The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

broken heart (Remove filter)


His love for her was strong but still,

a longing in his soul

took him to where he could be free,

but ocean’s take their toll.


He never did return

although she waited faithfully.

Day and night she sat there watching,

hoping she would see.


She prayed that his ship would return

but fate will have its way.

She waited til her time was spent,

until her hairs ...

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longinglossloveheartachebroken heartlost love

Baltimore To Somewhere



You wished upon a star

and got left out in the rain.

You gave it all your heart

and it just got broke again.


Oh… It just got broke again.


You dressed unto the nines,

and I guess he’ll never see.

You painted a whole world, clearly it

is not meant to be.


Not meant to be.

Oh... not meant to be


He let you down again


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broken heartheartbreakstarting over

Final Goodbye

It’s hard to say goodbye to someone that you once loved with all your heart!

It’s hard to realize that the time has come to let go and move on.

To move forward and heal your broken heart,

To say goodbye….

Goodbye to all the love that once kept you alive,

Goodbye to the future and dreams you build together; to the life you had.

The pain is so sharp, your heart wants to hold on jus...

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broken heartgoodbyesadlovetime to move on poemsLetting go of the pastpassion and sadness

Cherished Moon

You were my dream
you were my sigh
you were my falling
midnight sky

I never saw a sunspot
but loved an autumn moon
my heart forever broken
by remembering our tune

once we held each other tightly
your scent rubbed off on me
our lips, interlocking
uniting silently

you were my dream
you were my sigh,
a lunatic's gleam
in this wanderer's eye
But now the dream
a baying howl

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Broken Heart




My gums are bleeding again.

There’s a stack of papers that need attention

But I can’t find my glasses.

My truck is making that funny noise.


I sleep too late

Because no one wakes me.

I don’t write

I feel it’s all been said.


I find I’m repeating myself

No one takes me seriously

Your point’s been made:

I am selfish and fickle,

Say whate...

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lost lovelove poemsheartbreakregretmistakesBroken heartdisappointmentsadnessLonging


Michelangelo said the work of art awaited him beneath the slab of marble, merely for him to uncover it. In my own small way I understand that as I write these days. The poem I know is possible waits patiently at the other side across a murky divide and with luck and patience maybe I can reach it, reveal it.

Here is  one I wrote about a barbecue years ago in the small town where I lived.



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lovelost lovebrokenheartedmistakesbroken heartsadnessregretmelancholydepressionheart

Broken Heart

What do you do when the person that once brought you love brings you nothing but pain.

What do you do when the person you gave your heart too took it and threw it away. 

What do you do when your heart beats so fast it feels like it is coming out of your chest.

And the love you once had starts to change into tears and hate.

And that person that once brought you comfort and made you feel...

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Broken heartsadnessgod loves allfaithhearthealinglove poetry

Dear Ezra Bebot,

The first time I saw you, your mouth held no words.
I would take you out and watch you marvel at the birds.

Your awkward waddle would bring me smiles.
There was peace in my life holding you as we walked for miles.

The screaming, the crying, the testing,
The laughing, the hugging, the learning.

As I helped you grow, and loved every moment.
Even the ones that involved your excrement.


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Step sonstep-sonchildfatherfather's lovebreakupheartachebroken heartdepressionlosslovingend of relationshipseparation

What It's Like Looking into the Eyes of Someone who Doesn't love You Back

for you to literally sit in front of a motherfucker and to have blood on you and to be shaking so bad and tears streaming down your face and snot coming out of your nose and spit running out of your mouth with bruises still on your legs and arms from your last encounter and the person you are sitting in front of still not give a damn and still somehow make an excuse for leaving you as though it's ...

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gage 2016broken heartlovelove that is not mutualpainreal life

Better and Not Bitter

    Maybe instead of not being enough,

I was just far too much

    Maybe instead of a broken heart,

he left me so I could have a new start

    Maybe instead of “being left”,

I was just being pushed one step ahead

    Maybe he was the one with problems,

and he walked away to go and solve ‘em

    So instead of crying over you,

I will say “Thank you”...

    Because what ...

