Champagne Football
Champagne Footballer
Eleven vessels stand hour glass tall.
3-4-3 formation, football elite, one and all .
Liquid nectar fills the body, adrenaline running hot.
Air bubble froth with a golden halo, embellishes the top.
Guilded feet planted firmly on the ground.
As anthems play, glory days resound.
No working men, No dirt engrained fingernails,
Wednesday 30th June 2021 6:09 pm
Twenty First Century Punk Rocker
twenty first century punk rocker.
Greta thunberg is a Punk Rocker.
She's holding the nations to account,
It's anarchy in the UK,
As Extinction Rebellion scream and shout.
She's performing on an international stage .
It's London calling world leaders out !
she's encouraged teenagers out of school,
the mission to " reduce fossil fuel "
No multi coloured spikey hair destroying the oz...
Friday 17th January 2020 10:55 am
One day soldier
I stand as one.
One soul amongst thousands.
Diamond mist shines on the khaki sea of men.
Wind stings my skin,
Blending sea salt with the tears you shed as I left.
The waves hit our boat hard,
As hard as the lead thump of my call up papers landing on the mat.
Gun and shell fire roll around the clouds.
The full moon veiled by the smoke filled air.
Parched lips in fear of w...
Sunday 8th June 2014 9:19 pm
The Memorial
I sat beneath your majesty,
pondering my intent,
perusing the shadows of your sacrifice,
weighing the balance of hero's, against my upcoming event.
As I sat in morose contemplation,
of the dilema I did face,
and read the names of those sacrificed,
so I could make choices in this way.
I wondered if you'd diliberated before you went to war..
if you'd looked around you and ...
Sunday 10th November 2013 11:16 am
Did you speak ?
Did you tell me something I needed to remember ?
No recollection of the facts impart.
The ribbons that hold the events like glue,wave about in an eternal breeze,
That scatter the memorial seeds.
Ribbons frayed, no longer to hold the knotts of time,
Lost in this gloop !!!
It simply got scattered by the events of my life line,
To be found at another time,
Thursday 3rd October 2013 11:17 pm
Oh ! behold the joy of woman hood.
so tender and so sweet,
that turns into a monster for about a week.
Oh you can see it coming, of that there is no doubt ,
when you ask a simple question and all you get is a shout.
Simple tasks accompanied by a silent roar,
as she bangs and stamps,slamming every door.
Tears flow at the slightest mischance,
As the inner couldren bubbles.
...Tuesday 30th July 2013 10:44 pm
Family ties
Today my ancestors walked with me.
Adorned in the comforting relics of old.
As the hostile glass shards of the judicial temple, slice chunks from my heart,
I wear my nana's brooch.
Diamond swallows take flight, reaching skyward.
Diamond wings that cut glass, releasing hope......
With ruby eyes of blood filled sight,
As the black robes of the crows sever umbilical cords with th...
Monday 6th May 2013 8:23 pm
Through different eyes
I look out of the window, with my palm against the glass,
I feel the vibration on the tingleing sash.
Cold air swirls through the gap in the seal,
causeing the rubber to sing at a pitch that is real.
I look out of the window, at the patterns of the street,
twenty four windows, one hundred steps by the size of my feet.
Fifteen gateposts, standing in a line,
houses ...
Tuesday 2nd April 2013 7:50 pm
Embroiled in scars of lifes past hurts.
Stains on the heart, like earth stained sheep,
the stain removed.... the taint still grows.
Hold it.......
cherish it.......
feel it, feeding on your bones....
Fed in thought by candlelight,
The lifeless soul of mistrustful deeds.
Gently hold it in healing sleep,
the bleeding heart relentlessly weeps......
As open h...
Tuesday 19th March 2013 10:15 pm
As it flows
As the river flows,
This life source,
In torrents swelled to destructive force.
New paths gouged, etched against it's might,
Cleansing the deadwood, new life blooms in the light.
Debris swirls, caught in it's girth
reclaimed, broken, clambering for earth.
An emotional torrent of change.
As the river flows,
This life source.
In meandering paths et...
Tuesday 19th February 2013 5:29 am
The Language Of Love
In Febuary's bloom, the month of love ,
sweet meats and fancies infused with a blush,
flowers in abundance adorned with grace,
sent to infuse the ardour of a secret place.
In bouquet's the words unspoken but true,
my feelings and wishes are portrayed to you,
all tied up with ribbons of silk,
sensual, tactile, perfumed delight,
awaken the senses, make light ...
Thursday 14th February 2013 9:44 am
THE Obsession of my desire ( part 2 )
Words of your Adore you send to me,
With hints of lies of what will be.
