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Hasta Mañana



A home-made tattoo wrapped up in a scroll

(not of honey and milk, but indian ink)

saw 50 summers, but winters no more.

A cooling board smoothes away pain.

An epithet formerly scrawled upon walls;

a roughly-inked alias on a right wrist

provided the title required to assist in

identification of you.


I will search for your words in your final abode,

in rooms full of impacts and echoes.

In kinship beyond a stillness of pulse -

the caring continues to live,

the story continues to weave,

the enduring energy breathes.          

May infinite amity, liberty, calm,

be granted to you on this day.


Hasta mañana, my friend




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Martin Peacock

Wed 14th Dec 2011 11:24

Oh, 'enduring energy' - as a taoist/hopelessly confused reader of all things quantum mechanical I believe that energy cannot die but rather, be transformed into another kind. The mighty Bill Hicks RIP once said we're all just drops of condensed awareness distilled from the ocean of consciousness. S/he's still out there then.

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Elaine Booth

Tue 11th Oct 2011 19:42

Very well said Laura. Life affirming even through death, somehow conquering death. XXX

Terry White

Mon 3rd Oct 2011 18:50


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Andy N

Sun 2nd Oct 2011 10:08

excellent stuff, laura.. hope to see you read soon..... xx

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 1st Oct 2011 16:22


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Harry O'Neill

Thu 29th Sep 2011 20:42

Heartfelt moving poem.

The second part full of calmness.

feel better for reading it

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Rachel Bond

Thu 29th Sep 2011 16:53

love this the language is so thick, like the presence of death. i like the reference to the body and the importance of skin and identity in the passing of spirit.
Love the inclusion of natural 'juices' milk, honey...and their placing with indian ink. its integral part of nature.

top class


Thu 29th Sep 2011 16:12

I enjoyed this Laura - quite moving in fact.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 29th Sep 2011 11:19

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, folks. I edited it slightly and put in a stronger ref to Ezekiel (thanks Bob!)


<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 29th Sep 2011 00:54

I think to be able to write something like this takes a special person Laura..well is lovely :)

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Wed 28th Sep 2011 17:01

Yes - I'd agree with Steve here. The only way we can live on (as far as can be certain) is in the love and memory of others. I would love to be remembered in words like this - to have someone write me a poem. I found this moving.

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Ann Foxglove

Wed 28th Sep 2011 16:44

A beautiful poem Laura.xx

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