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child abuse (Remove filter)

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They Didn`t Listen To Me,

They Didn’t Listen to Me.


I took my first breath, and I was born.

They looked at me like some piece of dirty spawn.

There is disbelief in their eye.

I gurgle, start to cry and they ask why.

They didn't listen to me.


I learnt to walk then run and play.

They look at me with anger and hate every day.

I can see them wish me away.

I am thinking, please, please let m...

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Being alonecry for helpBeing in carelisteningchild abuse

Devil in the Priest

Devil In the Priest.


The man with a white collar and dressed in black said hello young man and welcome back.

I had been here before, before I had run away hoping that finally my social worker would listen to what I had to say.

It was normal for someone who is only a child, that they assume everything we say just means we lied.

Once my social worker left, I was taken to my room, ba...

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being in carechild abusereligious hypocracyhurtpainfamilyloss

Mummy`s Love (Hidden in Anger)

Mummy’s Love. (Hidden in Anger).


I can feel my mummy's love I know it's in there somewhere.

As the hands rein down on me, I know somewhere inside she cares.

I can feel my mummy's love even though it's hidden in despair.

I know she has a lot of love to give but the anger is always there.


I can feel my mummy's love as my ears ring with a bout of insulting words.

I am sure...

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broken familychild abusehurtpainisolationAnger

Back Under The Stairs

Back Under the Stairs.


You little ……. come over here.

Smack around the head now get under the stairs.

Taken by the hair and shoved into the dark space.

Slamming and locking of the door, this is my naughty place.


What have I done wrong I am not sure.

I accept the punishment as I have many times before.

Left for hours in the dark and cold.

Through the door I can hea...

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child abusebeing in careviolencelonelinesssurvival

Billy No Mates

I've told you before stay clear of that

Boy if you ask me there's

Something wrong there

Turning up to school on his own not a soul

Knows a thing about him he's a

Right mystery

(Stand still when I'm

Talking to you) he may be good at

Maths and yes' he's

Tiny but he's always fighting he's

Beaten kids much

Bigger he made mincemeat of Jimmy

Cummings its autism if you...

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billy no matesschoolteachersautismchild abuse

You made me do it

You're so impossible
you are selfish
you are difficult
you cause me so much trouble
I've only got this angry with you
you provoked me
you're unreasonable 
you aren't like your brother
you never help
I never get this cross with anyone else
you made me hit you
I lost control because of you
you are defective
but I love you
so all is ok 

everything is possible with me
I am self full

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child abusemental illnessloveawakened

The Parable Of The Wolf And The Lamb

The Parable Of The Wolf And The Lamb.


We are the men of peace, they say,

we hide in plain sight of you all

taking their innocence away.


We simply ask that you will pray

for those who sin and those who fall.

We are the men of peace, they say.


We ask for penance every day,

we prey upon the week and small,

taking their innocence away.


We look after th...

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day 5NaPoWriMo 2019villanellecatholic churchpaedophile priestschild abusehypocrisy

The Terror of Physical Education

It seemed you never put down your club

With the handle wrapped in cloth tape.

You patrolled the hallways, playground, and athletic fields

Like a sadistic southern sheriff overseeing slaves.

You thought “abuse of authority” was your job description

As you terrorised children with the constant threat of violence.

Each look, each word, each step you deemed unacceptable

Was met wi...

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poempoetrycoachingphysical educationchild abuse


I remain broken


Pretty pink.

Soft, baby pink.

Gentle, rose petal pink.

Full of love, heart shaped pink.

Lipstick for the ladies pink.

Sickly-sweet icing pink.

Prim and proper,

don’t get your dress dirty,






“You’re such a girl,” he jokes,

As I refuse the offer, of one of his, ‘smokes.’

His eyes alive wit...

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child abusedifficultmovingemotionalrochdalelongsound

The Mules

I am sorry she feels so angry,
She tried to let it go, 
It's all in the past now,
But all she's done is grow. 

The memories sit beside her,
Dark pain silently crushes
Nothing to break the fear,
Screams no one will hear. 

