The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The cake

Once upon a time, there was a cake that was not just a cake
It was the cocoa powder, dark and bitter earth
that once was seed, fruit, promise
It was the butter, golden fat, almost alive
melting under touch, like fear or desire
It was the sugar, sweet and cruel
dissolving into itself
like memories that refuse to be remembered

The eggs are cracked, fragile shells of worlds
and from them f...

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My dear homeland, with fields so wide
And rivers that carve through vast, silent tide
On green hills where the calm winds flow
I left my heart in your soil below

Where wheat grows tall, and autumn turns gold
I, far from you, in the cold snow unfold
The distant peaks, where bears are hunted still
Sing in the breeze, a sweet, wistful thrill

Oh, my homeland, why did I leave thee?
With fo...

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Life is Hard,

And Reality?


So take my hand,

Let me take you,

To our Dreamland,

Where worries can't find you,

Fear can't touch you,

Light is all,

That can be seen,

Where you are set free,

To all those impossibilities.

Your Eyes closed in a pretty bliss,

Your hair, Dark as Night,

Tousled over your radiant face,

Your lips curved upwards,

In a ...

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The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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Love Happens

Love happens when you least expect it.

When you have your eyes closed and are looking in the opposite direction.

Love happens even when you shun it. 

Even when you curse it from the pits of hell love happens. 

Love happens and it knows why it came and how long it plans to stay.

When it happens it takes you by storm 

Love happens and with no words

Love happens and when it does


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loveFirst LoveLast loveHeartdreamssweet

Sweet Talk

Smooth like honey,

Your words 

Slip through my soul -


Sweetening the bitter

Soothing the sore.


Your Word

Like honey, nurturing

My bones.


I have a craving in my soul,

A sweet tooth for Your own.


"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith


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lovemental healthmindsetpoetrypositive wordspositivitysweetwords

h e r

this world is a universe

for she is a world 

in herself

at every turn beautiful;

a billion flowers 

in any garden of gloom

would bloom to her smile;

her existence is life

her instance pride

with sadness shied away

the swooned heart

travels miles in a beat; 

every sweet smell 

reminds me of her

the earthy perfume

rain sends forth

the flavored whiff 


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Simply Says


Simple Girl, frankly, says: 
“Life is simple without lies”. 
Lies are always complicated, 
And TRUTH, surely, will rise. 


Simple Girl's heart is warm, 
And brain is normally calm. 
Thinks for her shiny future, 
Happily, without windy storm. 


Simple Girl believes in God. 
Says always a faithful word, 
And purely behaves in life, 
As human does always good. 

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September is for lovers

September is for lovers, I find comfort in the covers cuddled up next to you, maybe too much so because sometimes I even drool, dancing on the couch and watching tv, I love the way you lay your eyes on me, holding hands and taking walks, you're always laughing at my mismatched socks, with you I know I will always feel good enough.

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Fingerprints on our Souls

You may think that friendships will never last
That is, until you rekindle one from your past
Sometimes we disconnect as time goes by
But that isn't any cause to be sad or cry
If destiny and  fate cross your paths once more
You will feel at home again, no longer sore
We leave finger prints on one another's souls
That keep us marked until we are grey and old
Time may hold many turns and cha...

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Friendshiphappylight poemfriendschildhood friendspast friendssweetbreak feom doom and gloom


Buying each other pointless things

chocolates flowers diamond rings

In the hope to share our love

But still it feels it's not enough

We could just forget it 

and we wouldn't regret it 

But those feelings i have make me want to share

love you show you how much i care

It's strange how without you i feel so alone

makes me weep cry and moan

I'm to emotional and sensitive


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cuteheartlovelovelysweetvalentinevalentines day


A purr and nuzzle

She kneads my shoulder gently

She puts me to sleep

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Only in the dark I see the day.

Only in the dark I see the day.
I see the day when the sky is full of stars.
I see the day were you only hear the wind howling smoothly in my window.
The noises of the animals being alive; 
were you can hear only a little the waves of the ocean...
That's when I think of us more deeply. 
Only in the dark I see my dreams flowing closely,
telling me that dreams could be realities waiting for m...

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bfcouplesfamilygfhappinesshappyheyLovenewpeoplepoetsadsweetwhom you love


We enter this world on days when life is slightly kinder

Pushed by our family in our pushchair, 

we are content.

As we've grown, we are given happiness as a gift



We are given happiness with gifts, 

the sweetness of our mother's kiss, 

the softness of a kitten

We were unaware of the concept of age

We gave love willingly, 

our first kiss being messy and conf...

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Short and Sweet

When I regard the short and sweet,

That perfect crossroad given life--

And since the two so seldom meet--

I like to stop and stay awhile.


For what observer could protest

To cherishing a fleeting thing,

And wishing it to stop and rest,

To hold it up and hear it sing?


But recognize its fading glow,

The moment one's excitement peaks,

Then turn around and let it...

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shortsweetfleeting momentsbeauty

Children Of The Glamned (Resurrection Shuffle)

Children Of The Glamned (Resurrection Shuffle)

We found out all we knew about sex
in Youth Clubs and the disco-teques
grinding slowly to T-Rex
pumping from the Teac decks
then with Pans People our flames were fanned
we were the children of the glamned.

A thousand miles we’d gladly travel
for Noddy Holder’s voice of gravel
then watch our hopes and dreams unravel
in brief encounters wi...

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