Silent undertones of controlled remorse,
Rattle the fabric of my bones.....
A thousand times you ring to have your way,
No mention of the violence and the play.
The threats you shout, Abuse and Aggression,
Consume me like shroud !!!
Then every week in moments bleak,
On my doorstep, ...
Friday 17th August 2012 1:01 am
The obsession of my desire ( part 1 )
Words of my adore I send to you,
To bring you to my side.
I tell you of the love I feel,
And ring one thousand times.
Softley I do leave my voice, that you may one day listen,
Then scream to the Phone to strike you down !!!
My passion, consuming like a Shroud ....
I leave you trinkets on your step,
A cup, blanket,a new girl friends per...
Thursday 16th August 2012 8:15 pm
A kiss to ignite a dormant spark,
arousing the flame of volcanic magma.
Seering, coursing nerves alight,
yearning to the bodies will.
Bending, reaching to a sweet caress.
A sensual breath on a firey wave
like a whispering breeze on a summers day.
Inflames the senses, to invisible touch,
The insatiable thirst of lips entwined,
Drinking you in like good sweet w...
Saturday 11th August 2012 9:50 pm
Bible Bashing
His deeds fortold her future.
His absence etched upon her soul,
His genes that were her makeup
were a mystery to unfold.
His life acting out his mothers belief,
On a mission to impossible
Living inside the words of the 'pious book'
A martyr to the incredible.....
Every night on bended knee,
Repenting all his sins......
He'd remorsely ask forgiveness...
Saturday 28th April 2012 2:13 pm
The Void
Alone in a crowded room.
Insular thoughts engulf this tomb.
Laughter embraces the wind chilled air, like a lantern in a blizzard...
Empty embraces starve the soul.
Hightened senses hear every human moan.
As the heart reaches out for comfort, A twinning that will console.
Hands beseach the crowded space,craves a place they can call home.
The love filled jug of entity, overflows...
Sunday 12th February 2012 11:49 am
These Hands
Open in friendship, a gift to hold,
cradles of their gentleness,
the light caress of warm love spoke,
words obsalete as gestures mould
tools of expression a life of their own.
Betrayers of our hidden light,
wringing, twiddling, hold your own tight,
put them together, or reach for the light....
resounding echoes in loud apraise,
visulization no words be spoke....
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:52 am
Desolation 3 ( the earthquake )
Shake a blanket , shake a blanket...
what do i have in store ?
heed my warning , hear me roar...
Silence preludes the imminent rage.
Earths anger encased in a man made cage,
asphalt splits, a gaping wound...
Man staggers like a drunken sot,
as trinkets tinkle and precious items drop.
Sirens blazin,bells toll.. as chasms open to the gates of hell....
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:26 am
Desolation 2 ( the flood )
Wetlands dry for centuries moan,
adorned with retail, industry and homes,
earth embellished with shallow rooted life,
swept screaching into the abyss.
Mud stained water embraces the land.
leaving nowhere untouched by it's hand,
probing crevices, cleansing the stain,
asphyxiating the corpse down a man made drain.
a rollercoaster in full flow, running w...
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:23 am
Desolation 1 ( famine )
Perched upon the kusp of a line,
reclaiming it's own one step at a time,
arid plains parched of life,
shrewn with canvas, poverty and lice....
Kindleing abundant stoke the fires of lust,
war entombed, holding hands with dust,
red sands flow with the bloodsoaked grains,
waves of migration, humanity tamed.......
Bloated corpses shrewn like twisted wood...
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:11 am
The Moment
I sit here in my room with the orange curtains drawn,
casting a false hue of serenity and warmth.
The air moves in thick layers,
dancing in the light by the crack in the curtains.
The scent of wet mattresses fills the air,
last night bedding stripped and bare.
Sounds amplified by the absence of serenity,
as moments pass like eternity.
Kids play in the street belo...
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:06 am
Eyes sightless to the peripheral blur,
you alone engulf my world.
My will searchs watching every move.
invisible tendrils, sensing, tasting the room.
Magnetic impulses from the soul,
i have to touch you to feel whole.
Fingers brush in an electric current,
life blood charged in an emotional torrent.
Arms enfolded in a cradled embrace,
drinking the scent of you...
Sunday 5th February 2012 1:01 am
Holocaust ( threads )
Stench filled nostrils flair in the morning light,
as a bundle of rags lay stale, motionless, huddled in plain sight.
Grubby fingers reach out into the gutters larder,
A mirage of a child, it's soul grown harder.
Eyes downcast in the drizzling rain,
his head bowed, invisible to their sight,
the thread bare coat shuffles, accepting his plight.
Every bone senses ...
Sunday 5th February 2012 12:49 am
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