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Graham Sherwood on Giant Blue Star
43 minutes ago

Stephen Gospage on October Rain
1 hour ago

Stephen Gospage on Never
1 hour ago

Stephen Gospage on Renew
1 hour ago

Reggie's Ghost on Giant Blue Star
4 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Never
12 hours ago

TobaniNataiella on Magic Three Words
16 hours ago

raypool on HUNTER'S MOON
17 hours ago

Tom Doolan on October Rain
19 hours ago

Red Brick Keshner on This All Dies
1 day ago

Lady of the Night (Out of Need)

Lady of the Night. ( Out of need)


It's 4:00 in the morning and it's pouring down again.

The rain is lashing against my misty window panes.

I can see halfway down the road under the streetlight.

There stands Mary, one of the ladies of the night.


Five nights a week Mary will be there, come rain or shine.

Just trying to survive not really committing any crime.

Mary has ...

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prostitutionmothers. childrenProvidinglovedesperationneed me

Meritless Words

Words are such a funny thing,

Without actions that align, what value do words bring?

An illusion curated specifically for you,

By someone you wish so deeply would speak things that are true.


Screaming in anger, giving passionate praise, whispers of love, tone dripping in disgrace,

Love and hate simultaneously spewed in your face.

How is one supposed to feel,

Not knowing w...

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raw poetrydarkbroken promisesdesperationhopeless romantictrustpeople and actionsdisappointment

In midst 20's

It was pitiful enough that I'd be running in anyone arms in desperation
I don't even know what I'm supposed to do or whom I'm supposed to be
It was a lonely road indeed.
In midst 20s when you thought you have it all figure out
And life smack back at you
Then suddenly you're lost again
People say you will figure it out
But when,
When its already too late?
Will I ever figure it out?

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Beautifully Broken

Beautifully Broken

People surround me but inside I stand in solitude. I have slowly become victim to the sickness parade giving it way to ravage my passion and spirit.  

Despair clutches my soul tightly in her hand creating a continuum of anguish and relentless torture.  My vices allow her to slumber, but soon she wakes refreshed with the energy of a young fawn on an early spring day.  She a...

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Self-Loathing’s Song

I am applauded for my supposed talents and works. Can’t they see these talents and works are nothing more than self-loathing’s reign over me.

Her quiet whispers are boundless as she drenches my ear with invectives and affirms my triviality.  Her voice has become a familiar melody that serenades my mind and her song confronts anyone who challenges her position. 

I attempt to war against her w...

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You ask if I believe in God...
How can I not?

To deny my Father
means I leave my existence
to some 30 year old predator
who impregnated a girl half his age
and left her to raise their child
in the wilderness, among wolves 
that feed on loneliness and despair.

Without my Father, I would never know
that after suffering comes deliverance,
pain leads to compassion,
forgiveness breaks b...

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affectionbabybirthchildrendeliverancedespairdesperationfaith familyfatherforgivenesshopelonelinessnatureprayerrelationships spiritualityreligion

Life Race


You should plan to keep going 
whatever you meet .. whatever you face 
The only thing to be growing 
Never to fallback in the race 


Be aware to wear patience hat 
Remove the hat of desperation 
Keep energy for acts no chat 
No goals achieved in quotation 


Always to ask what you need 
To get ready helping people 
Same as you eat you must feed 
To win the race you shoul...

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I’m losing my mind.

Don’t you understand?

I’m desperately reaching out for your hand.

Don’t leave me hanging, slipping, falling…

down into the endless abyss of darkness,

Never destined to land.


You’ve saved me once before,

But this time there are no safety ropes.

I’m free-falling, plummeting, going down…

My only hope Is for you to save me now.


I’m losing my ...

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forgottenabandoneddarknessdeepdepressiondesperationdrowningemotional painfallinghelphurtleftlimbolosslostlovemental healthmindone-sidedpainpoemstoryunrequited love

Real Life Nightmare

Every moment to fear,

Forever holding back internal tears.

Life- so complicated,

forever indecisive.

The world too big, too scary,

my mind so full of queries.

Never certain, never happy,

each decision could be deadly.

An escapes impossible,

every outcomes implausible.

Sinking under water,

Always being taken for a martyr.

The pain runs so deep,

Barely able to ...

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anxietybattlecomplicateddangerdarkdeepdesperationdestructiondrowningemotional painemotiveescapefearFrom the hearthopeindecisiveinternal battlemental healthmental health issuesmindnightmarepoetrypoetry and mental healthsanitysinkingsubconsciouswar

"Cry in Sorrow"

Broken and left in sorrow,
Through my tears I speak my fear for the morrow
Winding time back is the only relief
While this empty shell decays
And tears apart the last glimpse of life.

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Grips of Depression.

Beneath a dull, greying sky - I lay, and I watch -

You stand there on hard earth

With your outstretched arms,

Beckoning me close,

And within your eyes - resides a coldness,

And I dare say - 

Belies a desperation, a vanity that encloses your heart.

Your face is a scarred mass of distrust,

And you're twisted and crippled

Yet, you've lived on -

In an endless parade of in...

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The stranger on her neck

Can you see the track marks up her arms?
I spy
With my wide eye
The stranger upon her neck.

Like the birthmark of a bloodhound,
Like a grisly flesh pinch,
An angrily sealed wound,
A Chinese burn,

A beating burning bruise,

A bloody blush:
The bite of the hungry.

Teeth she counted like cash,
The molars which paid her fine
And got her Alice's very own wonder

-ful escape...


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drugssexself distructionprioritiessexual abusedealdesperationvulnerable

Anaesthetic Substitute

Drugs.  Addiction –

back by popular demand.

A way to end the boredom,

spoil another day.

Broke.  Aflliction,

living second hand.

Last two quid for the ‘leccy' box

in a load of rusty change.

No!  Distinction,

frustrated as one can.

Can’t entertain all the time

and have constructive ideas.

Beliefs.  Predictions,

all letters in the sand.

Want to know the futu...

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Guarded Walls



Quick! Hurry!


Before she sees

Build up a wall

Be careful not to fall

Its just too much to bare

Yes, I know its unfair

But I can't

I just.....

I can't! 

If I were to take a wrong turn

If I were to get burned

I don't think I could go on

See, I thought I had the one

Really, truly

She hurt me brutally

I could have sworn...

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Black Widow



The air is chilled,

the night has eyes

that watch the lovers

in the shadows.


in sinful eyes,

that hold the fear

where no-one goes.

A prowling man-trap,

scented breath,


to hold her own

in crowded rooms

that smell of death,

when you're singled out

and on your own.


Black Widow comes


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spiderblack widowvamprejectiondesperationfalse hope

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