The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Goodbyes (Remove filter)

The Faintest Farewell

Pale fluorescent lighting paints the scene
ears still ring hollow
with such an effortless ‘goodbye’
All breathing paused
as she rations out that smile
all too aware of exactly what it does to me

Allowing a single kiss 
to parachute upon her cheek
I thank her for the madness
of all those past encounters
But she has nothing more for me
just empty eyes and vague replies

One foot follo...

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you can't stop it

love gathers dust

its downhill from the end of lust


so hot she squeaked

her touch a scorch

nothing doused my flaming torch


wet mouth a snare

long limbs a web

we knew this inferno could not ebb


ugly but chic

lithe and svelte

a body that would never melt


we sit here now

old and forlorn

wishing we had never been born



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lustloveyouthageterminal illnessdustgoodbyes

Sleep with me

Stay with me dont leave me in this dark valley 

Lay on my emotions pet them tell them it can all go away

Everytime im sleepless i have images of our times coming and going

Eventually youll walk in that fire and understand the burning 

Peoplw will walk in an ember from hell just to find out where your going

Will we fall to our senses and stumble down lonely park drive 

I see the s...

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Future's Past

Past has always chased Future's Present;

for Past envies its favored presence.


Mockery laced with lust

as injections plump busts.


Yet, Children of the Sun

will remain to be shunned.


Hot remains split like us

till we reach Exodus!


Hollowed we lie down deep;

your ass best wake from sleep!


Past was shiny, now played out.

Present is dying and s...

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Elbow Yard

Elbow Yard


In Elbow Yard the walls are thin

between this world and the next.

We communicate through clairvoyants

because we couldn’t  handle text.

But that’s all right mate,

that’s pretty cool,

you didn’t like clowns

and I’m the fool.


In Elbow Yard the darkness reigns

and death dances out of sight

ready to drag us to his ballroom,

illuminated in pale g...

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lossfriendshipgoodbyesexitfalse hopefinal frame

The Bridges I Never Burn

All the goodbyes Ive never said

They haunt me, like some unfinished business. 

Im always wondering who is away from me, that is not supposed to be. 

Who did I cast away after prides were hurt?

Where are those who hesitantly walked away, while they looked back and noticed I wasnt following?


Oh, who are you kidding?

You give way too many chances. 

Face it.

With some, you...

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It all felt like it happened yesterday

When you and I finally stayed away

I love you is an empty word we say

When we have no intention to stay


We never stopped trying

Keeping us from hurting 

More than what is intended

From all the past lies

Beneath our shaking hands and hidden scars

Of broken promises and empty vows

Loaded guns that fires the bullet

To the st...

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goodbyesliessad poemsBroken heartsHeartbreak

My one day friend, Mark

  To Liverpool

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
On Vernon street
Off Dale street
I sat near the sidewalk
At the edge
Like a broken bridge
People were passing
With their robot walking
Sea gulls felt my pain
Also did the rain
And my one day friend Mark
Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart
And my desire to start
His frien...

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peaceLiverpoolLiverpool poetrymercysideriverpoetrylove poetrylove poemslifefriendshipfriends of the earthbe friends?old friendsmel my dear friendmysteriousMysteryfoggoodbyesJulie Goodyeargoodbye

Hasta Mañana



A home-made tattoo wrapped up in a scroll

(not of honey and milk, but indian ink)

saw 50 summers, but winters no more.

A cooling board smoothes away pain.

An epithet formerly scrawled upon walls;

a roughly-inked alias on a right wrist

provided the title required to assist in

identification of you.


I will search for your words in your final abode...

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