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Option 3

Am I ready for the things I acquire ? 

Used to mediocre things 

Not having enough money to buy what I need 

My goal has always been the finer things 

Wearing what I want, living where I want 

It seems small but those are big to me 

I don’t live above my means 

Watched people go down that road 

It’s not a pretty scene 

I’m scared about what I would do when I acquire what ...

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Narcissus V Phoenix

Narcissus creatures surround me.
Vultures, pecking at my serenity.
Testing my resolve.
Threatening to consume me.
Daring me to break free,
from a doomed mentality. 

Do I close my eyes to injustice
permeating our atmosphere,
like The Great Smog?


I spread my Phoenix wings.
Rise above the toxic darkness.
Bring forth healing light.
Spread peace, kindness, love.

Never give up ...

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apathydepressiongrowthhealinglightlovemindsetnarcissismpeacephoenixspiritualitytoxic relationshipsvultureszen


Protect me from this life.
The ailments of the things around me.
Set me free into the sky,
Shine light in the darkness that surrounds me.

I'm one man against the world,
Sometimes it seems hard to bear.
Sometimes I prayed,
But only the Devil responded,
And God wasn't there.

I fell deep into the pits,
Both alcohol and substance abuse.
The devil talking to me,
From this bottle im drin...

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You my moon light,
Lit my world ablaze.
Spoke truth into my soul.
Pushed me to realise my dreams.
To conquer, my lifes goals.

You my sweet,

The reason to my days.
The purpose to my smiles,
The shelter from hailing rain.
My human form, of many desires.

Where are you now?

You my medusa,
Froze me stone cold.
Unable to move,
Until I had to let you go.

Closure, I never had.

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Loveplatonic loveclosurelifeMindsetdisappearing

Notes of Inner Reflection

ow often we contemplate the role of a woman in our life? Not much perhaps because either we are usually lost in ourselves or we are part of the male chauvinism where there is no scope for a woman to enter. Isn’t that a hypocrisy? Yes it is. We are always in splits when we attribute our viewpoint for a woman. We hold ourselves in the highest of esteem and at the same time hold a different outlook f...

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“No mere human cannot stand in a fire and not be consumed.” ~ Christabel LaMotte


Consume the news,
  be confused, sing the blues, blow a fuse.

Consume potions, from drugs to Netflix,
  get lost in the Matrix.

Consume pornography,
  french-kiss misogyny.

Consume social media,
  group-think Expedia, personal-connection anemia.

Consume nature,
  become one with the savior.


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Sweet Talk

Smooth like honey,

Your words 

Slip through my soul -


Sweetening the bitter

Soothing the sore.


Your Word

Like honey, nurturing

My bones.


I have a craving in my soul,

A sweet tooth for Your own.


"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith


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lovemental healthmindsetpoetrypositive wordspositivitysweetwords

The Price

The price of life,
  is death.

The price of love,
  is forgiveness. 

The price of peace,
  is judgement.

The price of success,
  is failure.

The price of fame 
  is freedom.

The price of freedom,
  is discipline. 

The price of discipline
  is faith.

The price of faith,
  is fear.

Everything has a price.

What is the cost,
of the life you seek?

Are you willing ...

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I enjoy bringing tough guys and gals to their knees.

I can make everyone in my path cry like babies. 

You think you can stop me with drugs or alcohol?

That’s a fool’s game.

It will drive you insane. 

Your candy doesn’t keep me away

anymore than a cross stops suffering. 

The only escape is to free me

from the one place you fear to go. 

I reside deep within your mind.


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beliefsfaithmindsetPainquantum physicsreligion


While the world
goes about their day
talking about trival things, 
laughing their troubles away,
I am struck with 
paralyzing pain
that I try to contain. 

Everyone close to me 
is oblivious 
to my suffering.

Why should they care?
They have their own 
drama to deal with.
There is nothing 
anyone can do anyway. 

Meanwhile, my body
betrays me more 
each passing day.

I want t...

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Fixed Mindset - Genre Transformation

I will not be stuck in a fixed mindset.

I will not be stuck in a fixed mindset.

I will not be stuck in a fixed mindset.


Fixed mindset is a state of mind.

You can change your mind.

But are you willing to change your mind?

I will not be stuck in a fixed mindset.


What is a fixed mindset?

A fixed mind.

A mind incapable of opening or being opened.

A bad habit an...

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