The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.


From where did I get the notion

there's something wrong with emotion?

The human tribe runs on feelings,

and we starve if it's all just dealings.


So I reject staying remote,

I want to connect, want to emote.

Give myself permission to feel,

let myself love, be loved and be real.


A person is not just a book

to open and take a quick look.

Each one is there to be cherished.

Friendship exists to be relished


Look in my eyes, gaze on my face

Give me a hug, a touch, an embrace.

Respond to the chance of affection,

let's take the risk of rejection.

◄ Beyond the Garden #3

Beyond the Garden #4 ►


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Cate Greenlees

Sun 30th Jan 2011 12:15

Emotion is good....its what makes us "take up arms in a sea of troubles" by connecting us to things that matter to us. Feeling deeply about something gives us courage to speak out when we feel injustice is being done and connects us to the rest of the human race.
Nice one Dave.
Cate xx

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Elaine Booth

Wed 26th Jan 2011 20:18

Very true Dave and well put. Got writing about how holy and sacred connections between people can be, today. There is something deeper that can go on if we let it which is, the Greeks would say, agape.

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Wed 26th Jan 2011 16:56

You know it!
Love the sentiments expressed, Dave : )

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Wed 26th Jan 2011 16:46

Just had to spend a day in Reception helping children cut out pictures out of happy and sad faces. It occured to me that most of the happy faces were happy cos someone was in the process of hugging or loving them. Physical contact is so important, as are emotions. A nice poem Dave. x

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Laura Taylor

Wed 26th Jan 2011 16:00

Yes, let's :)

Neat poem with a good message

<Deleted User> (6356)

Wed 26th Jan 2011 14:22

I really like the meaning and phrases in this poem and thought the bit about a person not being just a book was very clever, nice read :-)

<Deleted User> (8730)

Wed 26th Jan 2011 12:08

I like it, I wish I had wrigtten it. I like the rhymes, and the last line is really appropriate. It says go for it. I wrote a similar poem called I love It

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