Bobbing Haiku
Apples, toffee, crab
Halloween bobbing
mouths all a- gobbing
Scrawny scouts and guides
bob a jobbing or robbing?
Brown Owl hob-knobbing
Owl and pussycat
bobbing in a pea green boat
sticky five pound note
Bald heads in damp beds
bobbing, knobbing, throbbing, on the jobbing to the groove
mirrors on the move
Wet chests in white vests
bobbing breastfully aware
cold nip in the air
Green okra floater
bobbing take away dinner
cover and simmer
Bored witless poet
bobbing, cobbing and lobbing
saving Shithaiku
jane wilcock
Sat 1st May 2010 13:54
This is fab, I was a Brown Owl for many years.Love it, the poem that is!!