The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

borders (Remove filter)

Trump's Gambit


He leaves NATO, the pact undone, No ally left to block his run. Article 5 is cast aside, No aid, no help, no place to hide. Greenland waits, a prize to claim, No resistance, none to blame. Courts grow silent, power reigns, No law to stop him, no remains. Congress bows, the path is clear, No dissent, no foe is near. The Constitution torn apart, A kingdom built from iron hear...

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tyrantspowerdominationalliancesglobal crisissubmissionoppressionlawsborderswarningpolitical upheavalrisefutureauthorityworld on the brinkresistance

The end of the world

This is the end of the world we knew. 

Not only my country's borders are closed and those of many others, the whole European borders are closed. Goodbye freedom.

The death day of Europe

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EuropeEUbordersclosedfreedomdeath day


Please share, like, take your own protest selfie with a poster about our freedom and, freedom of movement. It's important that we fight for it, it's actually in danger. 


Please sign my petition for the freedom of movement. Our rights are in danger now, the EU borders are closed since 16th March 2020

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bordersEUEuropefreedomfreedom of movementopen ordersprotest


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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bonny and ClydebordersescapefightFreedomfighterslet's do itroad moviesexy


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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Freedomfightersescapefightsexyroad moviebonny and Clydelet's do itborders

Freedom of movement

While out borders are closing, they violate human rights in full. The European freedom of movement is now violated, we are locked in our countries. 

citizen of a state in which that citizen is present has the liberty to travel, reside in, and/or work in any part of the state where one pleases within the limits of respect for the liberty and rights of others,[3] and that a citizen also ha...

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human rightsbordersfreedom of movementEurope


There were borders everywhere

Borders of water, of steel, of brick, of money and of mind

Borders that were meant for defining, for declaring lines you and others could not cross


Over the sandstone brick wall, across the railway line lived the park people

Snotty, scabby looking folk – they feared to tread on our turf; most did

They had the club and the park, we invaded them at w...

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Late Wisdom

You're aching for peace

I'm hurting too

Let the arguing cease

There's polling to do


You look for meaning

I offer a word

No sense for your gleaning

I'm not sure they heard


You called referendum

I thought it was flawed

A meaningless thrum

On democracy's chord


You were not aware and

I never knew

That voting out fanned

A nationalist view



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