Updated: Sun, 24 May 2020 05:26 pm
The poet writes under an alias of Mortimer blooming, his works generally include his thoughts about religion, death and other issues of society, the poet has joined blogging in order to get more of an audience to read and appreciate his writings, while he can read and appreciate writings of other individuals. He wants to be a full time poet and would greatly appreciate any advice in helping him to do so.
The truth
Grounded realities make for consistent bed fellows The sweetest pleasure though is found on top of the highest cloud This aimless search for meaning has made us more shallow It has made us blind, lost in divinity's shroud Let the dices fall where they may On the table or on the board There's no meaning of the night and day The universe begins and ends by the sword The universe begins and ends by the sword This is the truth and nothing more Vast multitudes of villainous hordes Outnumber the heroes by thousands and more This is the truth and their is no shame The strong bury the weak The wild bury the tame The submission of the shy and meek To those barbaric and depraved This is the truth why don't you understand Victory set in stone of the final defeat Like the water over the land Puddles collect even now around your feet You win until your losing hand
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by MortimerBlooming
Hangover at 6 AM on A Thursday (20/06/2020)
Wisest Man in Egypt (13/06/2020)
Obedience or Patriotism (05/06/2020)
A revolver's grim prophecy (29/05/2020)
Conversations with the angel of dawn (22/05/2020)
Sermons of A Turnip Farmer (19/05/2020)
Advice from a grave digger (17/05/2020)
The Waters Of Love (16/05/2020)
The Emptiness of the Full Stop (14/05/2020)
Al-Barr (The generous and most courteous) (11/05/2020)
Read more entries by MortimerBlooming…
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/mortimerblooming
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Sun 7th Jun 2020 23:39
Well said Mr. Mortimer!!
Sun 31st May 2020 17:02
Thank you for commenting on Penmanship Mortimer - so appreciated. P
Fri 29th May 2020 14:54
The liver is alright Po as alright as it can be.
Fri 29th May 2020 13:23
Home alone
or with someone
is always nice
until it's gone.
thanks for reading my poem.
You have written very lovely truth in your Poem "The Truth". Amazing feeling as I could connect with it while I read each verse. Spell bound.
Hi Mortimer thanks for your lovely comment on my poem Always Love You
HI Mortimer Glad you liked my tape recorder poem. More carefree days indeed!
Hi Mortimer
Thanks for your input on "Awaiting A Title".
You take a good stance, I value your comments.
Thanks for posting. But my article is nit about religion politics but about the migrant labor who are working in far away states. Due to covid19, unemployment due to covid 19, panic and poverty they are traveling back to their hometown 1000s of km away.Due to lockdown all the railway station and other public transport are shutdown.
Regarding religion-Don't trust bbc world or media trying to build the gap. INDIA is and always will be secular democratic country with Unity in Diversity.
My article is not about religion based politics but the plight of migrant labor who are stuck in state thousands of Km away. It is about life of poverty. Locals, media are trying as much as possible but strong policy is required to help lakhs of people migrating 1000+km By THEIR Foot. Yes By Walking.
Not every news of India is about religion ❤️
Thu 21st May 2020 03:47
Why is everything that happens
blamed on climate change?
Hi Mortimer. Thanks for commenting on my poem The Darkest Night.
MortimerBlooming thanks for your comment on my poem Kitchen.
Mon 11th May 2020 22:27
Mortimer - thank you for commenting on Starfish - and welcome indeed to WOL. The world of good poetry needs you. Blessings. P ?
Welcome to WOL Mortimer! I am looking forward to reading more of your amazing poetry!
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Thu 18th Jun 2020 11:07
Thank you for reading "The Fledgling"
we all are helpless
until we learn to fly!