The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

At peace today

"Let him sleep."

A little voice in her head said.

"He needs a good night's rest." 

The voice was now commanding,

"He works so hard all day

And you're so very demanding."


"Okay I hear you, you're right,"

She decided not to put up a fight.


So away he snored, 

Next to his little copy - 

No sense of time or place, 

Taken by rest's embrace. 


She was al...

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When the world is strange

When the world becomes strange

I know you'll hold me safe

When I am old and I am grey

I know you'll hold me again

Just like I hold you now

My little butterfly

You flit this way and that

Always coming back

Because the world is strange

You ask me if its okay

To fly away again

And I hold you and nod 

And away you go again

Always coming back. 

I know you'll ho...

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