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Christmas For One

Christmas for one
A time of celebration
Peace and love abounds
All across the nation
Christmas for one

Christmas for one
That's the way it's going to be
But I am not alone
Because you are watching over me
Christmas for one

Christmas for one
Believers for the lord they wait
But our planet is so unequal 
A time for reflection of others fate
Christmas for one
Christmas for one

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Christmas Rocks 🎅 🎄☃️

Christmas rocks 
Know what I mean
Lots of happy faces
I'm living the dream 
Christmas rocks
Christmas rocks

December arrives with a cold snap
'Tis the season to celebrate
It's been a long hard year
Time for a break I just can't wait
I am not a believer or a holy man
I love my neighbour the best I can

Christmas rocks
Santa's on the way
With presents for all
Tell me what I say

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Christmas Make My Day

Christmas make my day
Wrap your arms around me
You got me all a sparkling
Tingling and excited with glee
Christmas make my day

'Tis the season of goodwill 
A time of peace and love
For those of you that believe 
The star of bethlehem shines above
If it's not your persuasion
That's cool just enjoy the ocassion

Christmas make my day
Fill me up with festive joy
Mulled wine and a minc...

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Festive Glow

December has arrived with a breeze
The winter is upon us and that's cool
I've got a good feeling if you please
The streets are beginning to bustle
People's faces are breaking into smiles
The shops vibrate with a friendly hustle
There is a seasonal buzz in the air
What's the story I hear you declare

It's the festive glow
Christmas is coming don't you know
It's the festive glow

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Christmas Star

Hello December Christmas is on the way
I'm feeling festive what more can I say
The streets are buzzing with a ho ho ho

I like the look of you this much is true
When you're around me I'm no longer blue
You make me feel brand new

The snow is falling ho ho ho
Santa will be here soon

I think about the way you make me swoon

The streets are busy with a jolly hum
I've got you on my mind...

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Christmas Makes Me Cry

Christmas makes me cry
When I remember you and I
All wrapped up in festive joy
A very happy girl and boy
Christmas makes me cry

December suddenly arrives on cue
The winter chill is upon us too
Christmas is on the horizon 
As the hustle and bustle ensues 
For some a happy joyful time
For others they get the seasonal blues
There's no escaping the commercial side
All you can do is enjoy...

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If Only

If only you were still here
I weep alone and shed a tear
If only I wasn't so very sad
I miss you badder than bad
If only

The world moves swiftly on
And I am left in limbo land
Why the hand of fate has taken you
I will never ever understand
Step by step I try soldier on
But I am sinking in quicksand
One day a time I duly take
In this God forsaken land 

If only life was fair
We did...

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Stoic Man

A stoic man I want to be
To be in charge of my destiny
Live in the moment with liberty
Give me a break and set me free
A stoic man I want to be

Walking down a road with no direction 
Just need a little love and affection 
Dreaming of a world that is okay
Maybe I'll find it one fine day
My heart is broken and I am down
No smiles from me just a frown
Just need a a star to guide my way

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Sadder Than Sad

I'm sadder than sad
Lower than low
I've hit rock bottom 
There's nowhere left to go
I'm sadder than sad

Why on earth was I created
What was the master plan 
We are put on this planet to suffer
Endure and do the best you can
Life is but a journey I'm told
Mother nature will ease your pain
Nice one I am overjoyed 
Global warming and acid rain

I'm sadder than sad 
Madder than mad

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Party Party

Here comes Monday and me have to work
Ya can't escape from the daily grind
Tuesday comes along all to soon
Best to grin and bear it me find
Wednesday comes alive ya man
Me doing the best me can
Thursday I can suddenly see the light
Friday arrives me face is smiling
Everything is gonna be alright

Me wake up late on a Saturday 
Me head it hurts but that's okay 
The weekend is here me ha...

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Forget Them Not

All is calm and quiet on The Western Front
The landscape is lush and full of life and colour
Hiding ghostly memories and deep scars of sorrow
Man and boy they answered the rallying call to arms
For king and country they marched off into battle
They sacrificed their today to guarantee our tomorrow
The war to end all wars was the ultimate goal
Freedom from oppression and tyranny was the ideal

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El Presidente

The USA goes to the polls
Let's make some noise
Who you gonna vote for 
Girls and boys
Shout and holler
Let's hear your voice
Make your  decision 
Not much of a choice
The white house awaits a new residente 
Who's gonna be the next El Presidente 

The people  need a saviour 
But everything is fake
The country is corrupt 
Their all on the take
Spend millions on a campaign
Empty word...

