The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Dance





As she gently weeps…


Chirping birds in dialogue… 


Whisper a dance…




Can you hear their secrets unfold…?


Like naked puppets in silent obedience…

Can you see their luring flames?

Their tender embrace? 



And she gently weeps…


While chirping birds in dialogue…





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xoanxothe dance


Flake by flake,

the winter freeze

embraces her flower seed…



Beneath a blanket of snow

freshly woven…

She awaits

the arrival of spring…


In tranquil hope, she dreams…

Her heart will soon thaw…


Unable to love…

The grace of her simplicity,

fhe beauty of her fragility 

will flirt freely 

with every single breeze…

With every sin...

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Homeward bound

We hold their silence…

Empty streets

rife with fears,

with rampant weeds of angst…

Appear quiet…

Appear somber…


We taste its dusky breath…

Drizzled over, night of lockdown…

Of winter roads ahead…


Homeward bound...

My beetle’s engine hums…


Reflecting lights, 

like shooting stars,

blind our weary eyes…

As once old certain roads,

of familiar...

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homeward boundxoanxo

Don't say a word for now (The reading)

The video...

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don't say a word for nowxoanxo

Don't say a word for now

Don’t say a word for now…

There is nothing to say 

that we haven’t already said…


Walk with me for a while…

From here to nowhere… 


Close your eyes…

Trust my hand…

There is nothing to see

that we haven’t already seen…


Nothing to hear 

that we haven’t already heard…


Nothing to fear…

No horizon line where to scape…

No unfulfilled dreams to cha...

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Nostalgia and I

And I trip over old dreams 

again and again…

Five hundred times…

A thousand…

Endless shaky steps…

Where I loved you

like a million blue whales…


And I often long for the youth 

of those ageing thoughts…

Never ending pretty helium balloons 

reaching for the sun…

Knowing they will never arrive…


And what a beautiful, 

yet painful sight…

A sea of sorr...

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Poetry Nights


Can I bring beauty to your world…

One made of gains…


Accumulation beyond need…?


Do you know you’ll never own my voice?

nor a human’s soul?


Do you know you’ll never satisfy 

your unsatisfiable greed?


Can I bring beauty to a world without Love…?

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poetry nightsxoanxo

Stockholm Wonders

Another stranger’s eyes,


Fixed beyond their window’s landscape,

like passengers in time…


A new journey to a cold winter day…


At fast pace above the tree tops…

They start to wonder…


How many lies?

How many lives?


Look forward to arrive…

Can’t wait to depart…

Like passengers in time?


Turning the fleeting light,

a ...

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stockholm wondersxoanxo

Pretty Little Lights

Is it despair...


Or just a surrender?

Pretty little lights 

go about their lives…



Social contracts…















Who can follow this up?

Am I tier 1?

Or 4?




Or Locked down?

What am I now?



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Pretty Little Lightsxoanxo

Making it Home

"Making it Home", accompanied by the music of Blue Dot Sessions "The Envelope”, inspired by the song "Soon as I get home" by The Waterboys


Damp November night outside

indoors, behind the wall,

senseless games of a crowd…


Within the cold autumn air,

faithful companions…

A tune,

a roll up,

and a pint

devour the darkness of night…


Visiting players 


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Making it homexoanxo

Strange Autumn Wind

A poem,

A beat,

A dance,

Pages of time…

Lost within a dream…

A solitary dream…


A hidden parade of fearful eyes

seeks salvation in the butterfly dance 

of a falling leaf,

reminiscent of spring…


Velvet lips from an autumn wind 

of a world adrift…

Blow little kisses

to covered cheeks 

who long for a touch…

Just a soft tender touch…

A caress…


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strange autumn windxoanxo

Naked Windows

Perpetual cheating reflections

gliding over your concealing naked panes…

Betrayed intruders, 

naive seekers of your hidden secrets

easily falling for the mockery of your face…


And despite your fragile deceiving appearance… 

You always hide them on the inside…

All passers by…


You always hide them on the outside…

All passers by...

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naked windowsxoanxo

Don't think you know me

The audio version features my friend's, Tanimara Loupaty, reading of this poem dedicated to her from my series "Voces Amigas" (Friendly Voices).


Don’t think you know me…

Unless you open your heart…


There is no rigid identity in me to grasp…


To jail, confine…


But a profound self

that your vain judgements

will never touch… 


With firm roots dug deep in...

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don't think you know mexoanxo


"Solitary" one of the poems I wrote as part of my project "Voces Amigas" (Friendly Voices) read by my friend and poet-artist Karen Newell.


How could I 

ever forget 

the beautiful truth they hide…

if every time 

I look at them 

I find my soul

embracing yours…?


How could I

ever forget 

If every time 

I stand alone…. 

Naked before their gaze…

Like star...

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solitaryvoces amigasxoanxo

Fragile Kiss

Did it all come to an end with a silent nod?

Do you know I love you…?


A fragile kiss I barely remember…


Just keep walking, like I do!

You had once said…


We met when all at once was lost…

Behind…Years past I had trampled on…

Loneliness subdued in our determined stride…

Different sides on a flipped coin of life…

Heads and Tails flight of uncertain fortune


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fragile kissxoanxo


Meaningless moments,

enclosure of a seeking soul

at the border of despair…


Alluring emptiness of mind

at the edge of heart…

Of blank spaces in white…


As I write these uncertain lines,

I know my voice won’t be heard,

I know these verses 

will linger on 

in the timeless void,

on the verge of oblivion,

on the fringe of existence...


Can frustration...