Remember stinging legs,
Red and raw as silk,
Smacked and beaten badly,
Long gone the mothers milk. 

Why did you do it child?
You always break the rules.

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child abusedomestic violence

Ghosts Of Monsters

Monsters...Everywhere are the ghosts of monsters
Demons to posses the spirit and rip the heart from it's cavity
Ghouls reaching to drag the innocent by their hair to their cave of depravity

Clenched teeth and tight fists fight to never let them in
Smallest thing opens the door to nightmares
Authority gives the definition "to be feared"

Belts, clothes hangers, raised hands
Jog in place a...

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child abuse


Men with feasting eyes

look up to fill the cup

look down to hopeless strangers

look to seeding thighs while


tucked up in their beds

in dreams of sweat and horror

as light stays low

through window traps


and bloated thoughts entwine

the flesh like celandine

despoiled by salty hands

foraging with desperate lust


the fragile petals of simple trust


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child abuse

The Unreported Crime

The Unreported Crime


     I’ll not forgive,

Not this system of abuse,

For it seems the brightest stars

Be engulfed more ferociously

By the darkness,

     It seems such a waste

And no recovery in sight

While psychologists and

Psychiatrists leave their own

Branding to add to the violence,

     And still the voices

Persist an onslaught that makes

No sense t...

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child abuse


Five years and nine months

Can you tell what it is yet?

It's not long enough


So whilst on 'A' Wing

Bend down to pick up your soap

Whilst in the shower


No 'Two Little Boys'

Just 'Jake the Peg's middle leg

Summary justice


A didgery-doo

Try your Kangaroo court sport

It's coming to you


Then why no remorse?

Banged up at portrait's pleasure


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bullyingcell blockchild abusecourtshaikujusticeporridgeprisonsongs

An Essay On State Sponsored Child Abuse

Ah yes, the sixties! The Beatles, poker dot bikinis, Carnaby Street and Free Love. Yes yes, the sixties with retarded children bum fucked for being put up for adoption! Have I caught your attention oh quiet populous of Britain? Some information came my way some years ago, that children who were put in adoption homes back in the late sixties - early seventies, were experimented on by our own UK Mil...

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child abusethe unknowingmothers taboo subjects.

The Government Standard

The Government Standard



     The band didn’t want to play,

They didn’t want to march

Through streets paved with

Gum and fag butts and poverty,

     They didn’t want for glancing

At bloodstains from a

Previous night’s brawl,

They didn’t want for none of it

At all,


     But as soon as the note

Struck, they knew their place,

Knew of nothing else


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PovertyChild AbuseNorthern Town.

Tender Hearts!

Tender Hearts




     I prove myself favoured in comedy,

Not even consciously,

Aside from my own wit

There is a clown of a protégé,

Someone for those to howl at,

Someone to grin at

As they pass my ill gait

Walking streets no longer caring,

     And I will never forgive

This curse,

Never forgive the worst

‘They’ made of me!


     My guess is, ...

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ViolenceNeglectChild AbuseDepressionSuicide.

An Ode To My Bro

Ode To My Bro

A personal homage!


     You’re my brother!

And it’s sad that you don’t come round

For offerings of food –

Perhaps a Sunday roast,

It’s always got to be at your home

Or neutral ground,

     And the coldness

Is like that of stone –

Polished to a high degree of status,

But I’m your brother man –

And though we fought like

Cat a...

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BrotherChild AbuseMother

Daniel In The Hyena's Den

Daniel In The Hyena’s Den


his limbs break like sticks

and these protectors

these vermin

hurt him

he has no more dreams

only the lonely nights

locked in the room

where pain will come

with demon eyes.



see a thin child

nothing more

but much less

in soul

they justify

their negligence

by quoting



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daniel pelkachild abusechild murderevilfailure of authority

My work recognized by the Child Abuse Monument in Canada

The video of my Poem 'Our Silence', my hand print and my Book 'Whispers From Within' that will be placed inside the Child Abuse Monument in Canada, is featured front and centre on the StoryProject page, on the Child Abuse Monuments website. My work has been recognized by them before, and by the main person who created the Monument: a Dr. Michael C. Irving. I was also asked to do a little video ...