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Guy Fawkes Night

It's November the 5th don't you know
Time for a celebration let's go
They call it Guy Fawkes night
Let's set the sky alight
All the bonfires they will glow
The heavens are on fire yo
It's November the 5th don't you know

Many years they have passed 
Since I was just a wee boy
I made myself a fancy guy
It was my pride and joy
Old jeans and jumper stuffed
With newspapers would suffice 

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Scream Scream It's Halloween

The date is October 31
Well I'll be a son of a gun
You know what I mean
Scream scream It's Halloween
I'm living a nightmare
Caught in a dream
Scream Scream It's Halloween

The working day is nearly done 
Dusk falls and night is on the way
I walk fearfully through the gloom
Hope I'm going to be okay
I cut through the graveyard
And get a creepy spooky feeling
I trip over and fall acros...

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Revolution Is In The Air

I wait quietly in the shadows now
Crouching like a ninja man wow
Feeling the pain in my aching heart 
Doing the best to tear me apart
I'm living in a world fucked up
On a planet that is a dying muck
War is raging all around
Death and destruction they abound

Our leaders and politicians stink 
Are corrupt for sure I think 
I'm all right Jack is the word they say
Greed is the addiction t...

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Remember Me

Many years they have gone by
Days quickly become nights
In the blink of a teary eye
Summers they come and go
As I walk in the winter snow

Memories and visions of the past
Run crazily through my head
I thought the good times would forever last
But time it waits for no man
Here I stand alone
Doing the best that I can

Do you remember me
Has your heart set me free
Do you remember me

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Autumn Breeze

Wide awake on an October morn
Ready to greet the early dawn
My teary window I gaze through
At the glistening grassy dew
I've got to get out the door
Time to stroll and explore
Get my self in good shape 
Get lost and finally escape

Autumn breeze 
You are in my hair
Autumn breeze 
I Don't have a care 
Autumn breeze
Take me anywhere

Out I dash onto the deserted avenue
Head for the ...

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I march down the street alone
Step by step I am closer to home
My journey is one of salvation 
As I travel across the nation 
My destination is unknown
Like a nomad I constantly roam

All the days seem the same
Got no mission that's a shame
The sun refuses to shine on me
I need a miracle to set me free
I look up at an empty sky
Can't see heaven I wonder why

I am standing to attentio...

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October Rain

Looking through my tearful window
At an angry black menacing sky
I contemplate my very being
And I reflect and wonder why 
The hand of fate has chosen
To take my happiness to die

Hiding in the stormy clouds
There must be a heaven somewhere
A place of peace and solitude 
An oasis of love and care
I have lost an angel
And need release from my despair 

October rain
You drown me in so...

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Mad Mad World

Mad mad world crazy crazy planet
Mad mad world crazy crazy planet 
Okay sure I got a problem that makes me blue
But I am not alone that much is true
But nobody listens and they can’t see
They don’t know what it’s like to be me

Daybreak shines and it comes all too soon
The night invades and plunges me into gloom
Don’t want to be on medication forever more
Just wish to walk tall and proud...

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Caught in A Dream

The daylight fades very fast
And I am consumed by the night
Sleep takes me into the vortex
As I submit without a fight
I am running for my life
Falling through a sky of violence
In a deep tunnel and trapped
In terror I scream in silence

Caught in a dream
Lost and found
Caught in a dream
Don't make a sound
Caught in a dream
No way home
Caught in a dream
Forever I roam
Caught in a ...

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Memories Of You

I was walking down a never ending street 
With no destination in mind
My head was in the clouds 
My eyes were open but I was blind
But then I saw a ray of light
I'm not giving up without a fight

Memories of you 
Are keeping me alive
Memories of you 
Will help me survive 
Memories of you 
Help me beat the blues
Memories of you
From many can I choose 

The world is all around me

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Hey John - What's Going Down

What a beautiful world we have
Raging with destruction and war
From Africa and Europe
And in the holy land once more
The media covers it all with aplomb
Entertainment for the masses galore

Hey John - What's going down
I'm glad you're not around to witness 
Jesus Allah and Buddha are not amused 
As they look sadly down upon us
And observe the path we choose
Hey John - What's going down


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I make my way each day
With you on my mind
My head is in the clouds 
My eyes they are blind
I can't escape  from my reality
And and I don't really care
My heart is broken so there

The days keep on coming
And the nights never end
I have no peace
My head it just spins
Memories are all I have
Fading pictures just hanging there
Visions of utter despair

I am lost and can't be found

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Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time
Back in the day
The sun shone brightly 
And everything was okay
Once upon a time

I look up to the sky
And I often wonder why
The heavens are just out of touch
I miss holding you so much
But I just have to go on
When all hope is gone

Another day I greet with pain
Knowing that I won't see you again
Not in this lifetime anyway
Maybe on the other side I pray
I hold ...

