The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Christmas Is Back In town

I am lost for words and don’t know what to say

The festive season is well and truly on the way

The countdown has begun on a crisp November day

In the distance I can hear the yuletide bells ringing

The run up seems to start earlier year upon year

You will spend lots of time and money never fear

On friends and family and those you hold dear

Live it up for today and forget about ...

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A Dog Named Doolan

On a far flung new world continent

From the vast expansive land down under

Home to hardy folk sheep and kangaroos

Australia to be precise is it any wonder

In the wilds of the harsh barren outback

Lives and roams a breed of dog called Kelpie

An energetic intelligent hard working sheep dog

Why am I telling you this story so help me

One of its brothers arrived on the shores of...

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Lost and Found

I was lost then magically I found you

Now once again I am lost – what am I to do?

I feel like an abandoned broken heart

Dwelling forever in a left luggage locker

Waiting for an elusive thing called love

Hoping that someone will lay claim to me

Or give me a heavenly sign from above

I thought we had a spark that would catch fire

Figured we were on the road to destination desi...

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Ain't That a Shame

He’s walking lets his music do the talking

Sings from the heart and soul no squawking

He sits on top of blueberry hill like a king

The fat man gave us a whole lotta lovin

Playing delta blues with a boogie woogie ring

It keeps rainin down in Kansas City poor me

Be my guest I want you to know something

A pioneer rock n roll to you and I he did bring

Let them four winds blow t...

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Viva Valencia

A sparkling gem nestled on the Costa Blanca

An explosion of art culture and history

You welcomed me with open arms

I was your student and you revealed your mysteries

Along your bustling streets and avenues I roamed

From plaza to plaza discovering your historical past

Once a roaring river and now an oasis of green

I am lost in the Turia Gardens long may it last

On the bus tu...

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October 10

The date on the calender is October 10

I am sure it is an appropriate time for reflection

It's World Mental Health day once again

Let's talk about Mental Health

Anxiety can be stressful and acute

Bi Polar is a debilitating condition

Schizophrenia troubles many minds

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is on a mission

Reality slips away with Psychosis

A Personality sits on the ...

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Tom Petty takes to the stage commanding complete control

On the prowl like a hungry everglades alligator

Guitar strapped on and mike at the ever ready

The words and rhymes they flow like a poetical vibrator

Once were lost in the wilderness but now are found

We got lucky the vibe and the groove has set us free

A wall of sound reaches out and touches us deep inside

Just found ou...

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Sir Bruce Forsyth R.I.P.

Bruce Forsyth was a talented performer from a tender age

We were all part of his journey on screen and stage

Sunday night at the London Palladium he shone

A star in the making and a show business don

He played his cards right and as a presenter was ace

On the price is right his corny jokes put a smile on our face

Strictly come dancing was the showcase he ultimately presented


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Body of Emotion

My tearful eyes are wide open, but I can’t see

The harsh light of truth, has blinded me

My ears are ringing and the silence is deafening

My nostrils inhale the stale putrid rancid air

Intoxicated by the overwhelming stench of humanity

Her hair wild like a ferocious howling wind

Forehead ablaze and smoking like a forest fire

My Hands blistered and raw as I touch her boiling ski...

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Tears in Tennessee

It’s been a long time since the Wichita Lineman hit the open road

By the time you get to Phoenix his soothing voice will lighten your heavy load

The shores of Galveston are a distant memory but the heartache still ensues

Then again you never forget those warm Southern Nights that give you the blues

A Country Boy from Arkansas who dreamed The Impossible Dream

He Tried a Little Kindn...

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Barry Norman R.I.P

In days of old long before our broadband digital Wi-Fi age

Three channels on the tv and suddenly colour all the rage

Watching a film on the silver screen across the nation

Was a treat that needed very careful consideration?

A late night slot on the BBC was the place for those in the know

To get the update and critical acclaim Film was the show

A hombre by the name of Barry Norman...

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Hey you groovy guyz what’s going on down

Everybody has just left this sweltering town

And the word is they are heading for the coast

Try and stop me and you will definitely be toast

What on earth is this mass stampede all about?

Anyway I am just going to jump scream and shout

Very nice to meet you vibrant blazing sun

Everybody is on the beach having big fun


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Batman (Adam West) R.I.P.

The Riddler is on the prowl leaving a cryptic trail

He will be caught by the dynamic duo – ZAP!!

His final destination will be a downtown jail – WHAM!!

The Joker is laughing and beaming from ear to ear

The boys will wipe the smile off his face – SPLAT!!

Captured arrested and locked up never fear – BLAM!!

The Penguin is waddling and planning trouble

It’s all kicking off at the ...

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Vote For Me

May or Corbyn will be the people’s choice

Do you even think they will hear our voice?

How about a nice coalition for you and me

With the Greens Liberals and the lovely SNP

We all believe in miracles before our eyes

More broken promises surprise surprise

Brexit hard or soft? – What’s your flavour?