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Sad Lullaby

Sweet broken whisper, 

hidden betrayal of your bitter words…

Spiteful curse from a sad lullaby…


A voice that at the end of love…

Speaks of a struggle…

Of a quarrel between mind and heart…


You say you once loved

but your treasonous sound

has forsaken your hatred…


Drowned rancour fills the pain 

of an abandoned child 

longing to be complete again…



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sad lullabyxoanxo

Peter's Choice


She was his secret hidden love,
the way she saw the world…
The way she looked at life…

How she embraced
the tender morning sun…
How she adored…The sunset air….
On every approaching night…

Lonely twilights of his troubled soul…

She was…

His life…
His eyes…
His lips…
His hands…
His heart…
His flesh…
His joy…
His anger…
His friend…
His foe…
His companion…
His st...

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Anthem of Life

All heartbeats together under just one sound… 

Their prayer's voices in unison became every woman’s cry…

While abandoned footsteps on wet sand 

awaited the arrival of the evening tide

to emancipate themselves from the strings of man…

A lotus flower rose from the dirt, exterminated man’s decay…

And softly whispered to the wind of an approaching day…


A new dawn has just beg...

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They travelled alone, 


In isolation…


In isolation…


Their eyes…

Vacant voices

adrift on a stare…

Hollowed spaces

filled with absurd thoughts…

With a silence that only spoke 

alluring lies of self deception…


Like a big mass on the move…

left to right…

right to left…

They travelled alone,


In isolation…


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Spanish Rhapsody of brown eyes

Spanish Rhapsody of brown eyes…

Of melting colours in flight

like passionate 

velvet fingertips,





The battered strings 

of a forgotten guitar… 


Spanish Rhapsody of enchanting light…

Of female dunes on dessert sand…

like bright red alluring lips…






A m...

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The Journey

Solitary travels…

Of reflections and shadows… 


Of ownerless ripples in time

drifters within a peaceful autumn breeze…


Of forsaken colours and light…


Of abandoned yearnings in life 

fluttering within nature’s inevitable fate…


Solitary travels…


Embrace the dancing leaves in the wind…

Before you take to the road 

your dreams and desires…

Your ...

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Season's Change

Below a grey somnolent day 

under the early autumn summer rain…

Their coalescing silhouettes fade 

into a withering mist…

Of tobacco smoke and vape…


Flying notes of a guitar

break the silent space 

of a birds summer requiem…

in a melancholic hearts embrace…


Young hopes disguised

travel through the window pane…

invade a lone sunlight ray… 


And thei...

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Rainbow Lips

She was like a poem

few could understand, 

an ocean hidden in a drawer

with a white winter freeze, 

a blue summer breeze…

A yellow autumn leaf…

And a white withering rose...

From a late green spring…


He was a travelling pawn…

Confused within a wild roundabout...

Like frenzied carmine

searching for her rainbow lips…


She was a like poem 

few could und...

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rainbow lipsxoanxo

The Boy and The Sea

From his window he would look to the sea,
a daily, an every moment sea,
of spring and neap tides,
slave of the moon and wind,
mirror of the skies.

By the shore, where the waves come to die,
he dipped his toes
raised his eyes…And he walked
to where it touches the sky,
so he could the birth of waves feel,
into the sea, towards the open sea.

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Ever Mine?

I know…
I must give you away…
Will you stay…?

I will give you away…
To any day sky…
To whatever wind…
Whatever cloud…
To every single child…
Drop of rain…
Or ray of light…
To every shade of white…
Grey, green, red…
Blue or black…
I will give you away…
To every blade of grass…
And every grain of sand…
To any pain or ache…
Or shout…
To every blow,
Or ...

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Summer end

Summer afternoon by the shore…
We watched the tide slowly rise…
How far would it come…
Before the sun went down?

Will the delicate waves
Reach to tickle our toes?
You asked…

We sailed an abandoned fisherman’s boat
on dry sand…
Lying on our backs…
Watching the summer clouds go by…
Listening to the ocean sound…
And the seagulls cry…

Will we ever be found?
You asked…

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summer end

Tick Tock

(Get money and you can buy anything)

Sat at the table
tie around his neck
vaper in hand…
He looked at the clock…


Time still for a quick thought…
Must avoid rush hour on my way to work…

He looked up and said to himself…
Can you buy that sky?

Can you buy the moon at night?
Keep the summer wind by your side?
Or eternal peace of mind?

Can you really?


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tick tock

To be...To become...

Why won’t you write me…
Lay me down on paper…
Like your time on a string…?

Don’t speak of me…
Just, lay me down…
Not for glory, or money…
But just to help me be…

Let me be your song…
Your poem…
Let me be your love…
Your work of art…
Write me down!!!

Let every word be your sword…
Every verse your dagger…
Stab that paper with your tears…
With the silence of your fears…
No one w...

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To be...To becomepoetryxoanxopoem

How can I?

Can I write something beautiful tonight,
find the beauty in your eyes…
If they are nothing but the mirror of mine?

I want to write something beautiful tonight,
I want to sing, dance, laugh,
to scream…
To love,
I want to shout,
to cry,
I want…
Most of all,
to cry…

I want to write something beautiful tonight,
to talk of lovers, dreamers,
heroes, winners…
Of the beauty of every smi...

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how can I?xoanxopoetry

Winter wish

Winter had arrived
after the rain…

The sounds of their footsteps
on the softened ground
travelled gently…
Beyond the window pane…

In bed…Half sleep,
with the fresh winter light
warmly caressing his face…
Softly kissing his lips…

The artist wished for a dream…

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winter wishxoanxowinterdreams

The wall

On her knees…
With a delicate dance of her hands…
Mother Life’s fingers grazed the wet sand…

Endless tears pouring out…

What about me?
She wrote…
What about love?
What about life?

My son…
You might build a wall…
Imprison your sick mind…
But for every brick of your wall…
I shall give life…
To a million hearts…
She cried…

My son…
Your times of f...

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