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Falling For You

I've been walking down a lonely road
With no destination in sight
I've been on a journey of salvation 
Hoping everything will be alright 
Then I turn around the corner
And see a beautiful sight

You look up and notice me
Then flash me a beautiful smile
Me eyes do not deceive me
You made my day worthwhile
I walk on with a spring in my step
I definitely like your style

I'm falling for...

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My Girl In Pearls

I saw you walking down the street
And my heart skipped a beat
Oh yeah I really like your style
And I'm dazzled by your smile
Now I've got a notion
And love is the potion
My girl in pearls
My girl in pearls

I spied you in a local bar
And admired you from afar
I really need to make a move
If I want to get in your groove
I'm hoping that I caught your eye
Because I want to be your guy

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Life Is A Circus

The big top is lit up like a Christmas tree
The ringmaster struts around a king
I juggle with life trying not to fail
On comes a magican delight he will bring
Like an acrobat my head spins around 
The audience screams but I don't hear a sound

Life is a circus and I am a clown
A smile I wear but inside I frown
I walk a tightrope and defy gravity 
Sad and living a life of tragedy
Life is...

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Waiting In Vain

I hit the ground running 
My heart is broken in two 
I can't see the wood from the trees
The only feeling I have is blue
I am treading water and drowning
Trapped forever in a human zoo
My eyes are open but I am blind
To the reality that I know is true

I'm waiting in vain
Feeling the pain
I'm waiting in vain 
It's driving me insane
I'm waiting in vain
Hoping to see you again
I'm wai...

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Autumn has arrived once more
The season of brilliant hues
Just before the winter blues

Now I am in my senior years
I am hoping to take things slow
But you never know
Which way things are going to go
Where will the wind blow

The future is looking bleak
I am feeling so weak

A cross that I have to bear
A burden that I cannot share
A government that doesn't care
No winter fuel ...

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Groovy Kinda Girl

I spied you by pure chance 
walking on by past my door
I'm feeling kind of nervous and shy 
I would really like to get to know you more 
Just how am I going to approach you
I guess that I will have to take a chance
If I want to have a little romance
I just don't know what I'm going to do
With a groovy kinda girl like you

Now I can't even sleep at night
There's a lot of tossing and turn...

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Look At Me


I like the way you look at me 

There is a sparkle in your eyes

I like the way you look at me

You got me captivated that's no lie 

I like the way you look at me

Steal my heart and set me free


I've seen you around this crazy world

Walking tall and looking fine

Whenever I get close I feel your vibe

I'm ready to move just give me a sign

My heart has gone and mis...

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Nobody Loved Me Like You

Another morning greets me
Time to face the world again 
One day at a time I take
Step by step I walk with pain
Soldier on is what I must do
I am going solo for a while
When I am low and feeling blue
I think of you and raise a smile 

Nobody loved me like you
There wasn't a thing I could do
Nobody loved me like you
You made all my dreams come true
Nobody loved me like you

The world ...

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Heart Broken

I guess my heart is broken
No more tears to cry
I guess my heart is broken
Time I learnt to fly
I guess my heart is broken
Just look me in the eye
I guess my heart is broken
No more tears to cry

Another morning greets me
But I don't feel a thing
Nothing to look forward to
What joys will the day bring
My stage is empty and forlorn
No song for me to sing
I just go through the motions...

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Gone But Not Forgotten

An empty chair where you once sat
A candle that burned with fire
A lonely bed where entwined we lay
Enriched with love and desire
Around this residence I roam 
A house that's not a home

Gone but not forgotten 
You are always on my mind
Gone but not forgotten
They say that love is blind
Gone but not forgotten 
You were one of a kind

Your pictures adorn the walls 
And your presence ...

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Grief Is Alive

I am shouting at the sky
Screaming at the stars
Angry with the planet 
That has left me with scars
I am climbing the walls
And kicking down doors
Looking for an answer
To fight my lost cause 

Grief is alive 
It cuts you up like a knife
Grief is alive 
Nothing but trouble and strife 
Grief is alive
It takes over your soul
Grief is alive
It eats you up whole
Grief is alive

What ...

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I Can't Let Go

You left me standing all alone
With nowhere I could go
Lost in the wilderness 
You know that I loved you so
I know it was your time to depart
As fate had cruelly dealt it's hand
That doesn't take away my pain 
A mystery that I will never understand

I can't let go
I'm holding on
I can't let go
I'm going to be strong
I'm not giving up without a fight
Tell me everything Is going to be ...

