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Nil Carborundum Sanguine Desperandum

The gobshite bullies came for me,

When I, at ten years old or so,

Was forced to admit we’d no TV,

The haunted fish-tank being despised

As nothing but a frippery,

So I couldn’t discuss Four Feather Falls,

And I had nowt to say about Sunset Strip.

When they tried to throw me over a wall,

I fought off five or six of them,

With a “bloody” this and a “bloody” that,

I elbow...

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As we look at our society,
We'll see one that creates most anxiety.
It's one that we should all despise.
It is one which no-one should disguise.

It is a bully - as they bring distress,
Turning good people's minds into a mess.
To destroy confidence is their aim.
Then after that they'll just do the same.

For victims they will always seek,
Searching for those who seem weak.
But for what...

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Stuart VannerBulliesBullying




She--English student-to-be

He--Art student

Accessorised well in cool black

Clothes as two roving assassins would

But they weren't assassins

They were just young, creative, self-expressive

Goths in love, bonded souls

With a beautiful future ahead of them

They both enjoyed the quietude before midnight

In a walk through Stubbylee Park--



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alternaphobiaBacupbullyingelegy poemEnglandGothshate crimeseraphSophie LancasterStubbylee Parksubculturesyoung lovers

Faith, Love and Honesty

I will be embarking now on a sequence of poems, in chronological and thematic order, that will stretch back right towards some of my earliest poetry. The collective theme is 'Love's Tempest', within which there will be various sub-themes. We start with the sub-theme 'Beginnings'.

Although this particular poem was probably written when I was 19 or 20 years old, it talks about earlier chidhood. I...

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anti semitismbullyingfaithfriendshiphonestylove's tempestself esteembeginnings

Solipsistic Angst

She comes into the house unannounced

doesn’t bother a quip when asked to speak

slams the door shut

and takes to her room to retreat


Behind the locked door, music blares

her demeanor tells everyone she doesn’t care

her closeted persona is darkness deeper 

than her black eyeliner coupled with black hair


She’s never known love

never been the center of affection


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The Wasp

She is dead already,

those eyes have murdered her.

They shut her inside jars,

scream their pain, projection.

She needs not to sting humans

but she is overwhelmed.

Searching for open windows,

A chance to kill herself. 

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suicide awarenessbullyingfeartrapped

To love is to suffer

His words twist into my heart, in bold letters they tear me apart, leaving my eyes bright and green, I can't hold back the tears, I'm not trying to fight, expressing my feelings is damaging, he takes it wrong and here comes the sting, I guess love isn't meant for me, no matter how sweet I can be.

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Heart breakbattlebullying

"Diana Prince Forever!"

That's what my parents always called me with a smirk
But I wasn't
I was just different

The highlight of my week wasn't watching Knight Rider like the other boys
It was Wonder Woman
Imagining myself wearing her gold tiara and bracelets
Her lasso of truth
Spinning round and saving the world
Then going back to being normal Diana Prince

My older brother bought me Action Man
And ...

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bullyingchildhoodherowonder woman

The Last Laugh

The Last Laugh


You got caught out once,

sitting on the top deck of the bus

and gripping the metal bar

that ran across the top

of the seat in front.


He was bragging to his mates

and, although you couldn’t see his face,

you could see the dirty straw hair

and the muck ingrained in his neck

and you imagined him winking.


He turned round slowly,

looked ...

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bullyingthe last laughpay backchildhoodgrowing

Now I know

You were wrong to underestimate me.
You were wrong to not have any faith in myself and my success.
You were wrong to say the things you've said.
You were wrong to bring me down.

Although, while you were wrong
for everything you've did.
I cannot fully blame you
for my sadness you've caused.
For, I was also in the wrong.

I was wrong to believe
every word that you spoke.
I was wrong to...

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now i knowbullyingbeleifyour wordssucessfailwrong

The Shadows On The Wall

I fade into the darkness, like the shadows on the wall Nobody hears my cries, nobody notices when I call
Although I scream I am here! the words just won’t fall
I fade into the darkness, like the shadows on the wall.   When the night comes calling, then you might see me,
Just a mere reflection of the man I used to be
My life is now over, the end is yet to come,
I am the man in the sha...

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Anthony R M AndrewsBullyingHeartbreaklonelinessPainSuicide


Five years and nine months

Can you tell what it is yet?

It's not long enough


So whilst on 'A' Wing

Bend down to pick up your soap

Whilst in the shower


No 'Two Little Boys'

Just 'Jake the Peg's middle leg

Summary justice


A didgery-doo

Try your Kangaroo court sport

It's coming to you


Then why no remorse?

Banged up at portrait's pleasure


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bullyingcell blockchild abusecourtshaikujusticeporridgeprisonsongs

Silent Critic

Silent Critic   Unmissable

in letters three feet high

across the bridge

they wrote


and before

the paint was dry

Kelly carved

her sharp reply

in a deeper crimson shade

just two

short lines

as double edged

as Kelly’s blade

exposed the lie

that gave offence

- and their careless

use of tense.

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