Up The Tops
The dints of last week’s walk
still scar the turf
a white scratch
which raised sparks
last Sunday
a scrape, a scuff of ill planned heel
on rock.
The frog had gone,
an obscenity of frogspawn in it’s place
gazing blandly up
with a thousand jelly eyes.
The hare
was still there
the long thigh bones
the scraps of fur
an eye, black and shiny and congealed with flies last Sunday
empty this one,
not a bit of meat remained.
Stopping. Shielding eyes from the sudden glare of sun-out-of-cloud
we saw a line
of Minis
stretched along the road,
Something solemn,
despite the Smartie colours
car on car on car
forty or so
when they had processed from sight
and a hen harrier
arcing above the ragged crows
caught our attention
the sudden stillness
and the silence
but for the wind in rushes.
But for the ticking of a pipit.
But for the baleful growl of a Pheasant, nesting low,
made me catch my breath
like an ice cold gulp of water.
Tommy Carroll
Tue 30th Mar 2010 12:43
''Obscenity of spawn''??