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Bullet (Remove filter)


She died in a

Care home before the

Pandemic, from

Complications after a broken hip.

She helped see off Hitler but

If granny had lived

Would she have

Seen off the virus?

During the War she worked in munitions

Her factory got bombed, she

Made ammunition for the boys at the


In the care home both her

War-time comrades

Choked to death for want of testing...

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escapepandemiccare homebulletoxygen

Bullets in the Ceiling

Bullets in the Ceiling
by, Melissa R. Mendelson

Two holes against plaster.
The nail is digging out,
and the white dust falls.
Like silent tears,
it falls into nothing.
Nobody knows a thing
unless they look up,
pause across
the bullets
in the ceiling.

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Balloons in the tree

Pass me the toys I'll play with you

lets load the riffle let the bullet go loose!

Who's gonna shoot the balloons in the tree?

Who's gonna pull the knives out of me?


Your little sister now owns your touch

cook for the robots 'cause they fought for us

we'll never let the kite go fly free

we never ever will let you leave


So you've really got it going


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Biting the Bullet - result

The waiting is over. The poem which received the most votes in the 'Biting the Bullet' competition was


'Biting the Bullet' by Alvin Guinessberg



2nd place Isobel (2) 'Bullet'



3rd place Andy N 'Biting the Bul...

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Biting the Bullet - time to vote

This is an invitation to vote in the 'Biting the Bullet' competition which ran here in September. Which poem would you place first from those listed below? The winner receives a £20 Waterstones voucher. I am not voting but will use a casting vote if there's a tie, so there will only be one winner. They can receive their prize by post, electronically or presentation at an open mic night of their...

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Biting the Bullet

In biting the bullet


I missed

shot myself in the head instead.

Now down


on the ground.

Fucking bullet

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I am steam on an open window

footsteps in a blizzard 

receding swell

of a punishing tide

the kid gloved hand

of a self that died

peddling scraps

to those who’d be fed

hiding horizons

from those who’d be lead…


Insidious as a risk assessment

my bullet point well punctuated

I don’t bite the bullet

I don’t site the bullet

I load the stin...

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I Bit The Bullet

I bit The Bullet,

but I didn't bite the secretary.


The Bullet ran the phone factory,

to hire and fire was his game.

I was just a humble employee

caught in The Bullet's aim.

I never knew his real name.


I bit The Bullet,

he put his finger too close to my head.

I bit The Bullet,

now he's lying in a hospital bed.


The Bullet always hated ...

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fear the bullet

hear the bullet

smell the bullet

see the bullet

feel the bullet

catch the bullet

own the bullet

snatch the bullet

hate the bullet

love the bullet

kiss the bullet

shove the bullet

blow the bullet

suck the bullet

know the bullet

fuck the bullet



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Biting the Bullet Final Reminder

Hello all. This is a final reminder for the BITING THE BULLET competition. It closes next Thursday Sept 30th then voting by email will take place till the 5th October.


All is explained in the original blog, at


If you are new to the site, please do consider having a go. Lots of people have done so ...

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Bite the Bullet

Mr Incisor, make the mouth proud.

Neither your censure nor your parade can be sketched.

You harass the air

and the common ground is constipated.

Open up wide and let’s inspect the silver,

would you mind if I just dipped in my pen

and twirl around the salad, a little dizzy?

Maybe I could underline a few ammunitions,

and make a poem out of you,

hold it up to ...

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Bite the Bullet


Bite the bullet, grasp the nettle

Pot is black as so called kettle

Ash to ashes, dust to settle

Heavy guns from heavy metal.


Down in the scullery, old wives bitchin’

Too many cooks in the brothel kitchen

Holes in time, no time for stitching

You scratch back when my back’s itching


Eye for eye and a tooth for cutting

One for all and all for no...

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Bite The Bullet

Sitting with the gun,
Staring at its dead black eye,
a cycloptic reaper.
The end of all things,
Just a finger stroke away.
Yet still I linger.
Do I greet the end?
Welcome the darkness gladly?
Stop the sorrow now?
Perhaps I should wait,
Pray for better tomorrow,
A much brighter day.
Can future hope be,
Enough to stay my finger?

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Bite the Bullet

Bite the Bullet!

Hey, little boy-man,

Run for your life!

There is pleasure and pain

In the arms of a wife.


Possession you hate -

Obsession is fate -

Reality late -





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Deceived (She Bites the Bullet)

So many times

You stood me up,

So many times

I cried.

Your family always

Came first.

There was no time left

For me.

I wonder,

Was I to feel grateful

For the snatched

Hour or two?


I saw your beautiful wife

And adorable children

For the first time


In the park.

And unbeknown to you,

I watched you with them.


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Biting the Bullet

Where have Mum and Dad gone?

She’s never felt so alone.

Even her bigger brothers

Managed to leave home.


She does not feel confident,

So will just rest awhile.

She is not yet ready

To go that extra mile.


But now she’s feeling hungry,

The food supplies run out.

And all she can really do

Is try and have a shout.


Ah! Here comes Fathe...

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Biting The Bullet



I do not want to know

Don’t tell me.

I do not want to see

Don`t show me

I do not want to feel

Don`t make me

Please leave me

Cocooned and wombed

Numbed and dumbed

Safe and secure

In my candy floss

Detached, two point two


Happy happy clappy clappy


Do not shoot the bullet


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Biting the Bullet

( A poem for Dave Bradley's challenge)


If only life were a matrix,

the best moments freeze framed,

caught in the film of an eye,

the heat of one touch,

and all the bullets side-stepped

extracted, taken out

plopped like teeth

on a silver salver;

no gas and air

no gaping gum,

just a vacuum


with all the precious time.


In re...

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Biting the Bullet. Prize follow-up to Pandora




Many of us enjoyed the Pandora's Box competition that followed the demise of WOLOP which, again, was a source of fun and interest. A successor to Pandora's Box was mooted but nothing came of it. I think there may be some interest in trying again and to help things along am giving a modest prize for a new competition.





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