The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

If you can ...

If you can wake up every morning groaning

And still raise your head above the pillow,

If you can hit the alarm without moaning,

And stoically accept an all time low,

If you can reach clean clothes each week day morning,

And feel your way to a cup of hot tea,

While finding handbag, phone and key ring,

but not give in to anxiety.


If you can take on a pounding headache,

And still manage a smile of welcome,

If you can do this for employment’s sake,

And not dwell on what you’ve become

If you can rise over the waves of nausea,

And not slide crashing to the floor,

While being certain to self reassure

That you’ll not be someone you deplore


If you can handle your recycling bin,

And look your neighbours in the eye,

If you can stand the stink of stale gin,

And not heave your stomach lining dry.

If Bargain Booze is your royal palace,

Where every jewel has a clear cut price,

Then cautiously, and without malice

I’d recommend the AA for advice.

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Dave Carr

Sat 14th Aug 2010 07:21

Very clever.
I agree with Ray about the last verse.
(I do like things like this)
If anything I would say the last line in verse 1 is too short.
Perhaps 'But not give in meekly to anxiety.'
Thanks for comments on my poems by the way.

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Sun 18th Jul 2010 15:53

I like this Alison, and it flows nicely, not only with the rhyme, but also with the repetition of the words 'If you can' and 'And'.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 15th Jul 2010 12:05

It is good, Alison. I do like Isobel's comment about zeroing in on a particular subject. I find each stanza adequate in itself to make a great short poem with a clear point. The last one is especially dynamic.

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Andy N

Thu 15th Jul 2010 08:19

enjoyed this Alison although with the line 'If you can hit the alarm without moaning' in my case would 'If you can hit the alarm without swearing' - lol

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Wed 14th Jul 2010 17:20

Yep - I thought this was an amusing parody too! It would be fun to see you apply this to just one theme - maybe you could extend the work one to include twattish bosses - a bit like the office, or to take the mick out of 'in' buzz words used by Personnel or Marketing types... I bet it would perform well.

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Rachel Bond

Wed 14th Jul 2010 16:04

i like this Alison.

An alcoholic has the gift of knowing what to do about their affliction and find a peace without drink.

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Wed 14th Jul 2010 10:42

I've had a little tweak to see what I can do about the find / finding issue.

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Ray Miller

Wed 14th Jul 2010 10:09

Very good, especially the last verse, which is well nigh perfect.
If I were being picky I'd say the metre could be better in a few places and you ought to find an alternative to either "find" or "finding".But I'm not, 'cause it made me laugh.

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