shoulda

The wishing well is empty and bone dry

Seconds tick away as the clock counts down

Midnight str...

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