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beautybetter not bitterbroken hearthidden beautytalents


where were you all this while

when i lost my smile

when i was lost

when my heart got tossed.


when all the world walked away

left me alone to stay

when i was all alone

they turned my heart into stone.


when i felt my life been drawn out

all i did was scream and shout

with no one to hear me out

it left me short and stout.


everywhere i walked

no on...

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sadnessBroken heart

I'm in the gap

I think I hung myself in your tears

Yeah, the other day I realised

One noose, one tear drop - same shape.

I choked on the salt of it

eternally thirsty now

When they fell from your eyes

they looked like showers of broken glass

How I wished I could have swallowed that instead

I think that would hurt less

I’ve got 6 bruises, 7 cuts, 3 scars

I’m still counting.

But why...

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breakupbroken heartmissingpainrelationshipsadnessturmoil

I see why love is red.

I can’t tell you.

But last night, you entered my chest

for play, some kind of game, like ‘Operation’

and then I couldn’t sleep

I jolted – shivered – jerked – quirked,

now my eyes don’t close

and my body is a pulse,

you tiptoed across my ribcage,

leaving foot prints enlaced by landmines,

you slept on my lungs,

short wired my arteries,

you clipped the circuits of my ...

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lovereddangervulnerablepaindisasterbroken heartexcitementthrillworry

Love and Lies

Another one from the past, circa 2000.  Definatly a bit teenage angst-y, and funnily i can't remeber who this was written about now.  They must have been important at the time though!

The feeling in my chest,

Is one I’ve felt before.

All so easy to notice,

Not so easy to ignore.

It tightens up your breathing,

Chills the veins into your heart,

Was that my soul just leaving?


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loveBroken heartromancerelationshiplove hurts


I’m pretty sure there were tulips in her eyes,

I shouted “Fire! Fire!”,

She took off her sunglasses,

She saw sunrise.


Now I know it, there was a darling rose in her blush,

A honey dew in her stare

But they told me “beware, beware!”

“Have you not been warned of ‘primrose way’?”


Now I felt it, there were dandelions on her lips…

Make a wish, make a wish!

Daisy ...

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broken heartflowersfooledgirlinsectlovemetaphorplayedpromiscuoussex

Grisly Girl

Someone's sowed pins and needles into her lips.

To kiss her now will pierce your tongue and numb your mouth.
This is the smile that cuts,
Tears deep, tears the tears apart
The eyes that fixate on her lips,
The ears that listen to her voice.
This is the mouth that eats.
It eats, eats, eats away at your flesh
Till there's nothing left,

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bloodbrokenbroken heartdarkdestructiveemotional tormentenigmagirllovemysterous

Nineteen Meters

There, seated at one of the bleachers,

Far distant from me, nineteen meters.

There, a girl before you,

Like a piece of a broken tableau.


For me, it was likely,

A vision, pain with no remedy,

Loud laughs, so clear in view,

Nineteen meters away, such a milieu.


Just heartful days ago,

The pair of your eyes never forego,

What was seen in the sight of me,


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Broken heartunrequited love

A Broken Heart Suffices


When a
Remorseful convert,
Astray that had gone far
Blemishing his /her soul
With Sin's tar,
Puts a broken heart
On the altar,
By far,
S/he could enjoy
God's grace
Or even
Win a higher place
In His face
Than a devotee,
Taking pride
In his/her deed,
Who oft mount
A spiritual war
Devil's way to bar.

It is with
A broken heart
The culprit
Hanged by the right
Of Jesus Chri...

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biblebroken heartGodhypocritsemercifulnessRepentance

Piecing of the Broken Heart

Fragments of my heart began to scatter like narrowed tears,

Foraging the pieces to corrade together, 'till the very near.

I frech as I hear the boastful brontides approach

Agonously attempting to grasp on to my unconvienent hopes.


My eyes are discerpted, bleeding tears of remorse

Time had fleered me from its natural habitat

Balefully, it mocked my optimistic ways


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Broken heartaloneconfusionlost love

Two Lost Souls

Two lost souls in the darkness
Guided by the faintest of light
Though the world casts its shadows
They kept their dreams alive.   People stop and judge them
For what I just don't know
But they keep travelling on
Though they've got no place to go.   Love brought them together
Pain has torn them apart
Just two lost souls in the darkness
Joined together through a broken heart. ...

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LoveBroken HeartLost Souls

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