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child abuse monumentchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisoncanada

'The world of silence and the silence you shame'

The World of Silence and the Silence You Shame

The world is full of abusers
The minority are here to be abused by you
Mustn’t disobey
Mustn’t tell
Or you will be abused by others
In the name of
Love, care, help or treatment
It’s not the real abusers
That create the worse reasons to be silent
It’s you and what you do
That creates the world of shame and silence
I must...

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B safe 1st alwayspoempoetryJohn Harrisonchild abusethe world of silence and the silence you shame




My crime was being born

For which they punish me for

Yet it is the one thing

I cannot feel guilty about

It could not be my fault

Being born was not my choice

 I obviously was not here

When that choice was made

Yet they punish you for it

Just like everything else

That they do

We are punished

For their crimes and sins

We carry ...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoetpoemchild abuseLiferB safe 1st always

'The Ranting Post'

The Ranting Post

It’s a rant
A post that’s down
Well this post might seem a bit down
But it’s the truth
Recent cases of child abuse
The result for the abuser
The end result for the abused
The never ending result for us
Same old, same old
Like me, like us, like them

You could write a poem about it
We have
You could write a book about it
We have
You could make...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoempoetchild abuse

Live at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010

This was held on the 7th August in Trafalgar Square, London. I read out my poems 'Someone Once', 'Familiar News', 'Within the silence', 'So sad WAS I', 'It was silence NOT defeat' and 'Beyond the silence'. This video is thanks to 'Truth and Hope's YouTube channel (one of the rally organizers). I would like to thank both organizers 'Cross of Change' and 'Truth and Hope' for making sure the event...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoetpoemrallychild abusechild absue rallytrafalgar square

'The Rock'

‘The Rock’

I crawled from under a rock
To be here today
It seems so harsh to say
From so very far away
From my comfort zone
My rock, my home
I was only doing what you wanted
You wanted me to be seen
And not heard
You know it well enough
So it’s not so absurd
But to you it seemed
so easy
You could block me out
Easy peasy
But every now and then
The others heard...

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thepoetjohnbsafe1stalwaysspoken wordpoempoetpoetrythe orckchild abuseJohn HarrisonNAPAC

'The art of being Lonely'

'The Art of Being Lonely'

Loneliness is Ugly...

Loneliness is a world full of people
Yet still being alone
Loneliness is a room full of people
But never could be further away

Loneliness is finding it hard to say
“I am lonely”
Loneliness is not to be shared
Loneliness is the sharing of it...
But to still be lonely

Loneliness is in an over populated world

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downchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonspoken wordlonelynesslonelyalonedepressionisolatedmental health

'Family Ties'

'Family Ties'

Family ties
Not meant to despise
Not meant to cover the lies

At one time, bringing you together
A thought:
‘It would last forever’

But not in a world of abuse
Deflected, rejected
Used to blame you

Family ties
Ties you up in knots
Oh the pain by them
Soon forgot
Na, na, na, na
Beaten down
So you don’t ...

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spoken wordchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrison

My Book 'Whispers From Within'


Hi! just a quick blog about my book 'Whispers From Within' (self published) ISBN: 978-0955810343 and if you would like to find out more, please go to you can also see and hear poetry from there too.

Below are the three reviews on the back cover. But first my own words that are also on the back cover:

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B safe 1st alwayschild neglectchild abusepoetpoemprosepoetryJohn Harrisonbsafe1stalwaysthepoetjohn

'So sad WAS I'

This next piece is from one of the only times I rang a helpline (the Samaritans). It to me expresses the difference helplines can make, and raises awareness of them. Check out the video on my accounts of it too. Its due to be published in the next RRRants anthology.


'So sad WAS I'

I dialled a number
A soft voice spoke
And talked gently
I spoke tentatively at first
But the...

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The SamaritanssuicidehelplinesthepoetjohnJohn Harrisonbsafe1stalwayspoetrypoempoetchild abuse

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