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Going Through The Motions

Going through the motions that's what I do 
I wear a smile but inside I'm blue
Going through the motions that's the way I roll 
I look like I believe but I've got no soul
Going through the motions I look  alive
But my heart is broken - I'm dead inside
Going through the motions once again
The sun may be shining but I cry tears of rain
Going through the motions

Another day another dollar 

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Yesterday Forever

Yesterday Forever that's where I want to be
Yesterday forever a place of sanctuary 
Yesterday forever together you and me
Yesterday forever will set my spirit free
Yesterday forever 

Live for the here and now they say
Embrace today with a healthy glow
Enjoy the moment it's all you have
One day at a time is the way to go
Tomorrow is a mystery oh really
I don't believe a word hey ho

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Stolen Summer

Who stole the summer
There's a thief about
Who stole the summer
I'm going to scream and shout
Who stole the summer 
I want an investigation
Who stole the summer
It's affecting the whole nation 
Who stole the summer

I imagine myself content and calm
Sitting under an azure sky
Relaxing in an English country garden
At peace on a natural high
The blazing sun beating down
And not a clou...

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Ordinary Day

Twilight fades and dawn breaks free
The sun struggles to make a start
My mind is full of angry clouds
There is a storm raging in my heart
My tears cascade like driving rain
A hurricane in my head tears me apart
Welcome to my world of utter confusion
The life that I lead is just an illusion

It's just another ordinary day
My head is in complete disarray 
Its just another ordinary day

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Photographs and Memories

The days they come and go
And the weeks they surely fly
Months turn quickly into years 
But I can never say goodbye
The seasons they change with speed
Night and day merge into one
It is raining in my broken heart
As I wait forlonly for an eternal sun

Photographs and memories are all that remain
Reminiscing about joyful times eases my pain
Yesteryear seems a long time ago
As I wait for...

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She's Fallen Off My Planet

I was doing okay in my little world 
The flag of love was flying unfurled
But you ain't returning my calls
Girl you got me climbing the walls 
I don't think I can stand it for long
How come everything has gone wrong

She's fallen off my planet 
She's lost in outer space
While my world keeps on spinning 
As tears stream down my face 
She's fallen off my planet 
But I still have desire

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Miss You Everyday

Down the boulevards and avenues I roam
I ain't got no place to call my home
Wherever  I lay my head is a random motel
Life is hard and a living hell
You will see me riding the subway train 
With a vacant look and dead eyes of pain
A man forlorn with no destination in sight
A heart that is broken and a body with no fight

Miss you everyday 
In every kinda way
Miss your smile 
And the sp...

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Hugs For Nothing

What do you know guys
I got myself a fine woman
She's a real live lady 
And she completely adores me
I spend my day hard hard working 
And when I finally get home
I'm in full on ecstasy
She gives me all her loving
Saves and rescues me
My heart beats faster
And my love explodes 
I get my hugs for nothing
And my kisses for free
I get my hugs for nothing
And my kisses for free

The ti...

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Drowning In My Tears

Your smile was a thing of absolute joy 
You loved me with a fiery passion
Like two peas in a pod we thrived
Our hearts were entwined in a beautiful fashion
Each and every special day with you
Was a gift to be truly treasured
Now I have a hole in my heart
An emptiness that cannot be measured

Waves of emotion engulf me
I am swimming against the tide
At the mercy of the stormy seas 

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Heaven Calling

Its been a year since you have been around 
I miss your vibe and your voices sweet sound
My life is empty and my world is in pain 
Waiting for you to walk through the door again
I live in hope one day at a time 
My head full of memories so sublime
Your smile lit up the heavens above
Your heart was so full of unconditional love

Call me when you get to heaven
Let me know that you're okay

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The Longest Day

I can vividly remember a day back in 1962
When my dear departed mother took me through the ABC cinema door 
I was a mere boy of seven but the occasion I still recall
An introduction to the brutality and horrors of war
The film was an epic and almost three hours long
I sat there like an obedient child and endured
I watched the D-Day landings with a feeling of pride
With the liberation of Fra...

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My Friend Maxim

Has anyone seen or heard from my friend Maxim ?
I often wonder about in Russia what might have been
Now it has gone done a bloody path once more
History repeating itself the blood and guts of war 

In the closing days of the Soviet Union
Behind the iron curtain I did dwell
From December 1990 for four years in all
Listen up I have a Russian tale to tell
I worked as a manager in a 4 star ho...

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It's June

It's June already don't you know 
The flowers are spectacular in full bloom
A red admiral catches my roving eye
It reminds me of you and I gently swoon
The sun is flaming and the sky is azure
Pearls of clouds they float on by
The sound of leather on willow
A picnic on the village green oh my

It's flaming June check it out
Strawberries and cream for a treat
Gin and tonic and pimms aboun...

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