I took my chest of drawers to Mull
Someone took a grandfather clock
for a ride in a convertible Morris Minor.
I thought ,
How considerate!
My furniture doesn’t get out much.
So I took my chest of drawers ,
in a Vauxhall Zafira,
to the Isle of Mull –
a truly magical place.
We drove across the uplands,
where eagles spiral effortlessly
into moody clouds.
I felt inspired.
I took it to the western coast
where atlantic waves spit foam
over hexagonal basalt rock.
It was uplifting.
I showed it beaches
where laser white sand radiates
and you could look across and
see America
if the world were not so round
I felt euphoric.
I took it to see places
where otters hunt
and the shrieks of oystercatchers
pierce the wind.
I felt fulfilled.
Then I took it to the tip.
Elaine Booth
Fri 24th Jun 2011 23:52
Dave, another great poem that delivers both humour and poetic sensibilities. Pity I missed it when you read it the other week.