Do us all a seriously patronising favour

I am a politician and it’s a fantast...

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Flaming June

I boarded the train and headed for the coast

Of this fine weather I must make the most

A warm gentle breeze blew through my hair

In the entire world I didn’t have a single care

I looked on enchanted my eyes open wide

At the sights and sounds of the countryside

This sunny interlude has come none too soon

The month has finally arrived for a celebration

It’s Flaming June



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Cry Muhammad Cry

A veil of tears clouds a proud Manchester sky

Another despicable act in the name of Islam

Targeted cruelly at the young and innocent

We must all share the grief the best we can

It is the will of Allah the radicals they say

Real devout Muslims they are on their knees

Peace and love over evil will always triumph

Tolerance and forgiveness the pain will ease

How many more atroc...

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March Into Spring

Put your best foot forward hold your head high

Welcome in the new season with open arms

The time has come to banish those winter blues

With a fresh and bracing start to your day

Left right left right saluting the dancing daffodils

Discover nature anew and all its gentle charms

Halt under a calm sea of trees laden with blossom

Stride boldly in the morning dew come what may



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Happy St Patrick's Day


When I woke up this morning just as the day was dawning

I looked at the time and the clock like me was yawning

Back I fell to sleep and awoke at pm 9:45 that’s no jive

Out of bed I crawled my head in a spin enough said

Stumbled down the stairs and ran a comb through my hair

Up I glanced at the calendar and back at me it did stare

It was March 17 I was lost and found in a Hib...

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L♥ve Ch♥mp♥gne

My love is like a glass of champagne

Exploding with bubbles and excitement

I drink and drown in her sparkling eyes

She wets my lips with her delightment

The spirit rises and intoxicates my senses

My cork pops and sends me into ecstasy

Love flows freely like a cascading fountain

As we entwine on the vine in sextasy

We may be in our mature vintage years

But we are a fiery ...

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Daddy Loved Toblerone

When I was just a mere innocent child

Back in the sixties that were swinging

My father would send me on a mission

Chocolate was what I would be bringing

Not just any old boring chocolate bar

This was very special and what a treat

Created in honour of the mighty Alps

A work of art by the Swiss how neat

Mountainous almond infused peaks

Tall and proud waiting to be devoured


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Last Chance Dance

Come let me take you gently by the hand

Do me the honour of this one last dance

Our eyes once met across a crowded room

All I ever needed was just one chance

The day has come to face the final curtain

Years have flown by us and we lost our way

If only we could turn back the hands of time

There are a lot of things that we didn’t say

Let’s dream a dream to live and love again


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A Man for All Seasons

He first grabbed our attention as Baron Richard Rich

Next a leading role as John Merrick (The Elephant Man)

In Nineteen Eighty - Four Winston Smith was his pitch

A drama unfolded as Mr. Braddock in The Hit

Stephen Ward in the Profumo affair what a Scandal

Quentin Crisp in The Naked Civil servant in 1975

Caligula in I, Claudius he definitely could handle  

Out of his Tardis the...

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Goodbye - 'Allo 'Allo

Sacre bleu, Mon dieu, what a solemn day at the café

The fallen Madonna with the big boobies is weeping

Saddened by the untimely death of Gorden Kaye

Good moaning I was just pissing by the door

Listen very carefully I will say ziss only once

Edith breaks into song as she has never sung before

Yvette is beside herself with grief but a plan has she

You may wonder what I am doing ...

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LA LA Land & Me


Just been to see the movie and man it was so cool

I should have stayed put and given Hollywood a shot

I could have made it big I have been such a fool

In the decade of the eighties on a mission I hit the road

Three months of travel and adventure in the USA

Cheap motels and YMCA’s were my humble abode

Eventually I arrived in the metropolis they call LA

Checked into a seedy...

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Fire from the Sky

Every day I relentlessly ride the city train

All of the time I feel your eternal pain

What is the meaning of this life anyway?

Go on mister I feel lucky make my day

The sky is on fire with an everlasting glow

Missiles exploding don’t you know?

The world is at war with itself for sure

Whatever happened to my life so pure?

Give a low down sucker an even break

Don’t know ho...

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Nice to See You

I was walking tall down your urban road

When you charmed me off the windswept street

It was a lovely warm sensuous happy feeling

That was kind of neat and ever so sweet

Every time our shining eyes jointly sparkle

You brighten up my delightful delicious day

Sunshine automatically surely guaranteed

What can I say you take my breath away

If I was an artist I would paint a pret...

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2016 - Taken but not Forsaken

January 10 David Bowie on a Blackstar departed and left

Alan Rickman on the 14th as the Sheriff of Nottingham left us bereft

On the 18th Glen Frey like an eagle he soared so deft

Terry Wogan passed on January 31 what a sad theft

Feb 19 To kill a mocking bird Harper Lee crossed the  brink

Feck  on the 28th Father Jack (Frank Kelly) took his last drink

March 8th George Martin took ...

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