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Hope (Remove filter)


My reflection doesn’t tell my story yet I still feel as though it defines me


When I look,


 I see my flaws


I see mistakes


I see problems


Looking at others I see so much beauty


They have the perfect clothes


Perfect hair


Perfect face


Perfect body


Maybe it’s just a facade but it seems so real


Pushed on me is the pe...

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imagepeoplemental healthhopemirrorbody imagematterperfect

Conversations with the Divine

In the hush of night, I speak to You,  
My heart is heavy, my faith unsure,  
I’m young, on the brink of my prime,  
Yet time seems to slip, like grains of sand.

I ache, Lord, in this restless quest,  
Trying to believe, though I’m oppressed,  
Do I continue in this weary chase,  
Or is it just a lost, empty race?

I see others, their paths seem clear,  
While I stumble, gripped by fea...

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Pain Relief

When will it go away?


The pain in my chest


Pain in my stomach




It’s repetitive and never stops


It creeps up on me like bugs


Stings like a wasp


Bites like a mosquito


And leaves, taking a small part of me


Some say it’s a part of life 


Maybe I don’t want that


If this is life 


Maybe I don’t want any p...

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painlovefriendshipreliefpain reliefhoperegretlossfaithpoetrypoem

I Will Return

Into the translucent silence,
above the heartbeat of the stars
and the flight of the seagulls,
I will return with the gentle sky 

Like the breeze that ruffles the forest
or the moon that peeks through the night, 
and no matter how autumn dies there will always be a spring,
in the same way I will return

On the thought that crosses time
and lives on from its balconies,
like the pollen ...

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La pureté de l'éternel éphémère

Il y a des moments dans la vie

Qu'on ne risque pas d'oublier

Des moments incroyables

Qu'on aimerait recréer


Comme le moment précis

Quand je t'ai vu pour la première fois

Une simple rencontre

Que m'a rempli de joie


Je marchais dans la rue

Quand on s'est croisés

Et dans ce moment précis 

Le temps s'est arrêté


Le bruit autour de nous

S'est soudain...

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For You, Wherever You Are

It was on my first of many elevator rides 

up from the basement floor

I met a woman with short, red hair and a leather jacket, 

who I only ever saw 

just this once. 


I don’t know whether I ever responded

when she spoke to me

or to God

or to the elevator door 



three years ago, now,

they had given her six months to live. 



three ye...

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You can learn a lot about yourself in the dark..

The things that once terrified you no longer appear so large 
and that flame that you had to light for yourself 
will guide you to places that you didn't know existed

Thank yourself that you persisted 
You lit that fire in the damp, in the cold 
You nurtured it as it turned from a flicker to nothing but coal

Really, thank yourself for n...

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Change is the most natural part of life 

The summer cannot last forever 
I have learned simply to never say never 

I change my mind 
Perspectives and feelings move with time 

Nothing is certain 

Before you know it, it is Autumn 
and your leaves are turning into shades of gold 

To begin something new you must let go of the old 
It is okay to fall

Winter may be harder and it wi...

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You are an artist

You are an artist

Every morning as your eyes open up
you reach for your paintbrush 

You are the canvas 
and your actions are the splatters
Inspired by your dreams 
and all to you that matters 

You bring to life the beauty that you think
Transforming the formless into reality
your desires turn to ink

Do not downplay the smaller things you do
as every single brushstro...

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To Find Some Meaning

I often think about the past.
Had it been too slow or too fast?
Then I ponder on what might have been.
What I might have done and might have seen.

I think about all the times I've wasted,
And how I took for granted the things I tasted.
Where am I going? What am I doing?
What became of the life I had once been viewing?

Now all I see is a fog so dense
That in this life I can find no sen...

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Stuart VannerMeaningHope

Our Journey

Let's escape our separate towns together,
Away from prying eyes,
Where no one knows our faces yet,

And our love needs no disguise.


Let's camp out in the world together,

And I'll hold you through the night,

With your head upon my shoulder,

We sit watching stars burn bright.


We'll laugh and smile discussing hopes and dreams,

And make known all of our desires,


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It's OK?


I can't hear the telly 

for your bubbling belly!

Stop being horrible! You know I get IBS

Aye, Irritating Belly Sounds!

I laughed

She didn't 

Her cheeks glazed with cherry red

But, also, the weight loss?

And, you need to eat more! 

You're like a mouse lately. 

Eeek, eeek, She mimics (badly)

She turns, cups my face in her hands, 

kisses me

But, there's...

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Grinding to a Halt

If your mind becomes imprisoned,
And the whole world now seems strange,
And the things you once enjoyed
Now no longer make a change.

If your life now has no reason,
And you just exist from day to day,
Just drifting between each moment,
And it doesn't help what others say.

No matter where you may be -
Whether in the country or the city,
All your interests may have dissolved,
And you ...

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Stuart VannerHopeHopeless

The Human Dome


I travel across this phenomenal path, a path that trails me to justice, a path that unites me with the lofty dome of the human establishment. From these broken shattered glasses of the dome, I gaze upon the increasing influence of insecurities among these humans. One of the sides of this dome had an air of fear and vengeance while the other parts here repres...

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