The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Where Do You Go?

How long have you been there

Living all your life and never thinking

That it is okay to be yourself around people\

That it is okay to laugh and smile


How long did it take you to realize

That where you feel safe is no longer

Living peaceful and secure

It is not okay to laugh or smile


Where do you go to be yourself

If not in your own home

That it is okay to be...

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It is when you give yourself to someone you love and

Know for sure that you feel safe to be with them --- no secrets

There are no worries or sorrows because you know that 

The person you love is honest and they know that

You are honest with yourself too --- self awareness


It is a beginning that is known to last because love cannot break that until

Something in your brain tel...

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It's hard to swallow

I do not know this was going to happen but I know it would happen

I'm just a constant fuck up

It never gets easier

I'm not trying to play the victim

But it feels like it


Today, it's hard to talk to you when it felt so easy yesterday

It's hard to swallow, afraid you'll hear me from across the room

It's hard to look at you because you won't look at me when we couldn't keep ...

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I feel faint; cannot breathe

in this goddamn heat

that it's weird that my body cannot sweat

and I'm left with a headache.


There was no time to swim; to save my life

but I drank fluids to keep away from burning

and stayed in the shade until I

was safely inside with cool air.


Created on June 29, 2018

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I might do it again because I

I might do it again because I

have no self-control over myself

and I feel that my freedom is limited

in this relationship that I cannot

do things that I want to do without

thinking of you first and how it can

affect you. But I am my own person

and I want to be free and drink

whenever I want and party whenever

I can without you worrying about me.


I might do it aga...

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a song for you

oh dar-ling

just a little ball of sunshine

oh dar-ling

the music you play just feels fine


you're the reason that I wake

up ev-er-y day and make

my day feel better

you're the one that I'll take

on walks ev-er-y day and

kiss you forever


oh dar-ling

just a little ball of sunshine

oh dar-ling

the music you play just feels fine


on a dark and rain...

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The Marks

The marks left on my body were to

remind me of you --- that you were for me

but I wasn't for you since I played with

your Heart and messed with your feelings


You left these marks on my body to know

that I was for you to take --- I wanted you to take me away

from my Reality and start over but I played with

your Heart and messed with your feelings


I can still feel t...

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A Sinner's Confession

This never occurred to me before

That I would be doing such thing

But those lips and touch were tempting me

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


Down into hell is where I belong

Because the demon has made me do such thing

But those excuses and pleas won't explain what I did

That I couldn't resist the feeling of his breath


Honestly, it was funny no one ...

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Two college students shop to find some beverages to fill their apartment fridge for the next week,

The man and his wife are showing their daughter a crab and a habitat, planning to surprise her for her ninth birthday,

The father of two daughters decides to buy a dream tent, so they can have sweet dreams at night,

The husband is finding a Valentine’s Day card for his wife,

The boyfriend...

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I am in the night, hiding from the stars.

We are everywhere, far away as Mars.

I let the moon flash beneath my pelt,

And a feeling made me melt.

The clash bursts out, my night in the way.

I am amazed, as you might say.

I see the people cheering, not knowing where we are.


Later on, you see me worldwide

Looking at me like I lied.

It's almost too late, the sun is risin...

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Forgive Me

Forgive me for I have sinned

Against you but I don't regret

Anything that happened

When I drank and kissed him


Nobody was there

It was the perfect opportunity

To be honest, and bare

My truths and breasts


Against his head and lips

The thought of you was never

In my mind, so forgive me

That I sinned and I can't fix


These feelings that I'm feeling


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Goldilocks (and the Three Bears)

She had golden blonde hair,

walked into a forest

and found a house


There were three

bowls of porridge;

cold, hot, and right


There she ate them up,

and fell tired on

chairs of three


One was too big,

the other one too,

the last was just right


There she broke

the chair in pieces

and walked up


There were three

sets of bedding;


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Little Red Riding Hood

No one really knew her real name

not even once


we thought about it

and completely forgot.


The grandmother gave the name ---

Little Red


and not even once

we thought about it.


Created on April 16, 2018

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You and I lived on the same earth

I was the innocent and you were the cursed

Nevertheless, a crush began

Only one knowing, over two years on end

I was invisible, a shadow

I was nothing more

You were the light

You held open the door


But I realized you were lying

You didn't open it

For me, never


You and I lived on the same earth

You were the bastard, and...

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It's hard to explain but

It's hard to explain but

I know what I mean

It's described as a warm feeling

I know what I mean


That feeling when you are wrapped in a blanket by the fire

That feeling when you touch lightly on a patch of dewy grass

That feeling when you touch water at the beach

That feeling when you crunch leaves under your feet


Big as the heart

Loud as the moon

Those beats...

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How can I sleep

How can I sleep,

With you stabbing my heart?

With each jab and sting,

We are slowly falling apart.


We lasted this long

How much longer can we last?

With each cry and tear,

It's like we're drifting so fast.


Created on September 27, 2017

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He won't know

He won't know I


To feel something



He won't know

He won't know I


To the thought

Of him


I miss him

I miss him

I miss him

I miss him

Oh god!


He won't know

He won't know I


To the rule

Of his


Created on February 27, 2018

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A Member From The Past

It pains me to remember

It pains me to forget

It pains me just to see you

But it pains me to regret


You're happy because I'm happy

And I'm supposed to do the same

But it physically hurts to see you smile

That I stopped being the reason for


While I forgot you existed

And then you show up in my face

I drink Captain Morgan's to ease

My feelings and forget ho...

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Revived Feelings

This is the second encounter

That we have seen each other

And my lover is away

Is that a coincidence?


I heard you had left her

Recently you decided to enter

Into my life again

This cannot happen!



I hoped you didn't see me blush

Whenever I looked in your direction

Because these feelings are coming back

And fuck you for smiling at me


Your curls


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Similar Near Death

I feel like I'm on my deathbed;

My teeth in a war zone.

With every scrape,

My eyes start to shed tears

Gums bad to the bone.


There's no way to run

No way to hide.

Blood splatters everywhere

Mouth drowning, teeth chattering.

What a life in the way ride.


I feel numb; this is it.

It's hard to smile

It becomes quiet too long.

I breathe in and out


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