The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Shine On

Don't ever let anyone convince you 
to not share your soul songs. 

The weaponized words 
they hurl towards you, 
are formed from 
their own insecurities. 

You get one shot, 
in this time and space, 
accompanied by 
crabs in a bucket, 
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control 
your creative mind. 

Give in to dark energy,
and you become it. 

Rise above it. 

By sha...

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Abyssdarknessdepressionlifelightlost soulslovemusicpassionpeacepoetryrelationships

Narcissus V Phoenix

Narcissus creatures surround me.
Vultures, pecking at my serenity.
Testing my resolve.
Threatening to consume me.
Daring me to break free,
from a doomed mentality. 

Do I close my eyes to injustice
permeating our atmosphere,
like The Great Smog?


I spread my Phoenix wings.
Rise above the toxic darkness.
Bring forth healing light.
Spread peace, kindness, love.

Never give up ...

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apathydepressiongrowthhealinglightlovemindsetnarcissismpeacephoenixspiritualitytoxic relationshipsvultureszen

Get Your Affairs In Order

Get your affairs in order, 

a familiar voice whispered

out of the blue. 


Thanks for the warning, 

but there is nothing 

left to do.


No lingering love,

no financial strings,

no unsung songs.


Only one request, if I may.

Can we skip the drama? 


I prefer a peaceful, 

transfer of power.

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Flow with me,
past stormy seas of isolation, 
fear, dis-ease... to an
island of peace and harmony.

Flow with the Eagles,
past winds of regret, mistakes, 
shame... to the mountaintop of

Flow with the lyrical Doctor,
past pain, loneliness, despair... 
to healing waterfalls where wishes
come true. 


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Instead of inhaling 

doom and gloom, 

let’s take a walk

in the woods, 

play hide and seek 

among willow trees,

Feel the sun rejuvenate our soul, 

Become one with dirt and rain, 

bathe in the healing fluid from mother nature’s veins, 


just what the doctor ordered.


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Ever Green

Your soul song is addictive, 
makes love evergreen. 

Peace flows through my veins,
amidst a world gone mad. 

Play on, in the misty starlight 
of my mind.

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One Love

Worries dissolve

with each drum beat,

guitar strum,

heartfelt harmony. 

From floating, 

on a river of dreams,

to cosmic flight, 

weaving a cocoon of peace.

One love.



Hope springs eternal,

in your soul song.

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May peace be with you,

the whole day through.


May aches and pains

sail away with the blues.


May sunrise open your eyes, 

experience make you wise.


May your soul find its way home

on the wings of love.

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Breathe Again

"I can't breathe."

How those words
now haunt me. 

Suffocating reminder 
of the curse 
on humanity. 

I want no part
of this evil plan,
man against man.

Let me stowaway
with paper and pen 

until we get past 

to a safe place, 

where kindness,
compassion, love 
rules the land, 

where we can 
breathe again.

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equalitylovepeaceracism; police brutalityrelationships

Leisurely Life Lessons

I could get used to this leisurely life. 

Wake up without an alarm. 

Stretch, yawn, linger on.

Get my long list of to do things done. 

Read, write, learn without interruptions. 

Walking a snail’s pace on the treadmill while catching up on world news...

Unprecedented attempts to slow the spread of a new kind of flu leaves me wondering what more we can do?

Quiet calm surrounds m...

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Tuning In

Can you hear me
on this crowded 

Is the earth turning
to quicksand
beneath your feet?

Let poetic music 
drown the chaos,
set your spirit free.

No more worries. 
Only peace, 
love, harmony...

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Artists & Critics

She doesn’t sing to win awards,

she sings to breathe life to her soul,

connect with spirits tuning in,

let them know they are not forgotten. 


She knows she will have critics

that judge her art lacking. 

Their negativity is nothing she hasn’t

overcome from herself a million times

on her rocky road to freedom.


She smiles as the ivory tickles her left palm,


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In Search of Mermaids and Lighthouses

In search of mermaids and lighthouses

is where you will find him and me.

Seeking sea things sets us free

from daily monotony,

broken hearts,

Advil bodies.

We thrift shop with childlike wonder,

forgetting about adult things

like settling debts,

stagnant relationships,


Mermaids and lighthouses

beckon us to dive into a green-flag 

ocean of time


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lovemermaidspassionpeacerelationshipssea life

Swim with Me

Swim with me 

in the sea of Galilee, 

where we will drown fear,

loneliness, depression, despair...

then surf the waves  

of forgiveness, 

peace, mercy, grace,

unconditional love,

and joy everlasting...

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Dear John

Dear John,

Thank you for remembering 

the forgotten ones,

for seeing beauty within. 

You are a hero 

to lovers among men,

a poet’s poet, 

the razor’s edge...

Long may you live.

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A Thousand Years of Peace

I used to think it would be an honor 
to usher in a thousand years of peace,
a willing martyr to stop senseless suffering, 
but I had no idea of the atrocities 
that would ensue between men,
or the loss of innocent children 
that we would witness with despair 
and helplessness. 

Come now Lord, end the madness, 
flood evil with love,
make our planet a peaceful place, 
before all hope i...

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Do you ever want to 
hold on to a moment 
because it feels divine?

A moment when the stars align, 
and everything is fine. 

A moment when you make peace 
with your past, and your pain. 

A moment when there is 
no sorrow, no shame.

A moment when fear
takes a hike.

A moment when the sky is clear, 
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright. 

A moment when everything 

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Wild Life

Life is too full of people 
willing to share their soul 
to focus on those who
aren’t open to your light. 

You were meant to soar with eagles,
not wallow with nocturnal wildlife. 

While they may be beautiful, 
mysterious, alluring, 
they thrive in darkness, 
a place you escaped long ago. 

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Super Snow Moon

Super Snow Moon tell us 

the secrets you keep 

when you orbit earth 

as we sleep.

Tell us it is 

an optical illusion 

adding to our mass confusion.

Tell us of war and peace,

famine and feast.

Tell us please... 

How are we so different 

when it's the same moon we see?

Oh Supermoon, how we hunger for 

your guiding light from above 

to fill us with w...

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If you become 
what you think about 
most of the time... 

I am becoming 
poetry, a lyrical 
fantasy floating 
in rhyme. 

I am becoming 
love and light,

Doing my best
to do what's right.

I am becoming 
and peace. 

Healing souls
like Wayne 
and Louise.  

I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.

Leaving a loving

I am becoming 



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lovelightlegacyhealingsoulsdestinypoetryfantasyrhymeGodfaithforgivenesspeacefreedomWayne DyerLouise Hay

Echoes of Life

What are the chances 

of two lost souls 

light-years apart

colliding twice in life?

Astronomical. Yes!

The dance is sweeter, 

with ego out of the way. 

All that remains is love

purified by the same rock-bottom

pressure that turns grains of sand into

pearls, coal into diamonds. 

Not lustful love, agape. 

Godly, unconditional love for humanity. 

Forgiving. Acce...

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agapedestinyfateforgivenessgodlifetimelost soulslovenamastepeaceself-lovetwin flames

New Year Addiction

Those few seconds before the new year

when the countdown begins,

my soul soars with so much hope and joy.

When the ball drops at Times Square,

there is a momentary

return to innocence.

As the confetti flies and music fills the air,

I imagine we are a world at peace...

no worries, no violence, no division,

just a few beautiful seconds of clarity and simplicity

that dis...

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countdownhappy new yearhopeinnocencejoypeacerealitytimes squarevisionaddiction

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