The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Grow Tired Dreaming

Grow Tired Dreaming


I’m so tired of listening

long gone

sad songs baby boo

Tear stain rain city

Isn’t it a pity that

sleeping my life

I reap what I sow

Grow tired dreaming

Stars in my eyes

Prise open the day

play that song again


Over and over


Over and over

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A Summer Morning

One summer Morning


Came them the young boys in their thousands

One summer morning just like this

Reaching out for a mother’s kiss

The sturdy arm of a father

Came then the bullets and splintering shell

Mud and blood and ripping wire

Into smoke black and buggered hell


They’re still there in the fields beneath the flowers

In their thousands where they fell

In ...

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the somme

Beggars and Thieves



Mouth melting eyes brightening

Blue lightening lost in a star spun moment

Milk white shoulders

Longing and wronging

 Breathing kisses across alabaster warm folding

Night hidden beneath a winter tree

Mars and moon

Red to silver exchanging glances

Lust for love weaving a dream deceiving

Scheming into nowhere stealing one from another

Beggars and thieves

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When Fat Elvis was the King

Beatle mop tops when all you need is love

Rolling Stones not satisfied would ever fade away

In fields of wild strawberry forever hallelujahs ring

In the midnight hour how sweet it was to be loved

Oh yes indeed how sweet it was


LSD purple hearts two a Penny lane

Flower power we made love not war


When fat Elvis was the king


Fashion passion Ray

Really got me ...

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Never Knowing

Twelve on wings of Tuesday

Lay a waste of what of and wherefore

Black and buggered streets all smoking

Came them hard all rough and riding

Cloaked in rain and armed with thunder

Like all men fore and all men after

Honour bound to hold for lifelong

Honour bound never stolen never given

Silver scabbard glinting starshine

Flashing keener yet than pain

Never knowing whe...

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Not a word has been spoken

Within that always moment

Eyes meeting eyes

The moist upon her lip

His smile like morning

Forever passes one to the other

Roaring, splashing, noise and colour

Weaving an electric tapestry

That will bind them both forever

As they part

Returning to the darkness

Never looking back

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Will It Ever Snow Again

Will it ever snow for us again?

My lovely,

My pretty one with tousled hair and skin like milk

Fall upon fall

Spiralling feathers of ice silent as prayer

As arm in arm upon the weaving river path

We laugh toward the sleeping light of home

White over white

Indigo midnight, a thousand stars and moons

Far below winter kisses you

Light, stinging your frozen cheek

Snow u...

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