The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

experimental (Remove filter)

Upstairing A Nightly Groan

upstairing a nightly groan

of slow doored creaks

roomed a floorboarded wisp

yet twelving an houred air

midded hands trickling past

and hearted heavy those

the trembling onsleepers


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nonsenseexperimentalword play


The light embraces you
traversing the threshold
shedding mortail coil
across sapphire rivers in the breath,
wandering across the essence
grasping through words
behind a display panel
touching across your memory
in the vast expanse
of lifetimes
lost across starlight pathways,
reaching for the way home.

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The Grand Experiment

without the hand of God to guide our way
we fall into despair and misery
and even though we may have lost our way
we'll see that God will hear us when we pray

if we think we haven't anything to say
and you feel there must be a safer way
if now is the chance for a sweeter day
then why not ask in secret anyway?




© Brian Hodgkinson Jr. (aka) Limericist 2021

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Once you had your images.

Cardiac tamed by the smile

behind the name.


Secrets that you’ve

hymn drawn

to your later

arrow eyes.


You are my pen

after the punishment.


Once you had your heart,

But it came out garbled.


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Remember to Float

Remember to Float

They asked me why I do not fly,
I told them it’s not that I don’t know how too,
I just need to be closer to the earth right now.

They asked me why I do not close my eyes
I told them it’s because I see so much better when they are open

They asked me how I move so quickly 

I tell them that I am pure electricity

It’s important to never get too close

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experimentalfree versefound wordfree form



Bring me someone new fast


No wait,

Bring me someone who is fast

and maybe together we can fall 

through these sleepless nights

like stars that burn out,

we will slip awkward, as we dip

fluttering like ash

we will darken the summer sky

filling it with heavy grays and whites


 We will become a flash of tumbling embers,

just built to spi...

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free versefound wordexperimentalfree form









I am surprised to hear my voice

so bold and sure of it’s self

as if it weren’t my own


and for a second there

I have to wonder.


I listen again,


There is a distant sound

of harmony and balance,

they are bleeding together

the masculine with the feminine


It is a song


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free formfree verseword experimentfound wordexperimental

Postcard Perfect


Post Card Perfect


It was New Years Eve

when you dipped me.


 You leaned in for a kiss.

I should have known then that eventually you'd drop me.



 the snow fell all around

a sailor and a nurse.


After the war had ended,

she stopped bandaging his wounds,

he bellied up to a bar


the photographed just faded away.



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poetryfree versefree formexperimental

Green Grass


Just so You Know

The day you left, 

it rained for three fucking days

and man,

you still wouldn't wash away.

So I prayed out loud to the girls

with more grass

than that green grass

that we used to make love in.

I waited there sea sick,

in sea of emerald green

swaying back and forth

all around me.

Just then, the air p...

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journalfree formexperimentalpoetryfree verse

It Rhymes

Girls are like tiny diamonds,
as they slip through your hand
Boys are like plasma
dripping back to the sea
Like metal they rust
You can smell them both erode
They tell me it’s the salt in the water
that makes them both corrode

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snippetfree formexperimental

Underwater Creature

I am an underwater creature

much faster than yourself


I am smoothed out

by the waves

your words a thousand dull lead sinkers around my neck


 I can not hear you here


Here, I belong to no one, 

not even myself


In fact, I do not exist


There is tranquility in nothingness,

no need for oxygen

or cigarettes





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free formfree versecontemporarypoetryexperimental

Candy Apple Love


I loved you once.

Really, I did.


It was a sweet candied apple, kind of love

a legs wide open, love

a love that knew each and every one of my secrets.



Do you remember the night 

that I wrote testaments across your body?


You a moonlite canvas pale as washed wool.


I dreamt mad ...

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free verseexperimentalword experimentfree formfound word

Joan of Arc


(part 1)
Loud, brash, sweet thing
Bring me some water to wet my whistle
For you
Love only lasts ten minutes at a time
Only this time
The time is mine
So go on over
Lay it down
Cause all your cards ain't showin
And my hands are full
I'll drop this heavy load
When words spill soft and free
Meaning what they shoul...

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poetryexperimentalcontemporaryfree formfree versefound word

Sugar Revolution


Be my sugar 
My revolution
Bring me fruit in the dead of winter
 as tears roll from your face.
Be sweet rebellion on hot summer nights.
Burn messeges onto thick leaves
and press them hard against my bedroom window.
Stand naked under the naked moon
Be raw
Be real
Speak true
If you spe...

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experimentalpoetryfree formfree verseword associationcontemporary

Some Times I Change My Mind


 Sometimes I change my mind,
but mostly just the direction.
I think I’ll run into the woods, the next time I’m menstruating
and devour some wolves.
Or throw cotton balls at the Willamette river,
just to see how truly absorbent they are.
I’ll make a contest of it,
like the ol' school one's of "how many jelly beans...

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free verseexperimentalword associationfree formcontemporary

Broken Crystals



Crystals cover the ground


They sky is covered in clouds


They say that white is the color of absence


Just like the caterpillars in the spring,

eating all the pretty leaves,


you in a swift second

blow in

stealing all the color from the sky.


Gorging yourself...

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experimentalcontemporarypoetryfound wordnonsensefree form


Stand back
and let me rise.

Or each glance I throw
will burn through you
like grapefruit acid
spit in both eyes.

I can no longer take the heat,
I am dissipating like the clouds that form each morning
above the Willamette River.

Each morning they are torn apart
and left to there own foolishness.

Soon I too will be an apparition
and you will be pawing at the ea...

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contemporaryfree formword associationfree verseexperimental

Kicking and screaming

Breakfast is moving to Salford. 

The giant polar bear will melt

in about five days.  The landlord

has a firm, settled intention:

by night he dons all the sequins

and feathers, trawling hotspots,

on patrol. No deposit, ever. 

What early trauma ...? Emergency lights:

cowering under a stool in the kitchen. 

(Actona Dodgem Bar Stool on chrome base). 

Did she ...

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experimentalmanchester evening newscut-up

The Word No Is A Long Sentence

for Conscientious Objectors’ Day



‘Ez for war I calls it murder

put under close arrest entered

this place for the word No

is a long sentence six months

hard labour dark as the night


that covers me Did not wear khaki

until forced refusing to be made

into a soldier dragged to the French

coast to make example of Owe

no man anything ente...

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Incident Tape

completely horse a mounted officer

by the home of the beer and burger



cordoned sun and church bells


haptic air


me officer     I was at home

with a nice little anecdote

and a Cabernet Sauvignon

about growing up


            ‘can you prove that

            let’s get bungalowed


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