The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.


Breathe, Eric.


Breathe, before the storm sets in

Breathe, before the anger takes over

Breathe, before you lose control.

You don't have to be the monster 

But you have a long way to go 

If you want to calm the storms 

Because the rage 

Does not give up so easily.

These battles are fought one at a time 

We must fight for happiness 

A battle, to keep the p...

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Upon trying to measure

The universe, the infinity itself 

The sheer impossibilities that will 

Inevitably present themselves.

Love is, as immeasurable

As the cosmos itself.

The heart is open 

And the mind is free 

Just remember to breathe 

It's all a bit of fun.

A play on life and love 

Experience it all 

And laugh 

Laugh into eternity 

Vibrate with the sp...

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The only voice inside my head 

Is my own 

But the echoes 

Of my screams 

As the noise dies down 

And I'm left in my own silence 

It's painful 

It's numb 

I'm sick of the negativity

I can't stop hearing it 

I'm screaming at myself constantly 

Like I'm walking around an empty house 

With a can of gasoline 

Soaking every square inch 

Before I prepare myself 


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Nothing More

All I hear is the tinnitus ring 

And a fan 

My heart is beating

But I don't feel alive 

Numb to the pain of being alive 

I assert a separate role

This body laid on the laminate floor 

But my spirit is elsewhere 

Exit the body 

And enter the stratosphere 

Watching a planet 

Peopled with busy lives 

And anxious thoughts 

The pain of lost lives and broken hearts...

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It's funny

How I start to recede 

And lose my voice

Whenever I realize how far I am

From being one of them

I forget how to speak

I forget how to interact

I tell myself I am not one of them

Though I live among them

My family is lost 

Lost somewhere in the void of time

Lost somewhere I can't return

I don't belong anywhere

And yet 

I know I belong everywhere 


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I can feel the whole universe right now

Buzzing under my skin 

I can feel the inner workings 

The greater creation going on 

Flowing through my bloodstream 

I can feel my nervous system 

Connecting my body to the cosmos 

I can feel it all 

I can feel an eternity of light and dark 

The infinite space between 

Being breathed into my lungs

I can feel all of the consci...

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