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Hearts on Fire (Heavy Metal)

In the shadows of the abyss,
where light shatters apart,
hearts ablaze dance softly
in whispers of furious souls.

We cry out to the steel sky,
where pain becomes a song -
blood and steel, love and chaos
in the battle of existence.

Paths of fire and steps of hope:
among echoes of screams,
we awaken the lance.

Echoes of the past
are shackles that bind us,
but we are titans in free...

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shadowslightmetalheavy metalexistenceechoesfatefirepastcrybattle


I can think some portions of the image,
But the words don't exist,
This fear that can't be said.

How the thought can freeze the body,
And not the body the thought.
And any communication describes nothing.

I can say some things that I think,
But others make me mute.
This barrier in my head,
Even I can't cross.

It is like painting a face a single shade of pink.
Like drawin...

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love's tempestvaginismusfear of intimacyperspectivelost for wordsshadows

A Silhouette in Time



On cold winter nights like these

When silhouetted flames of orange and red 

flicker and sway upon the walls 

of a darkened room

The past can find its way back

Seeping out of cracks, long-since filled

Through floorboards, long-since replaced

Soft and hushed, 

ingrained in the periphery

The flames luring memories from shadows 

to join in perfect ambience



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AfterlifeShadowsgenerations past

Shadow Dancing

In the shadow of sleeping Kings, 

soldiers, and poets, 

comes another battlefield day,

man against man, invisible wars,

hell’s fury unleashed among trees. 

Yet, upon the rocky shore,

angels dance and sing,

reminding us there is something more

than misery.

Beauty glints among broken things. 

Hope is on the horizon. 

So on these solemn days, 

let us find something...

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FaithgratitudeHopeleonard cohenpoetsshadowsThanksgiving

Amongst the Shadows

Fields of gold stretch far and wide
Hues of orange speckled with pinks and yellows
Underneath an open sky

You live here in the light
While I place shades upon the bridge of my nose
To block the blinding light
And live amongst the shadows

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Living in the shadow

of someone else’s life

is a safe hiding place,

most of the time. 


You get to observe, 


no fear, no pain. 


Fertile breeding ground

to create art, music, poetry...


Until the shadow turns around,

chases you down, 

strips you naked in front of a

stone-casting society. 


Do you stand erect

in the blinding light...

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The platinum fog surrounds reality’s vision
From life going about its simple disposition.
The echo of death-screams
Can only be heard
While awaiting for light to give back day in reverse.

Death likes to work in the shadows
Using the shrowd
While firing lustrous tipped arrows.

The lost souls have nowhere to hide
As life can’t see the dark between the living-disguise.
A night filled wi...

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Let’s make a pact
let these shadows hold us
swaddled in secrecy
and breathing quickly
I see you draw in close to me
sense those lips loosening
my foundation questioning
the forcefield of your sly grin
and the delicacy of those fingers
upon me

Let’s make a pact
let this moment be our blueprint
to not accept a fading
or a softening of this urgency
I feel that magnetic pull...

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In evening light at still of day

Shadows are sweeping time away.

A man through his window sees it all,

The fading blue, the shadow fall.

At the upper edge of vision

Perfect pearl, divine precision.

As hidden jewel in tapestry,

Shines the orb through the trees.

Two thirds round, white edged, sharp and clean.

The last third blurs into the unseen.

Precise imper...

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I could write

a thousand poems

inspired by your dimples

and the shadows they create


Poems that you 

could never

would never

should never


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The Void

Hey there lonely girl,

what are you doing wandering around

these dark places?

Don’t you know that 

evil lurks about? 

The void is littered

with those who will use you,

abuse you,

scar your soul for eternity. 

Listen to my pleas,

I’m begging on bended knees,

move forward

towards the light,

no matter how tempting

the mysterious

shadows may be. 


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Autumn Thoughts

Black steel

curling wrought iron



Beneath me

coffee steam

and noise



and a poet

sits talking


his foot jiggling

as he gesticulates



autumn sun

shines on wet roofs

and casts

tree shadows

on house walls



the sea is rising


London sinks

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coffeecafebalconyAutumnsunshadowsLondonglobal warmingBrexit

A Dark Night

Kneeling at the window as if in prayer

He looks out at the night

The surrounding trees are black shadows

Barely seen against the indigo of the sky

No stars shine tonight

But an unrisen moon lightens the air a little

With an almost imagined spectral light

Somewhere over the distant lake an owl calls

And calls again

A late moth blunders against the open window


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When I have gone

what waits this room

with its vacuum

                where I sat?



my chair sits sightless

musing at my absence

midst space bereft

                   my music play on?


After I have left

ask my empty bed

all sheeted void

                about my dreams



my mattress dent

minding my long night wraiths

maintain my ...

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The Fire and the Rose

The Fire and the Rose


If death greets us singly, one-by-one, alone

And asks why we should not be taken back,

The brave will say (or else the wiser grown)

That little terror lies along that track;

Since each knows well he lives in separate rooms

Though sometimes letting others stay awhile,

But still the doorway closes as a tomb

Excludes affliction, slights the sinner's ...

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Under the shadows of the day,
You reach up to touch me,
And I fall into the pits of
Illusion and delusion.

However many times
You have shrunk from me
In the swarted day,
I have crawled up for you.

Can I empty my heart of
The vicious poison
These shadows build in me?
Can you take that from me?

Hearts like this in constant
And disparate movement
Are treacherous at best, but

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Shadowscodependenceyin and yanglove and hate

The Man and His Shadow (Or the Shadow and His Man)


I fear the darkness for it harbors all the evil I cannot yet see.
The unseen assailant following the breadcrumb trail unnoticed.
When I walk alone at night my shadow keeps me company. Sometimes, the shadow runs as I still walk slowly. In the shadows he runs, thereafter our shadows dance and twirl anxiously; slowly, our shadow begins to bleed more darkness.

The house of a friend is nearby...

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I fear the darkness for it harbors all the evil I cannot see.
The unseen assailant following the breadcrumb trail in the shadows.
When I walk alone at night my shadow keeps me company. The shadow sometimes runs as I still walk slowly. In the shadows he runs; slowly, our shadow begins to bleed more darkness.

The house of a friend is nearby, I imagine as I crawl bleeding. The...

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By the Duck Pond

old leaves
the curve
of the water
and now
that the rain
has ended
the trees bend
their branches,
heavy with the push
of the fading season,
towards the shadows growing
in the long
fingers of the grass

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the night outside
grows colder
he is sitting
listening to the shadows
move from room
to room

there are edges
along the corners
of the narrowing room
where the yellow
light of the lamp
does not touch

he is tracing
his memory
along the curve
of her wrist

the snow falls
in separate time

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Lost Shadows

Lost Shadows
Shadows were lost
like horses lost at
the end of a painting.
Shadows were lost
at the top of an hill
like a debt of honour.
Paradise lost.
Death soiled.
Shadows were lost
across trenches
treasuring the sun
without speaking its name.
without telling the full story

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